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"I would've never thought I'd be here right now, but God, I'm glad I am." Bucky hummed with a soft chuckle. Hours had passed, and y/n and Bucky were back on top of the cliff, gazing up at the star-filled sky. It had been an amazing day, and neither seemed to want it to end. Y/n glanced over at Bucky with a warm smile, just admiring him under the stars. "Me too..." She sighed, turning back to face the stars. "Who would've thought that two of the world's most prolific killers would be Avengers. Or even just looking up at the stars in Greece." Y/n said, laughing quietly at the irony of it all. Y/n and Bucky had been through so, so much. They deserved time to just be themselves. 

Eventually, y/n and Bucky arrived back in Wakanda. Their eyes stung from the constant hot sun they'd had throughout the day, and their skin felt almost sticky from the mixture of sunscreen and the salty sea - but neither Bucky or y/n seemed to mind. They'd both had such an amazing day, nothing could ruin it. 

As soon as they stepped off of the quinjet they were greeted by almost the whole team, apparently they'd come to visit. "I swear, if there's even a scratch on that quinjet, Barnes-" Tony said seriously, but he was happy that the pair got to have a nice day. Before Bucky could even reply, he was bombarded by several other voices, all either asking questions or greeting him. Bucky chuckled, his eyebrows raised out of surprise from everyone being there. "Hi to you guys too." He smiled, trying his hardest to listen to a single voice. Y/n laughed, leaning against Bucky's arm as they were bombarded with different voices. That was when she felt someone grab her hand, pulling her away from Bucky and away from the rest of the team. Y/n's eyes widened with a slight laugh as she realised it was Nat holding on to one hand whilst the other was quickly grabbed by Wanda. Y/n quickly glanced back at Bucky as she was led away from the group, a happy smile on her face. "I guess I'll see you later!" She called out with a laugh. Bucky watched as y/n was dragged away by Natasha and Wanda, a fond smile on his face as he gave her a small wave.

"So, tell us all about it!" Natasha exclaimed once they were far enough away from the group, just planning on walking around aimlessly as they talked. Y/n shrugged, unable to wipe the smitten grin off of her face. "Come on! You can't come back smelling of sunscreen and the ocean and not tell us anything!" Wanda begged excitedly, squeezing y/n's hand. Y/n rolled her eyes with a laugh, squeezing both Wanda and Nat's hands. "What if I want to keep it to myself?" She teased, a mischievous smile on her face. "Then I'll read your mind." Wanda threatened seriously, causing y/n and Natasha to laugh. "Fine, fine! I'll tell you." Y/n giggled, a little skip in her step as they walked.  

"What's got you smiling, metal man?" Sam teased, following Bucky when he finally escaped the bombardment of questions. Bucky rolled his eyes at the sound of Sam's voice, but he was unable to wipe the smile off of his face. "I've just had a nice day, that's all." He hummed, running a hand through his hair. "Oh yeah? What'd you do? Get a bit of action?" Sam asked, nudging Bucky's side with his elbow. Bucky shook his head with a laugh, quickly jolting away when Sam nudged him. "No, no! Why're you so obsessed with my personal life?" He asked, his eyebrows raised in accusation. Sam gasped dramatically, setting a hand on his chest at the accusation. "I'm not obsessed! I'm just your wingman, this is what wingmen do." Sam exclaimed as he walked beside Bucky. Bucky rolled his eyes with a slight chuckle. "The only wingmanning you do is when you actually have your wings on. You're not my wingman, Sam." Bucky said with a laugh, setting his hands in his pockets. Sam chuckled with a shrug. "We'll see! You'll need me one day!" He exclaimed, nudging Bucky's side again to annoy him. Bucky quickly swatted Sam's arm away, nudging him back to retaliate. 

Steve chuckled as he walked toward Sam and Bucky, they acted like children sometimes. "Seems like you had a good time." He hummed, stepping in the middle of the pair so they couldn't bicker. Bucky nodded with a sigh, setting his hands back in his pockets. "Yeah, yeah I did. Now, can we talk about something else?" He asked, sick of being bombarded with questions. Steve nodded with a slight laugh, he understood where Bucky was coming from. "Right, Sam had a bit of an incident with Peter today, didn't you, Sam?" Steve teased. Sam rolled his eyes with a sigh as he was reminded. "If by 'incident' you mean he was being a little shit, then yes." He said proudly, causing Bucky to laugh as Sam begun to tell him all about it.

You see, earlier in the day Peter and Shuri decided it would be a funny prank to spray paint Sam's wings. So when he put them on to show T'Challa his flight skills, they came out a lovely bright pink with glitter and sparkles all over. Peter and Shuri were both caught pink-handed a few feet away, and Sam chased them down. Shuri managed to escape by hiding behind the Dora Milaje and escaping to the lab, but Peter wasn't as lucky. Peter was terrified for his life, but also couldn't help laughing at the same time - it was a funny sight to see. Peter had never run faster in his life, swinging between buildings here and there as he yelled apologies to Sam. But Sam was having none of it, flying after the kid with his glittery wings. Of course Tony took pictures to make fun of Sam for it in the future. God, if Bucky was there he would've had a field day. Peter managed to somehow lose Sam in the market, and spent the rest of the day avoiding Sam as much as he could - which was funny for Steve because he had to act as a human shield half the time.

Bucky laughed as he listened to the story, taking Steve's phone so he could look at the pictures. "Well, I think the glittery pink suits you. I think you should have it like that all the time!" Bucky teased, making sure to get Steve to send the image to him. Sam rolled his eyes, trying to snatch the phone away. "Shut up, Barnes." He chuckled.

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