47. Surprise Visit

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I walked around the kitchen as I held a cup of warm water in my hands. I placed the tea bag into the cup, dipping it thrice before I took it completely off and threw it in the dustbin. Miles often said that I had to keep the tea bag in the water for more time to let its ingredients soak. And as always, I ignored him telling him to keep his rules in his kitchen and not mine.

I sipped on the tea and sighed. It tasted as good as I hoped for.

My cell phone rang and I walked back to the dining hall to fetch my phone. As soon as I held it to my ear, Amber started off without a formal greeting.

"So, I'm not coming to the shop today." She said. "I'm taking a day off."

"Okay, but why is that?" I asked, biting my lip from grinning.

I knew exactly why she needed a day off. Last week when I was hurrying off to meet Laura, I had seen Zack come to the shop, trying to woo Amber back. Though I was sure he had found a place in her heart again on Laura's delivery, Amber had put up an angry face to just spite him.

"Oh, come on." She whined. "You know why?" When I didn't say anything back, I heard her huff, probably stamping her foot too. "Fine, I'm going out with Zack."

"Really?" I feigned surprise. "Last time I talked with you, you said that you wanted to bury him alive."

"Megan!" She shouted at me, clearly irritated with my questions. "Who said I'm not going to bury him? But I'll do it probably with something else, not with my initial plan."

I laughed at her absurd answers. "Fine. Go have some fun." I smiled. "And for once, give poor Zack a break. He's already heads over heels for you."

"Not as much as Miles." She said and I could almost see her roll her eyes. "He didn't even say a word when you volunteered to go to Laura every day. And even when we know how much it irks him that you go out with the clients, he lets you do it."

"Oh, please." I said, rolling my eyes at the white window of the kitchen. There was a bird sitting on the windowpane and I went near it, only to make it fly away. "You have no idea."

"That's how much he cares for you." Amber said, ignoring my words. "I just wish that Zack will too, at least one day."

"If he doesn't, make sure you make him do." I shrugged, knowing pretty well that she would do that same thing even without me telling her. "Besides, I know you like him."

"Crap, yes!" She said, making me laugh at her. "Anyway, I'm going today and will update everything to you tomorrow. How's that?"

"I'll be waiting for it." I smiled.

"Hey, babe." Miles walked behind me, having just woken up. He put his hands around my waist holding me in place. With a single finger, he scooped up my hair and put it on the other side of my shoulder and he pecked my neck, making me want to moan. I had to bite my lip to hide my frustration. "You smell of me. I like it."

"Zack asked if we should go for a movie or for a flower exhibition." Amber said. "I said a movie was a better change of scenery for me. Don't you think so?"

"Um... yeah." I breathed.

I heard Miles snicker behind me, his breath fanning my neck. His hands moved under the shirt I was wearing. When his hands made contact with my bare skin, I could feel his heart rate accelerate behind me. Goosebumps erupted on me, making every hair on my body stand in attention to his stingy touches.

"You are wearing my shirt." He murmured as he traced circles on my skin. "Only my shirt."

I clutched the phone tighter in my hands, trying to get a hold on myself. But it was too hard with Miles behind me, making me forget the whole world as he dipped his head again to kiss the soft spot behind my ear. His other hand, went to unbutton the shirt I was wearing and my breath hitched.

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