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"Open that damn door!"

The doors were far too reinforced. They had been designed to withstand any and all of y/n's powers, so there was no way a normal person could knock it down, but that didn't stop the guards from trying.

They'd been alerted by the loud yelling and crashing coming from the man in the suit's office. The whole facility had. It was loud enough to feel the bass in the ground. However, the man in the suit's voice was never heard. No pained noises, no screams, nothing. The only voice that could be heard was y/n's. She screamed, shouted, shrieked, yelled. But none of it was out of fear. It was fuelled by dark, deep anger.

Young y/n had been evacuated out of her room out of fear that she'd also get injured due to the two-way mirror. The little girl was shaking, tears pouring down her cheeks as she was hurried away from her room and down the winding hallways. "What's happening?" She asked, her bare feet pattering against the ground. She could barely keep up with the guard that was protecting her, and if it wasn't for the fact that he had a bruising grip on her arm, she would've fallen.

All the little girl could think about was her parents. The crashes sounded so similar to the bombs that killed them, and the screaming just made it even more scary. However, she wasn't scared for the man in the suit. Yes, she trusted him, and yes, she listened to every word, but that didn't mean that she wasn't terrified of him. There was still a small spark inside of her that was desperate to go home, desperate to get away from the nightmarish facility that he kept her in. The idea that someone was hurting him didn't upset her. The only thing that was really keeping her alert was the fact that the woman shouting sounded extremely similar to her mother.

The guards continued to yell as they desperately tried to open the door, even commanding some of their men to shoot at it, but nothing worked. They tried to use different weapons and pieces of furniture to ram the door open, causing the crashes to ring out even louder across the facility. "Open the door!" The main commander repeated over and over again, kicking the metal door as hard as he possibly could.

However, as young y/n continued to be dragged down the winding hallways, everything went silent. Everything went completely silent. No more yelling, no more crashes, nothing. Nothing at all.

The little girl frowned in confusion, turning her head in a desperate attempt to see if she could spot anything. She knew that she'd turned far too many corners to be able to see her room anymore, but she still wanted to check. It felt far too quiet. And, just as she turned her head, she noticed someone that looked extremely out of place, yet she looked so familiar.



Just as the silence struck, the door to the office was unlocked. It wasn't unlocked by any of the guards, though. It seemed to have been someone inside.

All of the guards stood in surprise, all preparing to shoot at whoever had just attacked the man in the suit. It was an eerie, uncomfortable silence. Nobody wanted to push open the door. Nobody wanted to find out who was inside. That was far above their pay grade. But they had no choice. They had sworn to protect the man in the suit, and that was exactly what they were going to do.

The main commander opened the door gently with his foot, holding his breath as the door slowly swung open. He held his spare hand up into the air, signalling for his men to hold fire until they got a perfect sight of the aggressor. They couldn't just shoot blindly into the room, they had a risk of shooting the man in the suit. He had a face of steel, but he was terrified. That person sounded like they were out for blood, and their boss was supposed to be the hardest person to kill.

As soon as the door swung open, a cloud of thick, dark smoke billowed out. It rushed into the hallway, plaguing the lungs of many of the guards as it passed, but that wasn't the main focus. That wasn't the main focus at all. If there was smoke, there was fire.

However, nothing could prepare them for the sight that they saw once the smoke cleared.

The whole office was destroyed. It looked like a bomb had exploded. Most of the furniture was completely destroyed and tossed across the room, but if it wasn't, it was either on fire or completely charred. The thick concrete walls had cracks and dents big enough for it to seem like the whole room was going to cave in on itself at any given moment. Heavy splatters of blood caked the walls, glistening in the light of the flames as it slowly dripped to the floor. The two-way mirror somehow hadn't been smashed, but the word 'monster' had been written in every single language that y/n had been taught during her time in Hydra, all in the man in the suit's blood.

The most gruesome sight of all was of course the man in the suit, and with every second that they looked, more and more details seemed to jump out at them.

His body had been propped up so it seemed as if he was sat with his back pressed up against the wall, his head hanging low. His suit had been ripped and burnt so much that nobody could've guessed that he was wearing such a prestigious suit just moments before. His once white shirt was stained with blood and soot, his leather shoes had been melted onto his feet, and his gloves had been stapled to his hands using a stapler than y/n found. Every inch of his skin had been scorched, mangled, and slashed. Y/n's handprint was branded into his neck, and bruising outlines of her fists had been printed onto his face.

But he wasn't dead.

As much as she wanted to give him the final blow, she couldn't, so she left him so severely injured that he would've wished that he died.

You see, he was right with one thing. If he died, he would simply be replaced by another man. Y/n couldn't risk the odds of a different person controlling her for that long. There was a chance that she would've never met Bucky. That she was never saved by the Avengers. She couldn't risk it, so she made as much damage as possible.


The little girl's eyes stayed fixed on the woman in the hallway, trying her hardest to slow down the guard so she could get a proper look. Her eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, tilting her head to the side.

Y/n was covered in blood and soot. Her knuckles were bruised a deep, deep purple, but that was barely visible under all of the blood. Despite all of the blood, there were no cuts or injuries on her except for her bruised knuckles. All of the blood belonged to the man in the suit. Tears of pure anger rolled down her cheeks, a sheen of sweat glistening on her forehead under the yellow lights. But, y/n didn't move.

She simply stood there and stared at the younger version of herself. There was nothing that she could do without risking never meeting Bucky. Hell, she couldn't even touch her without risking the little girl taking in all of her powers. A weak smile appeared on y/n's face, nodding to the little girl as she waved at her with her spare hand, the other holding the briefcase that contained the Tesseract. She wanted to say something, anything. But she couldn't without alerting the guard dragging the little girl away. So instead she decided to tap in to Wanda's telepathic abilities.

"You'll be okay." Y/n spoke through telepathy, expecting the young girl to freak out, but she didn't. She simply nodded, giving y/n a small wave before she was dragged around another corner by the guard.

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