37. Kim's show to the rescue

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I had reached my apartment a little earlier than usual to clear my head. Talking with Dylan had helped me with the confusions and he supported my idea of not wanting to meet the mystery guy. For all we knew, he could be a murderer or a media guy ready for the hunt.

I had Miles and according to Dylan, he cared for me more than he ever did with anyone. Though my spirits had lifted with those, I needed some alone time to sort things out and just stare at the void in general.

I left for home. Instead of going to the restaurant which was my usual routine, I had veered my direction to the apartment hoping that Miles would understand when I said I had a headache. With everything that went up, my phone had died and I wasn't able to tell Miles not to wait up and then freak out about me.

I quickly took a hot bath to get the stress out of my body before Miles made it here. Most importantly, I didn't want him to see that I had been crying over a letter from a random stranger.

I set out to prepare a good meal at home, to the best of my ability, to make up for my absence in his kitchen tonight. I further went ahead to get my old candles out from the bottom drawer to make it a candle lit dinner. I loved him and I wanted him to know that. I was choosing him. Always.

I stuck my phone to the charger socket and sat at the dining table waiting for Miles to get home. But even after two hours of his usual close time, he hadn't shown up at my door. As time passed, the food that I had cooked for him got cold and so did my patience for him.

I pulled out my phone, which was completely charged now and dialed his number. But the call was never picked from the other side. They all were directing me to the voice mail to leave him a note.

Was Miles avoiding me?

I tensed up. Had anything happened to him while I waited? I called Dylan and Joe for confirmation. But all they knew was he was in his kitchen working till very late. They hadn't seen or heard from him ever since.

What happened?

Had I done something to hurt him?

Yes, of course. The letter. I was sure that Dylan, though he had told me that he was keeping this secret from Miles, had said a few words about it. And I was sure Miles was raging mad with the information. That was the reason why he hadn't called me back or even sent a message that he was not coming over tonight, wasn't it?

I slapped my head hard for being such a pain for him. We were having such a good time and suddenly, everything was up in the air, colliding with each other, randomly pushing us away. But I wasn't making it that easy. I wanted to fight.

I had decided that the letter was of least importance to me. Miles was all I had now and I didn't want to lose him like all the other things that I had lost. I had promised myself that I was never speaking about the letters again, to him or anyone else in general.

It was a worst chapter of my book and I was going to pretend that it didn't exist.

And Miles need not be worried about it, because I didn't harbour any feelings to the anonymity of the person behind those cursive handwritten letters and beautiful flowers.

I had decided that I was going to go to his place, even though I had never been there before. That was how he was going understand that I was serious about the relationship we were in. Heck, it was already months that we were together and yet we had doubts about each other.

I picked up my car keys,. I was going to solve all of them tonight. Once and for all.

I blew on the dancing flames of the candle, not waiting for the flame to burnt out as I pulled out my coat reaching for the door. Just before I could open it, my phone rang loudly startling me. Assuming it to be Miles, I didn't wait around to check the caller ID before I held it to my ear.

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