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It was Steve who picked up Thor's hammer.

He was worthy.

Thor's face lit up with pure joy. He let out an exhausted, exasperated laugh, his eyes completely fixed on the silhouette of Steve. "I knew it." He grinned, the horrible pain all over seeming to dampen just for a moment. He'd always suspected that Steve was worthy, it just made sense, but even then it was still a shock to see him holding that hammer. Thor really thought that he was about to die at the hands of Thanos, and now they had another chance. "I knew it!" He repeated louder. "I-"

Thanos suddenly stamped Thor into the ground, completely shutting him up. He looked furious, yet a small smile still played at his lips as he turned to face Steve. "What, do you think a hammer will help you beat me?" He teased, a tight grip on his double-edged sword. He stopped just a few feet away from the super soldier, letting out a sigh as he gestured toward the rest of Steve's teammates. "Look around. Do you really think that you can stop me all on your own?"

"He's not alone." A voice spoke from behind Thanos, forcing both Steve and Thanos to look over at who it was.

A small smile appeared on Steve's face as he made eye contact with the person behind Thanos. His shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, tilting his head to the side at the sight of them. He didn't expect them to still be up and fighting, especially not after everything that had just happened. He thought that everyone else was out cold, but there they were, still determined as ever. Steve knew that there was a reason as to why he saved them on that fateful day, and this was the reason.

It was y/n.

She was stood amongst the rubble, an angry but focused look in her eyes. Blood trickled down her soot-covered face, yet in the dim lighting it simply seemed to highlight the fury on her face. Her boots dug in to the uneven ground, causing her knees to buckle slightly, yet it simply made her look as if she was ready to fight at any moment. Her right arm hung low due to her shoulder being completely dislocated, yet there were no outward signs of pain. On the inside, she was in pure agony, but that didn't matter. It looked like a painting. A rough, gritty masterpiece.

Y/n's eyes stayed fixed on Steve, yet she was completely silent. Her bloody and cracked lips let out no sound except for slow puffs of air. She was communicating with Steve through telepathy. She told him her plan of attack. Every single step in clear detail. No jokes were made, but Steve still let out a few laughs here and there. It was all part of her plan. Thanos was aware of her telepathic abilities, so she wanted to taunt him and make him question what she was telling Steve. Paranoia was fun.

Thanos watched with a confused look in his eyes, glancing between y/n and Steve in a desperate attempt to keep track of them both. He knew that they were talking, and that just seemed to infuriate him even more. He wanted to know the plan. He needed to know the plan.

"On my mark. 3... 2..."

Y/n maintained eye contact with Steve, making sure that she could see Thanos out of the corner of her eye. He wasn't attacking, but she could tell that he was getting impatient. She slowly wrapped a hand around her left arm, clenching her jaw tightly as she forced her shoulder back into place. The pain was excruciating, and if it wasn't for her ability to mimic super soldier strength, she would've screamed. All the nerves in her arm felt as if they were on fire as blood rushed back to where it should've been. It was far more than sore, but y/n kept the same straight face the whole time.

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