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In a giant crash of lightning, Thor, Groot, and Rocket appeared in the centre of the battlefield.

He'd changed a lot. His long hair had been chopped off in exchange for a more rugged, roughed up look, which was something that y/n was going to have to get used to. She'd always loved Thor's hair, but this didn't look like a haircut that he'd chosen for himself. Another pretty evident change was the fact that his hammer was gone. Completely gone. Instead he was holding what seemed to be a giant axe. It was coursing and glowing with lightning and electricity, and, to y/n, it seemed like a pretty cool upgrade. However, the look on Thor's face was something that everyone seemed to overlook.

He looked angry. Now, a look of anger was usually a good thing in fights like this, and that was why everyone, even y/n, overlooked the expression on his face. This wasn't a typical mission anger, it was a numb, determined anger. Almost as if he'd just lost someone close to him. He wasn't there to help the team. He was there to kill Thanos.

The moment of distraction gave y/n enough time to recover and mimic a different power, which she immediately did. She chose to mimic Wanda's powers, blasting the aliens off and away from her.

Her face lit up at the sight of the trio, excitedly laughing as she pushed herself up and back to her feet. She scrambled to put her spare earpiece into her ear, activating it before she pointed toward Groot and Rocket. "These were the guys that I saw when we had to blow up that alien nest! I wasn't lying! Look!" Y/n exclaimed, happy that she was finally able to prove to the team that she was telling the truth. "That raccoon can talk!" She grinned, using the back of her hand to wipe the alien spit off of her face.

Bucky couldn't help but smile fondly at the sound of how excited y/n was. He chuckled softly, scanning around the battlefield until he caught sight of her. She was pretty far away, but he could easily tell that it was her from the way that she was overdramatically pointing. "That's great, Doll! You should introduce them to us later!" He exclaimed over all of the commotion, his smile just seeming to widen when y/n managed to spot him.

Instead of waving like a normal couple, y/n and Bucky had the exact same idea of what to do. They both stuck their middle fingers up at each other, at the same time.

Being so in sync caused both of them to laugh, completely distracted by one another. Little interactions like that were so fun. If they weren't in battle, they would've carried on with other gestures, but they had other things to focus on. However, before the pair could say anything to one another, they were interrupted by someone.


Sam made a dramatic gagging sound over the earpiece, acting as if he was about to puke. "Can you two leave the love-dovey stuff until after the fight? I can handle gross aliens, but you two are gonna make me sick." He teased, earning a laugh from the rest of the team.


The fight continued to rage on, and, even with the help of Thor and Wanda, the odds continued to be against them. Thanos' army was far too large, and the aliens were stronger than anyone could've expected.

Y/n had killed more aliens than she could count, it almost felt like a blur. But, with every kill came a split second of peace for y/n. That split second was enough for her to scan around the battlefield, and every single glance seemed to be worse than the last. It wasn't just alien bodies that scattered the ground, human bodies were there too.

Many were already dead, but others seemed to be awake - clinging to life with everything that they head left. They were bleeding out in the grass, surrounded by pure warfare, staring up at a cloudy sky. Alone. There were no soldiers helping them, nor was there anyone to comfort them in their dying hour. Helping would just lead to more danger, but leaving them to bleed out felt so sick.

Y/n recognised so many of the faces on the ground. Too many.

They had families, jobs, lives, and now it was all gone. They owned stalls that y/n would always visit, they had children that y/n would tell stories to - hell, some of them even lived in the same village as y/n and Bucky.

Y/n felt so, so guilty. Whenever she caught a glimpse of them, she would immediately look away. She had to. If she didn't, she would've broken down. Y/n had to keep pushing, she had to carry on with the fight for the ones that had fallen. However, there was a particular face that caused y/n to completely freeze.

It was the woman that worked at the jerk chicken stall. The woman that was famous in Wakanda for her food. The woman that had a set of twins that always played tricks on Bucky. The woman that y/n had been working with, just hours before.

She didn't deserve to die, yet there she was, lifeless on the ground.

Y/n made her way toward the woman, taking slow breaths in a desperate attempt to combat the nausea that she felt from all of the guilt. She knelt down beside her, resting a gentle hand on her cheek as she stared into her lifeless eyes for a few moments. "I'm sorry." Y/n whispered, tears beginning to sting at her eyes. There was no point in talking, the woman was gone, but apologising just felt like the right thing to do. She slowly set her hand over the woman's eyes, closing her eyelids for her before y/n reached down to hold the woman's hand. She squeezed it tightly, desperately trying to bring some warmth back. That woman had always been welcoming her to Bucky. She'd been amazing, and now she was gone. "I'm s-"

"Vision's on the move! Anyone that's free, protect him!" 

Y/n's face fell, slowly lifting her head only to meet Wanda's glance from across the battlefield. They both knew what was about to happen. Y/n stood up, her eyes continuing to stay fixed on Wanda as she put her weapons back into their holsters. "Wanda and I are on our way."

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