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Around a week passed, and y/n was on her final day of training. It had been hard, but so, so worth it. 

Y/n smiled happily as she strolled into the training room, water bottle in hand. "Morning!" She chimed, a slight skip in her step as she made her way toward the chair in the middle of the room. T'Challa chuckled at y/n's optimism, it was definitely a contrast to the rest of the tired looks on the warriors' faces. But T'Challa wanted to get the training over and done with as early as possible, y/n deserved a break after working so hard. "Good morning, y/n." He smiled, setting his hands on the back of the chair. Y/n made sure to greet the warriors once she was close enough, they'd been so important in training, plus she'd bonded with many of them. "So, this is your last day. How does it feel?" T'Challa asked with a warm smile once y/n had stopped with her conversations. "It feels great! Thank you, for all of this. I would not have been able to do all of this without you." Y/n said gratefully, setting her water bottle down beside the chair. 

Steve and Bucky were stood at the window overlooking the training room, a tired look on both of their faces. "T'Challa told me that we're not allowed to stop the training session today, Buck. It's her last one, she needs to be able to push through it." Steve hummed, taking a sip of his coffee. Bucky shrugged, a proud smile on his face as he watched y/n. "She won't need us to stop it. Y/n can do this." He said confidently, crossing his arms over his chest. He'd watched y/n improve every single day, she didn't need them anymore. Steve raised his eyebrows at his best friend's confidence, but didn't say a word. It was nice to see. 

However, a loud crash soon disturbed the quietness of the lab. "Steve, son of Roger! Bucky, son of Barnes!" A happy voice boomed, causing Bucky to furrow his eyebrows slightly, glancing over at Steve. He opened his mouth to correct him, but Steve just shook his head with a chuckle. There was no point in correcting Thor, he'd never listen. "Thor, I don't think that-" A quieter voice chimed, but was swiftly cut off by Thor. "How are you? We discovered that you were in Wakanda, and decided to pay a visit! Didn't we, Loki?" Thor said loudly, glancing over at his brother as they made their way toward the window. Loki nodded with a slightly embarrassed smile, his brother could be a bit over the top sometimes - well, all the time. "Yes, that's right." He hummed, greeting Steve and Bucky with a nod. "I heard that there was a new Avenger, and I wanted to see for myself. Say, what are her powers?" Loki asked curiously, stepping toward the window so he could see y/n. "She's a mimic." Bucky hummed, standing beside Loki at the window. He couldn't help but feel slightly protective over y/n. He'd heard of Loki's antics before, and he didn't want y/n getting involved in any of that. Loki raised his eyebrows with a nod, he had no clue what that entailed, but it sounded interesting. "Y/n is on her last day of training for mind control, so you've actually come at a pretty good time." Steve smiled, nudging Bucky slightly when he noticed how tense he'd gotten. 

Back down in the training room, it was just about time to start. "You're going to take control of every single warrior, and make them fight. You'll be controlling both sides of each fight, all at the same time, just like what we've worked on. From there, we'll see what else you can do." T'Challa instructed, setting his hands behind his back as he stepped to the side. Y/n nodded with a smile. She hopped from foot to foot in attempt to hype herself up, taking a few breaths in and out. "Let's do this." She murmured to herself, and, in the blink of an eye, y/n disappeared. She teleported from warrior to warrior, taking control of each one as she went. It only took a matter of seconds before y/n had them all under her control, a relaxed smile on her face as she appeared on one of the ledges in the training room. She swung her feet as she sat on the edge of the ledge, glancing down at all the warriors under her control. T'Challa couldn't help but chuckle slightly at y/n, glancing up at her on the ledge. He couldn't blame her for showing off, he'd do the exact same. "You know what to do next, y/n. Get them moving." He reminded, leaning against the wall as he looked at all the warriors. All completely idle, all with eyes as white as snow.

"Oh, I like this one." Loki smiled as he watched y/n show off. She was strong, and she knew it. Bucky smiled proudly as he watched y/n. Unlike Loki, he'd seen y/n improve every single day. On the first day y/n was barely able to control half of the warriors, and now she could control them with ease. She didn't even seem to be struggling at all. 

Bucky was right, y/n wasn't struggling. She felt completely fine. No nosebleeds, nothing. Even if the constant training sessions were draining, they were worth it. Now she had complete control without even breaking a sweat. Y/n casually swung her legs back and forth as she controlled all the warriors into fighting one another, she seemed to be slightly more focused, but not much. Almost as if everything was on autopilot. 

As much as it hurt, there was a reason why Hydra hunted down a mimic. They were strong, and could only get stronger overtime with training and more powers. Unlike super soldiers, mimics weren't obviously super-powered. Even as a teenager y/n was exerting her strength, killing several guards with ease when she was supposed to be improving her mind control. Mimics were weapons. Something that if someone took control of they could do a lot of bad, and Hydra knew that. They were impossible to recreate with serums or science. Y/n's bloodline was the only bloodline of mimics. Her family commonly just used it to help take care of land and care for others, but Hydra knew their potential. They just had to take one when they were vulnerable, and that they did. Ripping a child from her family, removing any trace. A weapon at their disposal. 

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