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For the whole day, Tony had been monitoring the trackers on Peter and y/n's suits. He couldn't help it, he didn't want the kid to get hurt. Steve had tried to drag him away from it, but nothing seemed to work. Well, nothing until Bruce suddenly rushed in to the missions room...

Soon enough, Bruce, Steve, and Tony where gathered in one of the meeting rooms. Bruce had advised that they didn't get the whole team to be involved just yet. Banner was seemed almost excited, pulling up several different images and files on the display screens. "After the incident in the lab last week, I thought that y/n's blood sample had been destroyed. But it hadn't." Bruce grinned, focusing on pulling up the right things and entering a few passwords. Tony glanced over at Steve with a confused look, but he only earnt a simple shrug back. "So I ran some tests, and after some digging I managed to find information on y/n." He explained, pulling up what seemed to be an image of an old passport. The passport photo was a three-year-old y/n. It was adorable, but it was obviously her. The details on the passport confirmed her first and last name, but also showed her birthdate. 10th of May, 1915. Steve's eyes widened as he read the birthdate, seeming almost in shock. "She's older than me?" He asked, leaning forward to read the birthdate again just in case. "But how does she look so young?" Steve questioned, causing Tony to laugh a little. "We could say the same about you, capsicle!" He teased. Bruce quickly butted in before the pair begun to bicker, actually wanting to get his information across. "Well, the passport also shows that she's from Sweden. Which might not sound important, but I did some more digging and found some old 'stories' talking about y/n." Bruce explained, pulling up an old tale that seemed to be out of a storybook.

'There once was a little girl who could move things with her mind. The little witch was once a normal girl with her family, until she noticed something small hopping across the road. A rabbit. There was a truck hurtling toward the tiny creature, unable to stop in time. And the little witch did the unthinkable. She ran out to the road and over to the frightened creature, scooping it up in her tiny arms as she reached her hand out in attempt to stop the hurtling truck. And it did. The truck suddenly came to an immediate stop by the command of her hand. Everyone watched the little witch in awe, yet she was not aware of the power she held. Peacefully settling the rabbit away from the road before making her way back toward her parents. But, nobody ever saw the little witch again after that day. Maybe she's still out there, helping when trouble comes to you...'

Of course y/n wasn't a witch, but that was the only logical explanation they had at the time. Bruce allowed time for the pair to read before speaking up again. This time pulling up a few local newspapers detailing almost the exact story from the storybook. "This was a real thing y/n did. If we go by the articles she would've been only four at the time, which explains why she didn't really take any notice to what she did." He hummed. "This is where things go south, because there was a reason y/n wasn't seen again." Bruce pulled up a few articles detailing an 'apartment bombing', causing Steve's face to fall a little out of sympathy as he begun to read. 

The main article detailed a sudden bombing on a Sunday evening in 1920. It talked about how nobody in the apartment survived, and showed images of each casualty. And there right in the middle of her parents was y/n. However the article also talked about some suspicious-looking men hanging around outside the apartment building moments before, but nobody could seem to identify them.

"Of course y/n didn't die. But this explains why she's been able to stay so hidden for all these years, everyone she knew thought she died." Bruce sighed. "I'm guessing that the men were from Hydra, and that she left with them. But that's as far as information goes before things get a bit blurry." He shrugged. Tony frowned, glancing down at the table as he tried to image what it would've been like for the poor kid. "So that means Hydra is basically all she's ever known." He murmured, earning a sad nod from Bruce. "There's a few more things, but they're more of a guess than anything else, so I'd rather go through that with y/n when we get the time." Bruce suggested, taking the images off of the display before anyone could walk in. Steve nodded with a sigh as he begun to get up from where he was sat. "Good idea, but maybe not tonight? We don't know how tired she's going to be after today, and I don't want to accidentally trigger another 'incident'." Steve hummed with a slight smile. 

Steve was soon making his way down the hallways back to the main part of the compound. Hoping to find Bucky. All the talk about y/n's past had him thinking about his past with Bucky. At least Bucky had him to fill in the blanks when it came to his past, but all y/n had was her mind. He felt terrible for her. She had nobody that could've known her. Too young to make lifelong friends, and no other family members to keep the name going. All y/n was was an old folk story. That must hurt, so, so much. Steve sighed a little to himself, pushing open the door to the kitchen to find Bucky.

Bucky, Sam, Wanda, and Vision were in the kitchen. Wanda didn't want Bucky to just be sat around in his own mind all day, so she'd decided to make a cooking competition. Bucky and Wanda were one team, and Sam and Vision were the other. But it seemed to be going a little messier than planned. And, just as Steve walked in, Sam had poured almost a whole bag of flour on to Bucky's head. Bucky gasped, wiping the flour out of his eyes as he grumbled under his breath. The other three were laughing along, not noticing Steve in the doorway yet. "Don't grumble, say what you wanna say! What's going on in the cyborg brain of yours? I can hear the gears turning!" Sam teased, making his way back to where him and Vision were working. Bucky rolled his eyes as he shook the flour out of his hair. "Sam, your teammate is literally a robot."

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