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Y/n and Bucky talked as they ate the food and snacks Bucky had set out. he conversation was smooth, flitting from topic to topic without any awkwardness to it - which was what Bucky had been nervous about. Steve told him that he was stupid for worrying, they spent almost every hour together, of course it wasn't going to be awkward, but Bucky still stressed anyway. He just wanted everything to be perfect. 

"Thank you, Buck. For all of this." Y/n smiled, gesturing to the picnic and the amazing view. "Maybe I'll forgive you for forcing me to take a day off." She teased, stealing Bucky's cap and setting it on her own head. Bucky chuckled and shook his head fondly. His eyes were trained on his metal arm as he tried to cover it with a towel, wanting to protect it from the sun. Just like a seatbelt buckle that had been sat in the sun for too long, his arm could get scalding hot, which wasn't very comfortable. But he'd endure it so he could have a good day with y/n. "Well, you deserve a day off. You've been working your ass off." He hummed with a shrug. "It's nice to actually spend time with you when you're not already half asleep." Bucky smiled, looking over at y/n as he took a sip of his champagne. Y/n laughed slightly, picking at a few of the chocolate-covered strawberries. She felt so guilty for not being able to spend much time with Bucky, but she knew he understood why. She wanted more control over her powers, and the rigorous training was working. But the quality time they spent in the evenings was nice, even if they didn't say a word. Just being around each other was enough. "I think I've seen more sitcom episodes than you have at this point." Bucky teased, glancing out at the view. Y/n shrugged with a grin, finishing a strawberry before she spoke again. "I told you I'd make you enjoy them! They're not as bad as you thought they were going to be, are they?" She said excitedly, tilting her head to the side as she looked over at Bucky. Bucky shook his head with a slight laugh. "No, no they're not that bad. You're right." He admitted, laughing at the proud look on y/n's face. She was happy that she got Bucky into something she enjoyed. "I'm always right." Y/n hummed confidently. 

"Are you sure we can jump from this height?" Bucky asked nervously as he stood at the edge of the cliff, glancing down at the ocean down below. It had been a few hours, and both were baking from the sun and desperate for a cooldown. Plus, y/n just really wanted to swim in the ocean. "Of course it is! Why, are you scared?" Y/n teased, taking Bucky's cap off of her head before she joined Bucky at the edge of the cliff. Bucky shrugged, looking down at the sheer drop with a nervous breath. "A little." He admitted, glancing over at y/n with a weak smile. Y/n couldn't help but 'aww' slightly, setting a comforting hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I promise it'll be fine, it's a reason why I picked out this spot on my map." She grinned, mover her hand down to hold Bucky's hand. "We've done way scarier things than this. What if we jump together, hm?" Y/n suggested with a hopeful smile. Bucky bit his lip, glancing back down at the drop again. It was true, they'd done much scarier things, but this was hitting a nerve. It reminded him of when he dropped from the train back when he was in the war. But, Bucky was quickly pulled back to reality by y/n squeezing his hand. He glanced over at her, and as soon as their eyes met he realised that he was safe. Nothing bad was going to happen, and thinking of the worst outcomes could just make them come true. "Okay, I'm ready." Bucky nodded, taking a nervous breath as he shuffled from foot to foot in attempt to hype himself up a little. Y/n nodded with an excited look in her eyes. "Yeah?" She asked, just wanting to double check. She didn't want to force Bucky into anything her didn't want to do. "Yeah, yeah. Now can we go before I change my mind?" Bucky rushed out, hold on to y/n's hand tightly. Y/n laughed with a nod, glancing back down at the ocean below. "Okay, okay." Y/n grinned, adrenaline rushing through her as she prepared to jump. "Three... Two..." Y/n started, counting slow to make sure she herself had enough confidence to jump. "One." Bucky suddenly rushed out before he jumped. Y/n squealed as they suddenly jumped off of the cliff, proud of Bucky for actually doing it.

The pair hit the water with a crash. The cool water was perfect on their skin, not too cold to shock, but enough for a good contrast against the scalding sun. Y/n was the first to pop up out of the water with a happy laugh, keeping her head above the water as she wiped the water out of her eyes. "See? I told you it'd be fine!" She exclaimed happily. But, as she opened her eyes and adjusted to the brightness, she realised that Bucky was nowhere to be seen. Her smile seemed to drop as she quickly looked around for any sight of him. Shit. "Buck?" She called out nervously, glancing up at the cliff just in case. But she was sure Bucky had jumped with her...

That was when she suddenly felt a pair of hands on her waist, lifting her out of the water slightly. Bucky's head popped up with a laugh as he lifted y/n up, a mischievous grin on his face. Y/n gasped with a laugh, moving to wrap her legs around Bucky's waist for a bit of support. "You can't do that!" She giggled, playfully splashing him. Bucky rolled his eyes with a laugh, keeping his hands on y/n's waist as he looked up at her. "Why, were you scared?" He teased, mimicking how y/n spoke to him up on the cliff. Y/n rolled her eyes, her cheeks turning red out of embarrassment. He'd caught her out in her own game. 

But, instead of responding, they fell into a sudden but comfortable silence. Both realising how close their faces were from one another. Y/n gazed into Bucky's eyes with a knowing smile, looking down at his lips as they inched closer and closer. Bucky's breath hitched slightly, a giddy grin on his face as he glanced down at y/n's lips. Y/n reached up to set her hands on the sides of Bucky's face, her eyes fluttering closed as they both fell into a deep, but gentle kiss. The butterflies in y/n's stomach seemed to explode as their lips met, not wanting the moment to end. It wasn't aggressive or full of lust, it was gentle and kind. A sweet first kiss that both y/n and Bucky seemed to have been waiting for for a long time. 

After a few moments, Bucky ended up breaking the kiss with a cheesy smile, causing both of them to laugh as they pulled away. "Dork." Y/n teased, resting her forehead on Bucky's as they just looked into one another's eyes. Nothing else was important. Bucky rolled his eyes with a soft laugh, keeping his hands on y/n's waist. "Says the one that has cheeks redder than my sunburn." Bucky teased right back, pressing gentle kisses against her lips. Even though neither of them would admit it, they were on cloud nine.

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