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"Tell me what you see, princess." The man in the suit hummed calmly over the speakers.

Y/n had been shut inside of one of the testing rooms, her back pressed up against the door out of fear. The room was pitch black. She was only a young child. The dark was terrifying to her. "I can't see anything..." She said in a shaky tone, her voice echoing around the room. The poor girl was convinced that a monster was going to jump out and attack her, oblivious to the fact that the real monster was the man in the suit. "I don't like it in here. Can I get out now?" Y/n asked, hugging herself tightly as she stared into the endless abyss of darkness. Her wide eyes were full of fear, yet she tried her hardest to stay calm. She had to. The man in the suit always told her to never show fear, but that was a hard task for a young child.

"Not yet, sweetie." The man in the suit cooed. He was stood on the other side of the door, his hands casually resting in his pockets as he listened to y/n. "Do you remember what I told you?" He asked, waiting for a few moments for a response from y/n. Of course she hadn't responded, but he could tell by the shadows under the door that she was still stood listening. "Fear is just an obstacle. And what do we do with obstacles?"

"Eliminate them." Y/n chimed in, her voice still riddled with fear. The darkness was different to her other obstacles. She knew how to fight those people, she didn't know how to fight the monsters looming in the dark. Her hands stayed tucked close to her chest, standing as close to the door as possible. The little girl's bottom lip begun to wobble, tears starting to pool in her eyes as the fear begun to overwhelm her. "I don't know how-"

"That's why you're in there, princess. That's what we're learning today." The man in the suit interrupted, staring up at the ceiling as he listened to y/n. His voice stayed calm and collected, not seeming to be bothered by the sniffling from the little girl. "Take a deep breath for me, alright? Wipe those tears, and move toward the centre of the room." He commanded, thanking a guard as he was handed a chair. The man in the suit set the chair opposite the door, sitting down on it with a sigh. "Go on. I can still see your feet under the door, my love." He encouraged with a fond smile. 

Y/n took a deep breath, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. She didn't want to be in the dark anymore, and she definitely didn't want to take any steps into it. But she had no other choice. The consequences of not doing what she was told were scarier than the monsters. Her bare feet quietly patted against the cold ground as she took careful steps toward the centre of the room, her heart almost beating out of her chest. The fear was immense, all she wanted to do was turn back around and head toward the door, but she couldn't. "I don't like it in here." She complained in a shaky tone, glancing around in every direction just in case anything jumped out at her. "Please can I go back to my room?" The little girl begged, listening to her own voice echo around the room. 

"No, princess." The man in the suit calmly hummed, resting his elbows on his knees as he listened to y/n. "You can't let your fears take over. A mission should always be completed, and the obstacle should always be eliminated. Once you get over this fear, you'll be allowed to leave." He explained, pulling out a device from his pocket. He pressed a few button before setting it back into his pocket, not seeming to be at all remorseful for what was about to happen. "Good luck, y/n." The man in the suit cooed in a sweet tone, slowly standing up from his chair.

 Y/n's eyes widened in shock as she heard what he had to say. Tears begun to fall faster and faster as she begun to shake. "No! Please don't leave me in here! Please!" She cried out in pure fear. But she didn't know which direction the door was, simply frozen and surrounded by complete darkness. "Please!" The little girl begged again, her feet rooted to the ground. She was only young, not even in double-digits yet. After all the destruction and pain she'd already witnessed, the scariest thing to her were still the monsters that lurked in the dark. She still had some of her childhood innocence intact. 

The effects of the button pressing soon took place, blasting terrifying monster growls and screeches from the speakers. There was nothing in the room with y/n, but she didn't know that. 

The man in the suit casually strolled away from the room, humming to himself with a satisfied smile. He could hear y/n's screams and cries of pure terror, yet it didn't seem to bother him at all. To him, it was just another day of learning for y/n. She had to learn to not be scared of the dark. Not only did it make her disobedient and waste time at night, but nobody was going to take an assassin that was afraid of the dark seriously. Y/n was being taught to become a powerhouse, there was no time for monsters that didn't even exist.

Y/n ended up being in that room for hours. By the time the door opened, y/n was curled up in a tight ball in the centre of the room. Her cheeks were stained with tears, and her voice was almost completely gone from all of the screaming. The 'lesson' hadn't worked at all, and had instead made her even more terrified of the dark. But y/n never admitted that. She didn't want to be shut in the dark again. 

"You're okay now." The man in the suit cooed, kneeling down in front of y/n once she stood up. A proud smile spread across his face, cupping her face with his gloved hands. "I'm proud of you, princess." He cooed gently. The man in the suit wiped the tears from her cheeks with his gloved thumbs, completely ignoring the fact that y/n was still shaking.

Y/n suddenly jolted awake with a gasp, sitting up as fast as she could. It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. She took a shaky breath, wiping the tears from her cheeks as she blindly reached out for Bucky. But, he wasn't there. He wasn't there at all. 

The fear that had just faded quickly came rushing back, her hand reaching out into the darkness to reach for Bucky again. But he wasn't there. This wasn't even a double bed. She was surrounded in complete darkness, just like she was in her nightmare. Y/n created an orb of fire in the centre of her palm, using it as a source of light as she glanced around the unknown room. Fear continued to grow with every new thing that she saw, from the white prison uniform, to the bed in the centre of the room, to the giant walls. 

"Where the hell am I?!" She screamed, praying that somebody would hear her. God, she felt like she was back in Hydra again. It was horrible.

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