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Bucky was bored out of his mind. Sitting alone in a makeshift hospital room wasn't really the greatest thing in the world. Yes, he had Bruce come in and check on him every now and again, but that was just to make sure he wasn't bleeding out and if he was in any pain. There was no source of entertainment other than sleeping. At least all the painkillers he was on actually helped him sleep without nightmares, but it still didn't mean the dreams were pleasant. He wanted to get up and do things, he wanted to talk to people. God, he'd even let Peter ramble on for hours. Bucky was just sick of laying in the makeshift hospital bed. But, there was no way he could get up. Not just yet anyway. The wounds on his torso restricted a lot of movement. Sitting up and laying down was painful, so he didn't want to think of having to move about even more. He sighed quietly to himself as he leant his head back against his pillow, covering his eyes with his metal arm. Another nap couldn't hurt, right? It wasn't like there was anything else he could do. Plus, he'd gotten used to the constant beeping of the heart monitor by his side. He let out a breath as he let his eyes slowly droop shut, slowly about to drift into dreamland. But, the sudden noise of a loud knock at the door almost caused Bucky to jump out of his skin.

Sam suddenly burst into the room, standing in the doorway with two pizza boxes in his hands. He had dressed up completely for the part, wearing Steve's motorcycle helmet and a red jacket with a painted pizza logo on the back. Y/n was stood beside Sam in a similar outfit, Natasha's motorcycle helmet tucked under one arm as she held out a piece of paper. "Pizza delivery for..." Y/n began, squinting her eyes as if she couldn't read the piece of paper properly. "Bucky Brains? No, that can't be right." She murmured, frowning as Sam leant over as if to double check the piece of paper. Sam squinted, taking the paper into his own hands so he could read it properly. He murmured something into y/n's ear, causing her to gasp and nod. "Oh! Right." She hummed, a proud smile on her face as she took the paper back. "Pizza delivery for Lucky Harms!" Y/n said confidently, completely in character. But, she refused to make eye contact with Bucky. She knew that if she did, she'd just start laughing.

Bucky raised his eyebrows at the stupid little act that they were putting on. A fond smile appearing on his face as he rolled his eyes, debating on just closing his eyes again. Maybe it wasn't so bad being stuck on his own. "I hate you both." He chuckled, smiling at all the little details they'd gone through. But, he was happy to see y/n grinning. Just the sight of that smile had him wanting to thank Sam. "How did you guys even do this? Are there two delivery drivers knocked out somewhere?" He asked with a laugh. They always had to make a scene. Always. 

Both y/n and Sam broke character after hearing what Bucky had to say, laughing as they made their way toward him. "What do you mean? We're real delivery drivers. Don't you see our jackets?" Sam asked, turning around to show Bucky the back of his jacket. There was a logo painted on in white paint of a pizza, the logo being completely identical to the one on y/n's jacket. They had no clue who actually owned the jackets, they just found them in the dryer, so they were probably going to be in a little bit of trouble. "These are our finest pizzas, made fresh from our famous pizzeria in London." Y/n hummed, trying to carry on with their made up story. Sam laughed slightly as he set the pizza boxes down on a table beside the bed. "That's right! Did you know that motorcycles are surprisingly waterproof?" He asked with raised eyebrows, trying his hardest not to smile.

Bucky couldn't wipe the smile off of his face as he listened to the pair go on and on about their fake pizza company. It was honestly quite nice to see the go into so much effort, even if it was stupid. It was just nice to see y/n beginning to act like herself again. "Y'know what? I think I preferred the peace and quiet." He teased, watching as the pair gave him a dramatic gasp. He'd never admit it, but he was quite grateful that they came in, especially with what seemed to be some fresh pizza.

The trio ended up sat together in the lab for quite a while, simply talking and enjoying the pizzas. The pizzas were surprisingly good, which even seemed to shock Sam. Y/n and Sam had destroyed the kitchen whilst making those pizzas, they debated if they were even going to be edible. But, the pizza gods seemed to be in their favour today. The pizza boxes were made out of  empty cereal boxes, which was a quite funny surprise when Bucky opened them. Who would've thought that a bunch of Lucky Charms boxes were so durable?

"No, you must've knocked out some poor delivery drivers. There's no way you two can make pizza that's actually edible." Bucky chuckled, his voice slightly muffled as he'd just taken another bite of his pizza slice. Y/n was sat on the end of the bed, facing Bucky with a happy look on her face. She'd lost the bet on who was going to sit on the chair, but she didn't seem to mind, she was closer to Bucky this way anyway. "I can't believe you're questioning my amazing cooking skills." Y/n boasted dramatically, taking another slice out of the box. This had been the first proper meal that she'd eaten since she was taken, and god, it was good. Yes, Natasha made her food last night, and this morning, but she barely touched it. It was nice to see her smiling and eating like normal. Bucky rolled his eyes with a grin, glancing over at Sam and then back at y/n as if to double check he heard her correctly. "So... Are we going to forget the time you burnt a piece of toast so badly that not even Thor's hammer could break it?" He asked with raised eyebrows. "Or the time that you didn't cook the pasta enough and Steve almost chipped a tooth?" Sam chimed in, a teasing smile on his face. Y/n's eyes widened as she was suddenly teased by both of them, holding her hands up in defence. "Hey! I didn't ask to be attacked like this! Besides... That was ages ago, I'm much better now." Y/n hummed, not able to wipe the grin off of her face. It was nice to be able to spend time with Sam and Bucky. It was nice to feel normal. Even if it was only for a little while.

"That was last week!" Bucky and Sam exclaimed at the same time.

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