17. December Wedding

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Amber was at the counter talking to the boys regarding the arrangements. She looked too stressed for someone who was at a wedding.

"Nice work." I said, as I reached her. The shower had felt really good, and all the foul moods were thrown out of the window. Though there was a slight headache, I was sure the good medicine would do the trick soon. "Looks good, Amb."

"Megan!" She cried as she turned to look at me. A wave of relief was flooded on her face, and I couldn't help but smile as she hugged me. "Megan, I'm glad that you are okay."

"Of course, I am okay. What makes you feel that?" I asked, looking at her in confusion.

"Miles had called me earlier yesterday telling that you were kind of not well and had fainted." She said, concern etched on her pretty face. "He got my number from Laura and had called me to his place." She continued. "What happened to you?

"It's... um... long story." I admitted and then I turned around thinking. "So, you were the one to change me up?"

"Yeah." She said, shrugging as if it was obvious. Then she cocked one eyebrow at me, teasingly. "Did you have any other ideas?"

"Get to work." I rolled my eyes at her. She only chuckled and ran me the things that were arranged so far.

"What happened at your parents?" She asked after some time. "Is that why..."

"Later." I muttered, rubbing my head at its sudden ache at the mention of my family. If it continued, I would have broken down at the very spot, not able to recover. "What's happened here?"

Amber started off, noticing my mood. The decorations for yesterday had gone well except that the flowers, which were supposed to be white in color were lightly yellow which did not go with Laura's dress. Apparently, the groom's parents noticed and asked Amber about that.

Of course, she had put the blame on me for my absence. That meant, I had to deal with that too. Thankfully, Amber had collected the info on the bride's dress and hair style which was vintage with a modern touch to it.

Only the flowers which the bride held were to be perfected, other than that everything was in sync.

I had already seen Laura's wedding dress in a photo that Amber had got. I had a fair idea for the flowers she was to hold. I told Amber about it, and she was more than okay to get those flowers for me.

As I talked animatedly, giving instructions, I saw Rachel, the wedding planner, come up to me.

"Megan, Thank God, you're back." Rachel said with a sigh of relief. "You have no idea how much your friend messed up.

"That was her first. And I'm sorry for all this." I defended my best friend. "Nice work with the snow."

She prided on herself. "Yeah, it was best to have ice sculptures when the weather demanded it."

At the mention of ice sculptures, my face turned into a small smile. I still remembered how Miles had dragged me to see that crooked museum in the name of saving him.

"Anyway, the bride needs the bouquet in ten minutes." Rachel said, running her hands through her hair. She held a hand to me and pointed her index finger to her ear where her microphone was held. "Get it done, Megan."

I nodded and gave a few more pointers to Amber and the decorators before Amber went to fetch the things I had asked her to. As soon as the flowers were by my side, I did a nice bouquet and picking up two hydrangea I was on the way.

This was the zone that was completely mine. All my previous problems and heart aches were forgotten as a waft of flowers lingered in the air. As I walked into the bride's room, the headache that I suffered was almost gone. I clutched my handbag for safety measures as I walked ahead. Knowing Laura, I knew it would come in handy.

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