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Bucky was sat on the edge of his bed, just staring blankly at himself in the mirror. He felt hurt and stupid. Of course he was relieved that y/n was okay, but he felt stupid for stressing so much, he thought she'd gotten in serious trouble. But what really hurt was the fact that she'd left without a word, to seek help from someone that wasn't him. Bucky and y/n usually told each other everything. They usually knew everything about one another. So seeing her come back after what seemed to be a nice day out left a bitter taste in his mouth. He felt stupid for feeling so jealous and hurt - Peter was just a kid, just a friend. But Bucky wanted to have a nice time with y/n, he didn't want to be there just for the times where she was struggling. He wanted to see her smile, he wanted to play in the rain with her, and it hurt to see that she'd done that with someone else. Bucky sighed in frustration, setting his head in his hands as he closed his eyes. He didn't understand why it had affected him so much, there was just something about y/n that he just couldn't put into words. But he'd never admit that to her. They weren't even labelled as anything yet.

Dread and guilt continued to bubble up with every step that y/n took toward Bucky's room. She'd checked the living room and kitchen first, but he wasn't there. Y/n already knew it was going to be hard just by the pure fact that Bucky was probably sat alone in his room. Sitting alone was never a good sign. 

Y/n took a deep breath before she knocked on the door, slowly opening it after waiting a few seconds. "Hi, Buck." She cooed gently as she stepped inside the room, shutting the door behind herself. But, she didn't get a response from Bucky at all. He didn't even raise his head to look at her, keeping his head in his hands. Y/n sighed quietly, slowly walking toward the male in the dark room. She debated on sitting beside Bucky, but speaking from his lack of reaction to her entering the room it didn't seem to be a good idea. Y/n instead opted to sit on an armchair opposite the bed. She rested her elbows on her legs, her eyes focused on Bucky as she cleared her throat in attempt to break the tense silence in the room. "I'm sorry, Buck." Y/n said in a gentle tone, just waiting for some sort of reaction. "I thought-" Bucky hesitated slightly. "I thought Hydra had taken you again." He murmured, lifting his head up to reveal a broken look on his face. Y/n's breath hitched slightly as she listened to Bucky, a guilty frown appearing on her face. "You and I both know the hell of being there, so the idea of you being back there terrified me." Bucky admitted, staring at himself in the mirror as the worry and fear begun to build up again. Y/n nodded sadly, watching as Bucky still refused to look at her. "I'm sorry. It was stupid of me not to say anything, especially to you. I should've thought about how much I'd worry if you'd done that to me." Y/n sighed, glancing down as she begun to pick at her nails. "I just wasn't thinking straight. I needed space right then and there, so I took it." She explained. Bucky hummed slightly, running a hand through his hair as he continued to flip from looking at himself in the mirror and looking at the floor. "Why didn't you come to me? Usually we can tell each other anything. What was different this time? Why did you go to Peter instead?" Bucky asked, a hint of jealousy in his voice. He didn't mean to sound jealous, but it did come across a little like that for y/n. Y/n shrugged, leaning back in the armchair. "I don't know, I was just overwhelmed. And I knew Peter understood that feeling, that feeling of suddenly having the whole world depend on you." Y/n admitted with a sad smile. "Plus, I'm allowed to speak to more than one person about my problems, Buck." Y/n teased slightly at the sound of jealousy in Bucky's voice. Bucky rolled his eyes, looking over at y/n with a slight smile before he looked away again. "I know, I know. But I'd gotten so stressed and worried over you, and then you come back smiling after a great day. It hurt, y'know? I would've happily spent the day in the city with you and played in the rain." Bucky admitted, rubbing the back of his neck slightly with a bashful smile. What he really wanted to say was that he cared for y/n, but he didn't want to say that yet. Y/n couldn't help but laugh slightly, a warm smile replacing her frown. "Oh, so that's what this is about? I didn't think you'd be the type to play in the rain, wouldn't want to mess up that nice mop of hair." Y/n teased with a mischievous grin. Bucky rolled his eyes, a happy smile on his face as he sat up to look at y/n. "You spend too much time with Sam." He chuckled, shaking his head fondly. "Of course I'm up for playing in the rain, I'd do anything you want to do." Bucky hummed, the bashful smile appearing once again. "You're so sappy!" Y/n giggled, standing up from the armchair as she reached out to take Bucky's hand. "Come on then, let's go out in the rain."

After a while, Natasha strolled through the compound, a warm mug of hot chocolate in her hands. Usually she would opt for something different, but Wanda always made the best hot chocolate. However, Natasha soon stopped in her tracks at the sight of Steve and Sam stood at one of the windows that looked over the grass they used for outdoor training. She tilted her head to the side out of curiosity, making her way toward the pair and standing in between them. Natasha opened her mouth to ask what they were doing, but quickly figured it out for herself. A warm smile on her face at the sight of y/n and Bucky in the rain, with Bucky laughing as he chased a squealing and giggling y/n. "I'm guessing the apology went well." She hummed, earning a nod from Sam and Steve. "Didn't she just change into dry clothes?" Steve asked with a fond smile. "Yup." Sam chuckled, but he was happy to see them having so much fun. They all were. 

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