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The sun soon came up, and in a matter of moments the compound was bustling with movement. Arguments over who got in the shower first, votes for breakfast, and the race to get the remote for the main TV. 

Peter had managed to get Tony to let him come over for breakfast before school. He had made up an elaborate lie to Aunt May about how one of his clubs needed to have an early morning meeting, even dragging Ned in on the lie so she believed him. Since he'd come back from Wakanda pretty bruised up from training, Aunt May had been much more suspicious of him just disappearing at random times in the day, so it took a lot of convincing to get her to let him go. Peter was buzzing to be with the team, slightly sad that he couldn't be on the mission yesterday, but he knew it wasn't for any bad reason. He didn't care how early it was, breakfast was going to be worth it. 

Steve had given everyone a break from training this morning. Everyone needed it after the mission yesterday, and he didn't want y/n to push herself even more. He strolled out of his room after getting ready for the day, glancing down the hall to see Bucky leaving the bathroom. Bucky was carefully patting his hair dry with a towel as he strolled out of the bathroom. He needed something to wake himself up after the long night they'd had. "Bathroom's free!" He called out as he stepped out into the hallway in a fresh pair of clothes. Just as he mentioned it, Natasha rushed out of her room and into the bathroom, almost shoving Bucky out of the way. Not for any bad reason, she just didn't want anyone else to get there first. Steve chuckled as he caught up with Bucky, beginning to walk beside him. "It's almost like being back in the army, with everyone rushing for a place to get ready in the morning." He hummed. Bucky nodded with a slight laugh, continuing to pat his hair dry. "Tell me about it! I thought Nat was going to chop my head off when I managed to get in there first." He grinned. The pair continued to talk as they strolled down the hallways together. Neither seeming to be in any rush. Well, that was until they heard music blasting and clanking of pots and pans. Both seemed to freeze, looking at each other with a confused look. Yes, the compound was loud in the morning, but not this loud. What was going on? Steve and Bucky picked up the pace, discovering the source of all the ruckus being from the kitchen. Wanda and Vision were never this loud. Steve frowned in suspicion as he slowly opened the door to the kitchen. But, the sight that they were met with seemed to just make their morning even better. 

Peter definitely made himself known that he was in the compound. He had promised the team that he'd make breakfast, wanting to give Wanda and Vision a break from breakfast duties. So there he was, blasting music and dancing around the kitchen with y/n. Y/n had decided to help Peter make pancakes, and god, she was happy that she did. His music taste was great. Of course it was completely different to the 40's music that she was used to, but she didn't mind. She was beginning to get used to 'modern' music, and it was good. Y/n was holding on to a whisk, pretending it was a microphone as she danced on the kitchen tile, yelling out the lyrics she knew. Peter was holding on to a a cutting board, pretending it was a guitar as he danced about with y/n. He had a bright, happy grin on his face, so happy to be having such a good time. The pancakes were cooking away in the pan, but neither seemed to be properly paying attention to them. 

Bucky's face seemed to light up at the sight of y/n dancing around. He was leant against the doorway with a fond smile, not wanting to disturb the moment. They seemed so carefree. But, it didn't take long for y/n to notice Steve and Bucky in the doorway. She didn't seem to get embarrassed, though. Pointing at Bucky with a bright smile as she sung along, gesturing for him to come over and join in. "Come on!" She shouted over he loud music, continuing to dance along. Bucky shook his head at first, but Steve pushed him forward and into the room with a laugh. Y/n took Bucky's arm to pull him closer as she danced along, her smile just seeming to light up the room. Bucky laughed as he was dragged in, refusing to dance at first. He wasn't used to this music, he usually liked something slower. "What're you doing?" He asked over the loud music. "Having fun!" Y/n giggled, dancing around on the kitchen tile with Peter. She tried her hardest to get Bucky to join in, but he just seemed to be happy just watching her. Which she didn't mind. It was nice to see him smile. 

By the time the pancakes were cooked - and totally not burnt - everyone had gathered in the kitchen, all hungry and ready for food. The music had been turned down and changed to something a little nicer, just whilst everyone ate. Y/n was stood in front of the counter as she tucked into her pancakes, covering the burnt parts with as much syrup as she could. She swayed along to the music as she ate, happy to just listen in on everyone else's conversations. Bucky was sat at the breakfast bar opposite y/n, happily tucking in on his breakfast as he listen to Peter ramble on about a new science project. "Can you pass the orange juice, Doll?" He asked y/n, a slight smile on his face. Y/n nodded, not even to process the nickname as she handed the carton over along with a glass. Of course Bucky had been calling her that all night, but she hadn't properly picked up on it yet. It just felt normal. Sam raised his eyebrows at the nickname, glancing over at Natasha to see if she'd picked up on it too, and she had. Sam leant over to Bucky with a smirk. "So you're on a nickname basis now?" He teased. Of course he was happy for the pair, he just liked to annoy his friend. Bucky rolled his eyes with a slight blush. "Stop..." He grinned. But, he couldn't really excuse it. He liked calling y/n 'doll'.

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