3. Busy days

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"The area is very big." I noticed. "It'll probably cost you more than what we had discussed over phone."

The garden was almost as big as my apartment with a small fountain in between. There was a swing at the other corner and I wondered if the guy was well off.

"That's no problem." Sebastian said. "My mother likes them fancy anyway."

I smiled sweetly at him. "If you want this done by evening, then I can get to work."

"Sure." He said, pulling out a cheque. He gave me the advance that we had planned before. "I hope you can stay for the party afterwards. You know, like a thank you."

Sebastian looked very handsome with a big beard and I was sure he was a lady charmer. But I had no interest. I was done with men and didn't want to make an exception with him.

"Sorry, I have plans." I said. It was not a lie though. I had a plan to go home early, take a hot shower and sit down in front of the television, watching some nonsense before I fell asleep. "I'm sure the party would be great."

"Yeah, yeah." He said, walking me out. "Thank you for doing this on such a sudden notice."

"No problem." I said. We had sudden notices all the time and, Amber and I was used to it. "But I should warn you that I'm not sure if I can find colourful flowers at such short notice."

"Oh okay, I guess." He shrugged. He clearly didn't know anything about the flowers. "I mean, you are the best people in town for that, and I'll believe you."

I smiled at him as we walked further towards my truck. It was supposed to be a Honda SUV, but I ended up buying a second hand truck to save cost as much as possible. With the truck, it gave me an opportunity to take it to my deliveries without a headache of paying more for transport.

I bid my farewell to him, promising that I would soon be back with reinforcements and decoration supplies to make sure that his party would look decent for his friends and family. Considering the area, it would need to hire a few men to wrap the whole thing in an hour.

I decided to do just that when I would reach back to the boutique. But as I drove back to the wholesale guy, I was thankful that Amber had called them up for a few dozen flowers. She had also hired people for the work and I only had to monitor and coordinate.

I held a meeting with them, showing exactly how the decorations were to be done. I had clicked a few pictures of the place, making sure that the guys understood how it was supposed to look like.

I thanked them, asking to be there at noon to start the decorations where I would join them. They nodded their head and bid me farewell.

I drove my truck back to the shop to see if there were any customers waiting for me. As I neared there, I saw Amber's familiar car parked at the driveway, I heaved a sigh.

"Hey, that was a good call." I said, as I put my bag on the slab, going towards the freezer for a bottle of cold water.

"How many times haven't I told you not to drink ice cold water?" Amber scolded, taking the bottle away from me before I could say a word. "It's not good for your throat."

I rolled my eyes as she gave me her water bottle which was at room temperature. Ideally, I would have agreed with her, but I always felt that cold water would rejuvenate my mind. It was next to my favorite green lemon tea when I was stressed out.

"Do you really want to go there at noon to monitor them?" Amber asked, as she folded a plastic sheet making a new bouquet. I always wanted to change the use of plastic but I hadn't found an alternative that would last even after sprinkling water around it. "I think they know what they are doing. After all, it's not their first job."

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