23. Rules are meant to be broken

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"I knew you did it all for the fame." Miles said, his face twisted into a disgusted frown. "I knew you never liked me like the way I liked you."

"You liked me?" I asked, still confused about it. We were always fighting and flirting, and it had never crossed my mind. "And you don't now?"

"Think about it, Megan." The two syllable word rolled differently this time. "Have I ever been with another woman after you?"

If I thought about it, there was no one. He even took me to all those interviews and shows that he was doing when I was still in the Christmas break. We had laughed and talked all day, not bothering to know what others thought about us.

"But it was all fake... wasn't it?" I asked, anxiety gripping me harder than ever. "You said it yourself."

"I told you I wanted to get to know you, but not like this." He pointed a finger at me. "But I guess it was all for the best. You were a liar, a deceit and a fame hunter."

"Miles!" I shrieked, tears starting to run down my cheeks. "It's not true!"

"What is not true, Megan? Tell me." He said, walking closer to me. He stood only a few inches away from me, his dark eyes burning my skin like a hot charcoal. "You used our relationship to get more customers to your shop. You had three more branches done, all courtesy to me."

"What was I to do if my business grew?" I whispered. Tears leaked and rolled down my cheeks.

"And now, when everything is over, you call the media and say it's all over?" His hands gripped mine. His face was a mask of anger and I shuddered as his eyes roamed my face, trying to find a weak spot.

"I'll give everything back to you." I cried, closing my eyes. "Everything."

"Could you give back the time I genuinely spent on you?" He asked, his voice growing as vicious as a venomous snake. "What about the smiles I had spared on you? You snatched them all away and better yet, there is nothing left. You scraped it all."

"Miles, no." I whispered, but he was unforgiving. I trembled in his grip, begging and pleading, but he was unmerciful. "I'm really sorry."

"You are not!" He pushed me and I fell on the floor.

As I woke up with a jerk; my pillow was drenched with the tears I had shed.


"So, how's it going to work?" I asked, walking towards him.

I had requested him to stay a little distant for at least a week so as to shoo the paparazzi away. And my trick had worked. They cared less about what I did now than they had a few days ago.

My shop was active and with Amber by my side, I felt more confident to face the camera and the occasional questions that were thrown at our shop. Though I didn't understand the idea of him fake dating, I went along with it. It wasn't affecting me in anyway. So, why should I be bothered by it?

Amber was all motherly when she learnt that I had pronounced relationship at that shitty interview. She had become my personal security and often fought with the media when they asked to click my pictures.

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