19. A little extra something

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"I can't believe that you made me go through that hell of yours." I shouted as soon as I entered Smith's residence.

I had been living with them for the winter when Amber was kind enough to pour all of my miseries to them. Traitor. They had emotionally blackmailed me and had made me stay at their place for time being.

Amber was visiting Zack's folks in Philippines and the last time I called her, she was really loving it there... while she had made me suffer here.

"Didn't I tell you that there would be a big snow-storm coming this eve, honey?" Smith said, and Hannah started laughing.

"Don't you dare, old man! First you tell me to go and get a change of environment and then you back-stab me by making me go to some idiotic cooking class?" I was breathing heavily as I said all that in one breath. "I still doubt which side you are playing!"

Ever since I had come back from the wedding, I was as low as the Challenger Deep. With no shop and a lot of free time in hand, I had never left the room that the Smith's had let me have. Not able to withstand my lazy ass any further, Smith had told me about some workshop that would keep me occupied.

But never in my wild dreams I had thought he would have planned this.

"Honey." Hannah said as she came and motioned me to sit down. I obliged. "Cooking was my idea. I just did that - "

"Fantastic." I said, dumping my scarf and my bag on the dining table, taking a seat there.

"I just did that so as to make you interested in it." She continued anyway. "With cooking, at least you can gain a few pounds." She winked.

"Well, you should have asked us what classes you were going for." Smith gave an innocent smile. "Or at least checked it in the receipt."

"I trusted you guys." I closed my eyes.

It was plain humiliation there. In spite of attending the classes, Miles was sure to get me embarrassed in front of the whole class. Now, everyone knew that I knew next to nothing in cooking.

What are they going to talk about me behind my back, now?

I cursed myself for being so reckless about all this. Especially when Smith was hiding his excitement when I said that I would attend.

It was a trap from the beginning!

"Go for a few days, and if you don't like it, you can quit." Hannah offered, running her hands over my head. "It's only for three weeks, and then you have your shop, isn't it? Just try."

It was a possibility, and I would have agreed with her wholeheartedly, if it wasn't for Miles. I didn't know what he wanted from me.

We were polite and friendly at the beginning. But my one drunken misstep had costed me too much. And that was the time when I found out the real Miles who was hiding behind that gentleman smiles and attitudes.

"Come on, Megan." Smith sighed, putting all his smiles and laughs away. "Be a good sport. Yes, you don't know cooking and you joined a class for learning it. What's bad in that?"

That I was the only girl who knew shit about cooking? That I was having an extra class for I don't know how long? Or the fact that Miles-the-charmer was there to monitor my move and call bluff every time?

I didn't know.

I didn't want to tell them about this extra class. I was humiliated enough to let them know. I wanted some time to think about it and I wanted my spot next to my ferns back at my apartment to do my thinking.

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