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"Where is she?" Bucky's voice boomed out from the hallways. The sound of doors slamming open could be heard by everyone. He had to find y/n. The whole team had seen what had happened on the news, and his only priority was getting to her. Bucky didn't even know where he was, it was just a random building in the middle of the ocean, but he knew that y/n was somewhere inside.

"Mr Barnes-" Vision tried to reason, almost needing to jog to catch up to his pace. Unfortunately, he knew exactly what this place was. Bucky was diving headfirst into a bad situation, and he was already riled up. Vision took a shaky breath, carefully reaching out to set a hand on Bucky's shoulder in attempt to slow him down. "I recommend that you-" 

"Where the hell is she?" Bucky yelled, shrugging Vision's hand off of his shoulder. He didn't want to slow down or take a breath, he wanted to find y/n. His footsteps were heavy against the metal flooring as he stormed down the hallways, ignoring all of the government agents staring at him. Bucky didn't care if he was making a scene. He didn't care if he was scaring people, or if the security were getting annoyed at him. Y/n was the only thing on his mind. He had to make sure that she was okay. 

Several hours had passed since the incident, and the world was reacting to the tragedy that had just occurred. Bruce and Tony had been the first to be called out to the situation, with the rest of the team being on strict instructions to stay back at the compound. They were the ones to make the decision to lock y/n up inside the Raft - along with some coercion from the government. It was a high-tech, high-security prison. There was no way y/n was getting out, or anyone was getting in. 

Of course Bucky hadn't listened to those instructions. He had fumbled his way around Tony's tech until he found the location of his helicopter, and had followed that to find his way to y/n. Vision had just managed to tag along after trying to stop Bucky from leaving, which of course hadn't worked.

Steve, Natasha, Sam, Wanda, and Tony were all in a debriefing room inside of the Raft. Wanda was in shock at what she'd just caused. She was sat at the conference table with her head in her hands, unable to wipe the sight of all of the bodies out of her head. Sam was sat beside Wanda, a comforting hand on her shoulder. He could already tell that the guilt was eating at her. He couldn't just leave Wanda to deal with that on her own. Natasha was sat on the edge of the table, cleaning up her wounds as much as she could. That blast from y/n was powerful, yet she had no hatred for her. It wasn't y/n's fault. The anger that she had was all directed toward Tony and Bruce, y/n didn't deserve this. But, there was no point in trying to argue at the moment. Steve and Tony were already bickering like children. 

Steve and Tony were stood beside one another, both with their arms crossed over their chests in an attempt to assert more dominance than the other. The television on the wall played constant news broadcasts of the incident, with more and more information rolling in as time passed. "This is too much, Tony. It wasn't even her fault." Steve sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. He hated how easily the government had convinced Tony to lock her up in the Raft. She was supposed to be family, no matter what had just happened. 

Tony raised his eyebrows, pausing the news broadcast so he could turn to face Steve. "Not her fault? Please, tell me what happened again? She didn't sleep for two days. She crashed her motorcycle. She almost killed a man. She overworked herself. Do you want me to keep going?" He snapped, counting all of the incidents on his fingers as if Steve was a child. Tony wasn't seeing it from a family point of view, he was seeing it from a governmental point of view. "Y/n is unstable. Keeping her here is the safest thing not only for herself but for the public." Tony explained seriously. It was pretty obvious that he wasn't going to change his mind, but that didn't mean that Steve wasn't going to stop arguing. 

"She is part of the family. She is part of the team. The safest place for her to be is back at the compound, surrounded by us. Not isolated in a cell!" Steve exclaimed, beginning to raise his voice. "Maybe there's a reason y/n hadn't slept. Maybe there's a reason why she tried to kill a Hydra soldier. Maybe there's a reason why she overworked herself. But you don't care about the reasoning, do you? All you care about is your public image." Steve snapped, taking a few steps away from Tony, but he continued to face him. Yes, he'd had a rocky relationship with y/n recently, but this wasn't right. "All you care about is how you look in all of this. The Raft is designed for supervillains and extreme criminals. You can't lock her up in a place like this!"

"I can, and I have." Tony shrugged, picking up his coffee cup from the table as he took a sip. "This is the thing, Rogers. None of us are family. Are we blood-related? No. You're nothing but a bunch of broken people living in a place that I pay for. I pay for the food, the clothes, the transport, the bills, everything. All the rest of you do is mooch off of my money. So yeah, I do care about how I look in all of this. Because if I don't, I could lose everything." Tony spat, a look of annoyance evident in his eyes. "According to the world, she is a criminal. She's a mass murderer that has just added more bodies to her list. This is the best place for her to be." 

Usually Steve was pretty good at keeping his composure, but not today. His anger had bubbled over when Tony had called y/n a mass murderer. If that was correct, his best friend should have the same title. None of what they did during their time in Hydra was their fault. Steve couldn't believe that Tony was able to bring it up so casually in an argument. "You're so full of shi-"

Steve was suddenly cut off by the doors slamming open, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. It was Bucky. Vision was close behind, a look of guilt in his eyes as he stepped into the room. "I'm sorry, Mr Stark. I tried to stop-"

"Where the fuck is she?" Bucky spat, a look of pure anger and stress in his eyes. He was prepared to beat the answer out of Tony, but he wanted to give him a chance to be honest for once. He clenched and unclenched his metal hand over and over again in attempt to relieve some stress, but it wasn't working. He had to know where y/n was. He had to find her. Bucky thought that she'd be in the room with the rest of the team, but that didn't seem to be true. Something else had happened to her, he could tell by the look in everyone's eyes. "Tell me. Tell me where she is."

"Mr Barnes-"

"No, Vis. It's okay. You've done enough." Tony interrupted, holding a hand out as if to stop him from talking. He sighed, setting his coffee cup back down on the table as he made his way toward Bucky. "I'll show him where y/n is." He hummed, gesturing toward the open door. If Bucky wanted to see her, he could. "After you, Barnes." Tony said with a forced smile, waiting for Bucky to step out into the hallway. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew it was just going to anger Bucky even more, but he didn't care. Bucky wanted the truth, so he was giving it to him.

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