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It didn't take long for y/n and Bucky to be out in the city. The dimly lit streets were pretty empty, especially compared to how busy it usually was during the day. Most other people were either drunk and on their way home from the club, or they were businessmen presumably arriving home after a long flight. Neither seemed to be in the right state of mind to properly recognise y/n and Bucky as Avengers, so they didn't really make much effort to conceal their identities. If people wanted to take pictures, they could, y/n and Bucky were just focusing on one another and having a good time. 

"Do you ever think about what our lives could've been like?"

Y/n and Bucky were sat side by side on a random fire escape, their feet dangling off of the edge as they stared out at the city below. They had bought some fast food, and were simply talking about whatever came to mind as they ate. The food was actually pretty good, which was a shock to both of them. All of the workers looked half asleep. But, there was something about food at crazy hours in the morning that just hit different. Bucky had wrapped his jacket around y/n, which she made fun of him for, but he knew that y/n secretly liked it. 

Bucky's eyebrows raised slightly at the question, humming in thought as he finished his mouthful of food. "Of course I have. But I don't think it would've been as great as you're expecting it to be." He hummed, taking a sip of his drink. "Let's say I didn't get experimented on, and I didn't fall off the train. I probably would've carried on fighting alongside Steve until he went into the ice. I'm not really sure what I would've done after losing him, we grew up side by side, y'know? I would've hoped that I eventually settled down and had a nice family, but I guess we'll never know." Bucky sighed, setting his drink down beside himself. It was depressing, but it was true. He probably would've spent the rest of his days mourning Steve, and most probably suffering from PTSD from the war. It wasn't really a jolly life. "What about you?" Bucky asked, tilting his head to the side slightly as he watched the city down below.

Y/n sighed, leaning back slightly as she set her empty burger box behind her. "Well, I would've grown up in that little town with my parents. They probably would've taught me how to use my powers for good, and I would've grown up as normal as a little girl like me could've been." She smiled, resting her head on Bucky's shoulder as she thought about what life could've been. "I would've stayed in that town my whole life, like the rest of my ancestors, and I probably would've used my powers to help the community. Eventually I would've settled down with a nice local man, and my kids would carry on the mimic lineage." Y/n hummed, staring down at the city below and watching as her feet hung freely over the edge. 

The pair sat in silence for a moment, both just thinking about what the other had said. It was a nice silence, one that didn't make you feel awkward or uncomfortable. It was always nice to dream about what life could've been. Smiles seemed to slowly appear on their faces as they thought, neither knowing that the other was smiling. They had both just had the exact same thought.

"Sounds boring." Y/n and Bucky said in unison.

The pair's faces seemed to light up even more at the fact that they'd said the exact same thing. Y/n laughed as she moved her head off of Bucky's shoulder, looking up at him with a bright smile. Bucky looked over at her with the exact same grin, shaking his head fondly at the thought of what y/n's life could've been. "You would've never settled down like that! You? Staying in the same town your whole life? You would've hated that!" He exclaimed with a laugh. "You've literally created a map of all the places you want to go, and you're telling me you'd be stuck in that town helping plants grow? You would've been miserable." He teased, leaning back on his hand as he smiled at her. Y/n nodded with a laugh, as she listened to Bucky. He was right. She would've hated every moment of it. "You would've been miserable too! You're Captain America's best friend, you'd never trade that action in! You'd be so bored." She giggled. Bucky nodded with a chuckle, glancing back at the city view. "Maybe it was good that life ended up like this. If it didn't, I would've never met someone as amazing as you." He grinned, glancing over at y/n to see her reaction, but he could already predict what it was going to be. Y/n laughed, moving to lean into Bucky again as she glanced out at the city. "You're so corny." She hummed, smiling as Bucky wrapped an arm around her. "How have you even gotten this far with flirting as bad as that?" Y/n teased, holding onto the hand that was wrapped around her. She'd never admit it, but she actually liked Bucky's sweet little compliments. They were nice. Bucky just seemed to shrug, pressing a kiss to the top of y/n's head.

Maybe it was a good thing that life ended up like it did. No, that didn't excuse the years and years of torture and turmoil that Hydra caused, but at least they were free now. At least they had each other. That was all they needed. Y/n and Bucky, two very different personalities, but they both seemed to just tether each other down. 

The rest of the night was a nice one. From aimless chats to stupid little challenges that had both of them laughing until their stomachs hurt. They'd probably been recorded chasing one another down the streets, weaving through cars, and laughing when one had finally caught the other. People had definitely pictured them talking in the most random places, and strolling down the streets as the city slowly begun to wake up. But neither y/n or Bucky cared. They were having a nice time. A nice time together. 

Neither even seemed to notice that the sun had come up until some paparazzi begun to call for them from the other side of the street. Y/n managed to stick her middle finger up at them with a smile, but Bucky quickly covered her hand with his metal one. He apologised to the paparazzi with a wave and a laugh, quickly guiding y/n into the crowds so they could lose the cameras. "What was that for?" Y/n asked with a laugh, hurrying into the crowd with Bucky. She still had a bright smile on her tired face, buzzing from the amazing time that they'd had. "You can't just stick your finger up at the paparazzi!" Bucky scolded, trying to act serious but y/n could see the smile that he was struggling to hide. "It was kinda funny though..." Y/n hummed, looking up at him with a mischievous grin, just waiting for that serious face to break. And it did. "It was." Bucky admitted with a chuckle, finally breaking his frown with a smile. He couldn't pretend to be mad at y/n, it was funny. The picture was probably a pretty good one, too. 

Bucky had never felt more free than he did that night. Now he understood why y/n would just disappear to hang out with Peter, this was fun.

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