53. Forgoing the worse for the better

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"I thought he had kidnapped you and was holding you hostage." Smith said as he sat next to me. "I wanted to go to the police about it."

"I can hear you, Smith." Miles shouted from the kitchen.

Since it had been ages, I visited Smith and Miles had been a sweetheart to surprise them. We had gone to their place in the evening after calling it a day early for both of us. Though Miles had promised me not to doubt me, I could tell that it wasn't easy for him.

He was there at the shop when he didn't have other work. Like a bodyguard, he always stood next to me with an intimidating look to the guys who came to visit. Amber found it funny enough to keep him at the shop, but I was looking for a way to throw him out.

I knew I was at fault too. Even after knowing his anxieties, I had gone ahead to have turf survey with the clients. I knew my field of work entailed all of it, but I had to find a way to make this work. Either Miles had to trust my instincts and have faith in me, or I had to find some alternative.

I couldn't let all of this fall on Amber's shoulder since I was the one who was responsible for the designing. That meant I would have to video call the person and look at the site. I heaved a sigh. It wasn't going to be the same, but that might have to do.

"She has hardly come by here." Smith said, waving his hands in the air. "What do you think?"

"That she has had hardly any time to think about others when I'm in her mind." Miles said smoothly as he whisked the batter.

Hannah chuckled at him, obviously impressed with him. Miles had promised Hannah to accompany her in the kitchen. It had taken a lot of time for them to decide on what to do. They had finally settled on Hannah's famous apple pie as Miles said he would tell her some secret recipe for that.

I had taken the background, hanging out with Smith as the two chefs of the house sat down to business.

"In your dreams, Miles." I rolled my eyes, but the smile in my face was evident. Miles only laughed, winking at me before returning to his work.

"So, how's everything kiddo?" Smith asked when he came to know that Miles and Hannah were busy in the kitchen. "All good?"

"Yeah." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"These reporters don't have any other work, I tell you." Smith pointed towards the television. "They make big story out of nothing."

"That's true." I chuckled.

"How's Amber and Zack?" Smith quickly changed the subject. "They were on a fight last time I spoke to her."

"They are good." I nodded my head. "They fight and then they make up."

Smith made a face while I only laughed at him.

"Darling, come taste this." Miles called me from the kitchen and I got up from the couch to reach him. "Do you think it's too sweet or should we make it less sour?"

Miles put the batter on his index finger and pointed it to me. I promptly opened my mouth to him, licking off the batter. As my tongue touched his fingers, I could see Miles' eyes dilate. It was clearly a bad idea. "Mmn." I moaned, much to our discomfort.

Miles only cleared his throat, looking at Hannah in discomfort. "So... um... what do you think?"

"It is perfect." I could feel the shift in the air around us. But Hannah was quick to break it for us.

"Don't start off a food fight now." She chided. When I looked at her, she winked at me, making my cheeks heat up. "I think I left the water jug in the hall."

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