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"Come on! We've got work to do, let's have some fun with it!" 'Alice' exclaimed with a happy smile. "Lukas, turn some music on for them, will you? They're the ones printing our money, they should be able to enjoy it!" She cooed, waving her gun around as if it was a toy. 

The hostages had been moved into the printing room, and this was where the 'fun' began. Money was continuously printed, marked, and packed into vacuum-sealed bags. A perfect, clear plan. The captors had a reason for keep so many hostage - more free labour. It was a surprisingly smart plan, not something that an inexperienced criminal could come up with. 

Wanda was now one of those hostages, working hard to pack and seal each bag. She had no idea what to do. She'd lost y/n, and had no communication with the outside. She was stuck. Of course she could easily use her powers to teleport out or blast her way out, but both came with a risk. The first risk being one of the captor catching her teleporting in or out, and the second being the sheer amount of casualties from a blast. Wanda took a shaky breath, quickly blinking back the tears that begun to form in her eyes. She wasn't even able to give Vision a proper goodbye that morning. The last thing she said to Steve was a joke to make him uncomfortable. Everything had gone to shit, just like everything else in her life. Just like her parents, just like Pietro - and now y/n was gone too. Wanda quickly shook her head in attempt to shake away the bad thoughts, sitting up a little straighter in her chair. She couldn't think like that. Not yet. 

'Alice' was dancing around the printing room, laughing as some of the other captors joined in with her. She strolled toward one of the tables, grabbing a stack of money and sniffing it with a satisfied sigh. "Fresh cash. Smells good, doesn't it?" She hummed, holding it out for a hostage to smell. Y/n would never admit it, but she was actually finding it fun. Of course the dancing was an act, but being on the right end of a heist was quite a fun experience. Bucky was right, she always enjoyed missions when they got there. But, y/n knew she had to stay on track. The original plan may have gone completely wrong, but she could work out another one - especially now that she had an advantage. 

Wanda was hunched over one of the tables, just trying to keep her head down and blend in for now. But, her plans to keep her head down were swiftly halted by a pair of boots stepping into her line of vision. She froze, gulping slightly as she slowly looked up to see who it was. Only seeming to tense further at the face smiling down at her. It was the woman that took y/n away. She was probably here to weed her out too. "Hi." 'Alice' grinned, holding tightly onto her gun. Wanda gripped onto the stack of money she had tightly, too scared to break eye contact with the woman. "Hello." Wanda forced out in a shaky tone, but the woman could see right through it. She knew she could. "Oh, don't be scared, we just want everyone to be comfortable here." 'Alice' cooed, reaching out to take the money out of Wanda's hands. "Here, let's go get you some fresh air, shall we? Maybe then you won't be so nervous." She suggested, holding a hand out for Wanda to take. Wanda stared at the hand for a few moments, she knew she couldn't refuse, but she also knew as soon as she took that hand the woman was going to kill her, just like she did to y/n. "Come on. You'll feel better after, I promise. Fresh air never killed anyone." The woman cooed, smiling as Wanda finally took her hand.

As they walked down the long, winding hallways of the bank, all Wanda could hear was her heartbeat. Pure adrenaline running through her as the sound of music and money printers faded into the silence. This was where she was going to die. No, she could fight this woman. Why had she convinced herself she was so weak? She could overpower this woman easily. But she had to act fast, before anybody else to come check on them. Wanda just needed to get out of the bank, before anything else went wrong. She took a deep breath, an orb of energy beginning to form in her palm as she was led down the dark hallways. She had to strike. Wanda begun to count down in her head, her breath beginning to quicken as she prepared herself to fight. She could do this, easy. Just blast the woman and teleport out. That's all she needed to do.

'Alice' soon stopped once they reached a dead end in one of the winding hallways. Letting go of Wanda's hand. She took a few steps forward, planning on opening the door to an office so they could have a bit more privacy. "Don't move. I don't want to hurt you more than I have to." Wanda suddenly commanded from behind her, causing the woman to freeze. "Put your gun on the ground, and turn around." Wanda snapped, energy orbs in both palms, ready to attack. 'Alice' slowly bent down, setting the gun on the floor as instructed. "Wanda-" The woman begun, slowly turning around with her hands up in surrender. "How do you know my name?!" Wanda asked, pure anger in her eyes. Her suspicions were correct, the woman was planning to weed her out. "Because it's me. It's y/n." 'Alice' said in a careful tone. 

Wanda watched as y/n shapeshifted back into her original self, her eyes wide in shock. The energy orbs quickly disappeared, relief washing over her. "Oh my god. Y/n I-" Wanda started, but was quickly engulfed in a tight hug by y/n. "I thought they'd killed you." She whispered, burying her face into y/n's shoulder. Y/n let out a slight breath of surprise, hugging Wanda as tight as she could. "You really think I would've let one person kill me? Someone with no powers?" She teased, causing Wanda to laugh through the tears of relief. Y/n pulled away from the hug, cupping Wanda's face in her hands as she wiped Wanda's tears with her thumbs. "I've got to say, that snappy Wanda I just saw was pretty scary, you'd be a great mom with that angry look." Y/n laughed. Wanda shook her head fondly, giggling as she let y/n wipe her tears away.  

They were fine. They were both fine. Well, as fine as they could be for being in the middle of a bank heist. But, outside of the bank was another story.... 

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