38. Confession behind the letter

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It had been exactly two days since the interview and the bitterness hadn't left me. I had been avoiding meeting her and even talking to her. I had forwarded all her calls to my voicemail and had buried myself into my works and liquor. As usual.

They took my mind off her for a while.

Yet, I couldn't believe that she had gone behind my back with my best friend. How had Dill agreed to it? I hated him and even when he had tried calling and meeting me, I had avoided him just like I had avoided Megan. With him, avoiding became easier.

But those calls and the urge to reach out from both the parties were only for a day. They had eventually stopped after that.

Shouldn't they have called continuously till they were forgiven?

I breathed fire every time I thought about those two. I hadn't cared much about the other guys because I knew they always flirted with her. I had seen them with my own eyes. But Dylan?

The way his hands went around her waist as if to catch her off guard. The way he had held her against his chest as if she were his girl. The way he had closed his eyes, enjoying the alone moment with her. The way the door sign was closed instead of open even when it wasn't the time for the shop to close.

It ate me alive. Those images were imprinted in my memory and it burned my soul.

There were only two photos of them. How many times had the gone out without getting caught? Were they texting each other before this? Did they love each other?

Questions spiralled around my head and the fact that I didn't know the answers to them made me furious. Megan was supposed to be mine and I loved her. I had told him too and yet, he had taken things further.

I had held the interview just to stop those people from gossiping. My mind was enough for that and I didn't want them to feed my already speedy imaginations. I had told them that we were still together, and I even went ahead to defend her when I, myself didn't believe those words.

I didn't want anyone else to talk nonsense about her. Or about anyone else for that matter. It was one of the reasons why I had kept Shelly looting me a secret. No one deserved to be bad mouthed. Especially when they were in the limelight.

I gulped down another drink as I thought about the news that had spread overnight. They had marred the character of my girl. It was just a fucking hug! They had portrayed it as if they were kissing or naked under the sheets!

For a second, I didn't know if I was defending her or complaining about her.

"Miles, what are you doing?" Dylan and Joe had entered the room and the faces brought back memories that I had tried to forget with the drinks.

"You!" I stood up, reaching for Dylan. "Asshole! What were you doing with my girlfriend?" I held on to his collar, pulling it towards me, as we stood nose to nose. "She is mine! Mine!"

"Miles, leave him." Joe pleaded, but I was in no mood to listen to him. "Guys, please. Just stop!"

"She was crying when I reached her!" Dylan shouted.

"And you took it as your opportunity?" I asked. "Like you always do?" I tightened my hold, shaking him to let him answer me. "You go and fuck all other girls in the town, have I ever asked a word about it? Yet, you..."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Dylan wriggled under my hold, but I wasn't letting him go. I was mad and if Joe wasn't around, shaking me from him, I would have smashed Dylan's face right then and there.

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