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As soon as the power was cut, the fun begun. 

A loud crash was heard as Steve and Bucky burst into the main hall. A satisfying metal 'clang' echoed throughout the hall as Steve's shield hit one of the captors, bouncing off of a wall and back to him with ease. "Shit!" One of the men yelled out, rushing to aid the one that was hit with the shield. "Get the big guns! If they want to play dirty, so will we." He commanded, shooting at Steve and Bucky with his pistol. Bucky quickly dodged behind a pillar as he reloaded his gun, taking deep breaths. "Nat and Sam, two of the captors have left the hall and are headed for the big weapons. Can you handle that?" Bucky asked over his earpiece, moving out from behind the pillar as he begun to shoot again, trying to get closer and closer to them. 

"Got it." Sam responded, currently trying to find his way out of the basement with Natasha. Nat set off a flare, watching as their surroundings were lit up with a red hue. "I thought we were supposed to be stealthy?" Sam asked with raised eyebrows, checking their surroundings every few seconds. Natasha rolled her eyes, walking slowly through the darkness. "Well, I'd rather not walk around blindly in a basement with people that aren't scared to kill." She hummed, pushing open a door with a sigh of relief. They'd found the stairs. Both Sam and Natasha pressed their backs against the wall as they slowly made their way up, listening to the distant gunshots and yelling.

Back in the main hall, y/n quickly shapeshifted back to her original self, rushing toward Wanda in the sea of hostages. Wanda stood up, creating a forcefield around the hostages to protect them from the gunfire. All of the hostages were sat on the floor, covering their heads with their arms. "Come on! We need to move!" Y/n called out, clapping her hands in attempt to get their attention. But nobody moved. They probably thought she was one of the captors. Y/n looked up at Wanda with wide eyes when nobody moved. "We're here to help you! You need to move!" She yelled over the gunfire, tugging on a few of the hostages' jumpsuits in attempt to get them to stand up. A few of the hostages looked up at Wanda and y/n, but nobody stood up. "We can't! They'll kill us!" One of them cried out. Y/n shook her head, hopping from foot to foot as she begun to get impatient. They had to get the hostages out before anyone actually got hurt. "We don't have time for conversations, y/n! I can't hold this for much longer!" Wanda called out, struggling to keep the forcefield in tact. Y/n sighed as she realised what she had to do, giving Wanda a hesitant glance. She'd promised not to use her powers on civilians, but this was a dangerous situation that she had to get them out of. Wanda watched as y/n teleported behind each of the hostages, setting her hands on the sides of each of their heads until they were all under her control. "Let's go." Y/n said with a shaky breath, walking out of the main hall with all of the hostages. Wanda followed, keeping the forcefield around them until they were away from the gunfire. It was unsettling for sure, almost like an army of zombies following y/n, but Wanda knew it had to be done. "They'll understand why, y/n." Wanda reassured, jogging to the front of the crowd so she could walk beside y/n. Y/n sighed, a guilty look on her face as she guided everyone down the winding hallways. "I know, but it doesn't feel right. Not being in control of your own mind is scary, they've already been through enough." She murmured. Wanda nodded, creating a forcefield around a bomb on the side door to stop it from exploding. Y/n opened the door, allowing all the hostages to walk past. Once everyone was out, y/n shut the door and let go of control, flinching at the sound of pained crying and yelling from the hostages. Wanda wrapped an arm around y/n, guiding her away from the door. "They'll be okay. You saved them, they'll understand why you did it." She cooed, squeezing her side reassuringly. 

"Everyone get to the main hall, they have the weapons. I don't really feel like getting disintegrated today." Steve commanded over the earpiece, the sound of crashes muffling his voice. 

"On our way!" Natasha and Sam called out over their earpieces. They'd found the blueprints for the weapons, but of course they weren't fast enough to stop them from grabbing the guns. Nat was in the middle of  of burning all of the captors' belongings in case they had any doubles of the blueprints, the actual paper versions tucked in her pocket to burn later. "Go, Sam. I'll meet you there." She said seriously. Sam hesitated slightly, he didn't want to leave her on her own. But he could hear the crashes and yelling from the main hall getting louder, he had to go. "Fine. Let me know when you're on your way to us." Sam nodded, taking a deep breath before he begun to jog down to the main hall. Natasha sighed, muttering to herself as she continued to watch the belongings burn. "Come on..." She murmured, tapping her foot out of impatience. However, Natasha suddenly froze as she felt a pistol pressed to the back of her head. "What're you doing, hm? Those are my things." A woman cooed. Natasha took a deep breath, standing up a little straighter as she turned around, her hands up in surrender. The woman looked pretty roughed up, as if she'd already been beaten up. And she had. It was Alice. The real Alice. She'd somehow escaped the office y/n had locked her in, and she was mad.

Y/n and Wanda soon burst into the main hall, ready to help out with the explosive situation. But, as soon as y/n stepped inside, she was greeted with one of the weapons pointed right at her. The weapon begun to hum, glowing a bright blue as the captor prepared to shoot y/n. "Y/n! Move!" Bucky yelled, running toward y/n so he could tackle her out of the way. But, y/n quickly blasted Bucky away from her, managing to teleport out of the way of the beam just in time. Bucky grunted as he was blasted into a wall, his eyes wide as he watched the beam disintegrate a pillar. "Why'd you blast me?!" He yelled over the noise, joining y/n in attacking the captor that just tried to shoot her. "Because I had it handled!" Y/n yelled back, kicking the weapon out of the man's hands. "So did I!" Bucky argued, punching the captor square in the face. Y/n rolled her eyes with an annoyed laugh, dodging one of the man's punches. "No you didn't! You were planning on sacrificing yourself, you dumbass! I can handle things myself!" Y/n argued back, kicking the man in the chest, launching him into a pillar and knocking him out. 

Steve rolled his eyes at the sound of the arguing, kicking one of the captors down the set of stairs in the main hall. He wiped his bloody lip with the back of his hand, picking his shield back up. "Is now really the time for an argument?" He asked over the noise, throwing his shield at a captor that almost shot Wanda. 

"Stay out of it!" Y/n and Bucky yelled in unison, both pointing at Steve with annoyed looks on their faces.

Sam and Wanda couldn't help but laugh slightly at y/n and Bucky, of course they were going to argue in the middle of fighting, of course. "As long as they're fighting the captors, I don't care." Sam chuckled, dodging behind a pillar as he was shot at. Wanda nodded, tossing the shield back to Steve before she begun to blast the man that tried to shoot her. 

It didn't take long for the team to have all the captors rounded up, all unconscious and handcuffed in the middle of the main hall. Y/n sighed, wiping the sweat off of her forehead as she finished disabling all of the big weapons. Wanda prepared to create a forcefield over all the giant bombs that covered the main entrance, whilst Sam and Bucky checked the building for any hostage that were still stuck inside. Y/n frowned as she glanced around, someone was missing. "Hey, where's Nat"? She asked, the sound of concern evident in her voice. 

"Right here, sweetie." A voice called out from the top of the stairs. Y/n quickly turned around to find Alice with a gun to Nat's head. Natasha definitely put up a fight, Alice had a black eye along with other bruises. But, Nat had a plan. She didn't want to carry an unconscious body all the way through the bank and into the main hall, that was too much work. So she let Alice think she was in control. Of course Alice's little power-trip didn't last long. A satisfying 'clink' was heard as Steve's shield hit her head, wiping that smug smile off of her face and sending her unconscious body from the ground. Natasha smiled, wiping the dirt from herself as she stepped away from Alice's body. "Can we go now?" She asked, strolling toward the rest of the group. 

Y/n laughed, nodding as she watched Wanda create a forcefield around the bombs. "Let's go." She grinned, holding the door open for everyone to finally exit the bank.

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