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A few weeks had passed since their trip to Wakanda, and a part from Steve waking everyone up at crazy hour in the morning to train, everything seemed to be going smoothly. No, the nightmares hadn't stopped - actually, they seemed to be getting worse. But Bucky and y/n didn't say a word. It was good, right? It meant that they were remembering...

The team was currently all packed together on the quinjet, all suited up and ready to go. Steve was stood in front of the team with Bruce, not an ounce of relaxation on his face. He was in complete focus mode - something that was apparently very common when it came to missions. "This is a grade five hostage situation. This isn't just normal people, these are high class government officials from all across the globe, and we need to get them out. Safely." He explained, glancing over at Bruce who pulled up a hologram of the building. "From what we know, hostages are being held in these rooms, but we'll be checking every room just in case." Bruce added. He pointed to each of the rooms where the hostages were being held, watching as each room was highlighted red to make it more obvious for the team. Steve nodded as his focus went back over to the team. "The group of people we're working against are strong. They've pulled off governmental stings like this before, but not at this scale. They plan on taking all secret files and information to use against us, and we're here to stop that. Nobody leaves the building, all exits need to be covered." Steve commanded, pointing out each exit on the hologram, the roof being the biggest escape route. "It's vital that we don't get caught. This group is known for killing hostages to get their point across. There will be no casualties on this mission. You hear me?"

Steve continued to explain to the team about where'd they'd be positioned in and around the building. Most people were put in pairs or threes, but nobody was left on their own just in case something went south. The team were all connected by their earpieces in case backup was needed, and Bruce had the quinjet parked just a few blocks away if medical assistance was needed. All precautions were set up. Now it was time to actually act.

Y/n was a bundle of nerves and adrenaline. This was her first proper mission with the team, and god, it was high stakes. At least one good thing she got out of it was that she was paired with Bucky, so she had someone she trusted by her side. Y/n and Bucky had been instructed to enter through one of the fire exit doors to the back of the building, and they had to work their way up to where the hostages were being held. It was a lot of rooms to clear, but y/n would rather do that than be responsible for a hostage being killed. 

She sighed quietly to herself as she put her mask on and pulled her hood up to cover her face, walking beside Bucky toward the fire exit door. The pair were eventually against the wall on each side of the door, just listening out and waiting for the right time to enter the building. "Nervous?" Y/n asked as Bucky handed her a few throwing knives. Bucky smiled weakly, his spare hand resting on his gun holster just in case. "Always." He replied quietly, but he knew y/n was just as nervous as he was. 

But, before y/n could react, the fire doors suddenly swung open. Y/n and Bucky froze, hidden from sight behind the open doors. Two guards stepped out with guns, and they didn't seem to be the type to be reasoned with. "I swear I just heard someone out here!" One of the guards said in surprise, scanning around with his gun poised and ready to shoot. The other guard just seemed to sigh in annoyance, his gun also poised just in case. "You're just hearing things. This is the fifth time you've-" The second guard was suddenly cut off, he'd spotted Bucky's boot from behind the door. Bucky's eyes widened, pointing his gun right back at the guard. The guard grabbed his radio from his pocket, putting it up to his mouth so he could speak. "Code green, people trying to infiltrate the-" Y/n suddenly appeared behind the guard, pressing a gun to the back of his head. "You don't wanna do that." She murmured, snatching the radio from the guard. As soon as the guard froze, Bucky took his chance, grabbing the gun with his metal arm, crushing it with ease as he backed the guard in to a wall. Once Bucky took control of the second guard, y/n whipped around to handle the first one. She pushed her hand out, sending the man flying in to the wall opposite. The guard cocked his gun to shoot, but just as he was about to pull the trigger y/n disappeared. His eyes widened, immediately reaching down for his radio, and that was when he felt two hands on the back of his head, his eyes suddenly going white. His gun and radio dropped to the floor with a clatter, just standing there with a blank expression. Y/n was controlling his mind. The first guard picked up his gun again on y/n's command, walking toward the second guard, pressing the gun to his head. Bucky and the second guard looked over in surprise, but Bucky backed off once he realised that the guard was being controlled. "Couldn't have done that sooner?" He asked with a sigh, wiping his slight bloody lip. Y/n rolled her eyes, pushing a hand out to mind control the other guard too.

The guards were eventually stood in the alleyway, both holding a gun to one another's heads, both completely under y/n's control. Y/n and Bucky took the guards' radios and keys, stepping in to the building and closing the fire exit doors. "What can they see? Do they see what you see if you're in control?" Bucky asked curiously, pointing his gun down the empty hallways just in case. Y/n shook her head with a smile. "That'd be cool, but no. They're currently seeing their greatest fears. So even if I let go of them they'd have other things to deal with than us." She hummed, flipping the throwing knives in her hands. Bucky's eyebrows raised with a hum, that was a cool power. But, before he could reply, his radio suddenly went off. 

"Guard 157? Come in Guard 157. Do you need assistance for the code green?"  Bucky and y/n froze from where they were stood in the hallway, both sharing a scared look. What were they supposed to do? "Guard 157? We're sending assistance." Y/n quickly grabbed the radio, holding it out for Bucky to take. "Answer!" She whispered urgently. Bucky nodded with wide eyes, taking hold of the radio and holding it up to his mouth. "No. No need. False alarm. Apologies." He spoke in to the radio, deepening his voice slightly. Y/n couldn't help but laugh a little once Bucky put the radio back in his pocket. "Why'd you deepen your voice? They don't know you." She giggled as they begun to walk down the hall again. Bucky rolled his eyes with a chuckle, playfully pushing y/n a little. "Shut up, I'm supposed to be a scary guard." He grinned.

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