57. Tell me with flowers

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"It's always fun seeing him simmer down his anger for the public." Dylan said, as he took my waist and pulled me closer to him. He turned around to see if Miles was watching. "Especially when it's you. Look, he's watching."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his ideas. Dylan, Joe and Miles. Best friends turned to co-workers. Out of the three Dylan was the guy with a dirty mind while Joe was a saint. Miles came with a combination of both – something that always made me drift towards him even in the sea of crowds.

"One Martini with extra olives." I said to the bartender who was raking over my body like a hungry wolf. I only rolled my eyes at him. "Make it quick, alright? My boyfriend won't like it if you are late."

The bartender nodded his head as he gulped down his saliva, his eyes quickly averting to the other side. Dylan chuckled next to me, letting go of my waist. "You are so feisty. Though I understand why Miles is so worried when you go out alone, he clearly doesn't have to fear."

"Try saying that to him." I said as Dylan ordered his drink.

With the way Dylan held his drink, I could tell that he was a heavy drinker. Though he had gulped down four shots of something strong, he was still standing tall next to me, claiming to protect me if someone were to make a move. It became funny after the fifth drink since he started talking nonsense.

After five minutes of laughing to his stupid jokes, I turned around to see if Miles was anywhere nearby. Now, I needed protection from Dill who was making lame jokes which weren't even funny anymore. But Miles was with the investors, talking animatedly. I sighed. I didn't want to look clingy and take him away from business.

"Look. There's a girl eyeing at you." I mentioned to Dill. She had been watching Dylan for the past half hour and I was sure that he would be interested.

"I'll have to rain check on our date, sweetheart." Dylan muttered, kissing my cheek before fleeing away to the girl who had been staring at him.

I asked for another Martini, looking at how fast Dylan had charmed her even when he was drunk till his eye sockets.

"You look good, Megan." A voice towards my left, startled me.

I cursed under my breath wondering if it had been Miles' father. Though I had insisted on meeting him, Miles had said that it wasn't necessary after what he had done to him with his last girlfriend. He was scared that he might shoo me away too.

I slowly turned around to see a strange man whom I hadn't met before. He was good looking with a goatee on his chin. His eyes twinkled in a haze – he was clearly drunk, for his words were slurred. He eyed me in an uncomfortable way and suddenly I missed my bodyguard for the day.

"Wow, you look really good." He said again, lifting his glass to his lips. "No wonder Miles wants to stay indoors."

"I'm sorry." I cleared my throat. Even though I was shaking inside, I put on a brave face for a show. "I don't recognize you. Have we met before?"

"Oh! Shit!" He cursed out loud and then laughed. "Where are my manners?" He hit his head with his left hand. The vodka in his right hand spilled around him as he did. "I'm Austen, Miles' secretory."

Whoa. Miles needed to change this one, asap. He didn't look like a PA in any way. But then again, it wasn't my place to say what Miles needed to do. So, I just nodded my head with a tight smile. "Nice to meet you, Austen. Sorry, but I need to go."

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