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It wasn't long before Wanda and y/n had teleported inside the building. It was showtime now. No jokes, no games, no slip-ups. This was serious. People's lives were at risk, their own lives were at risk. No time to play. Every move had to be careful and calculated, almost like a chess game. One wrong step and things could go wrong in the blink of an eye. 

Y/n managed to teleport right in the middle of a crowd of hostages. All in the same jumpsuits, all terrified for their lives. But none of them were tied up. The captors seemed to be moving them somewhere, but y/n wasn't sure where. The whole bank was like a maze. She took a shaky breath as she shuffled along with the crowd, glancing around as much as possible in attempt to find Wanda, but, from what y/n could see, Wanda wasn't in the crowd. That just made the whole situation even more scary. Wanda was nowhere nearby. They were supposed to stick together the whole time due to the fact that they couldn't use earpieces. Shit, the plan had already messed up. That was when y/n noticed a few of the hostages staring at her as they walked, terrified and confused looks on their faces. They could obviously tell y/n hadn't been there the whole time. "Act normal." Y/n muttered, not wanting to raise any suspicion with the captors.

Wanda had managed to teleport into the main hall of the bank, where all the hostages were being kept. However, it was far too empty. Half of them weren't there, and neither was y/n. Wanda cursed slightly under her breath, quickly sitting down beside the rest of the hostages so she could blend in. The first part of the plan had already been ruined, they were split up with no way of contacting one another, let alone the outside. She glanced around the main hall slowly, trying to gain a general sense of the situation. None of the hostages seemed to be dead or injured, nobody even seemed to be sick, they were just scared for their lives. The fact that nobody was injured surprised Wanda, she knew they weren't afraid to kill. But maybe that was their plan - threaten human lives to make sure nobody storms the building. However, a voice soon ripped Wanda from her thoughts. It was one of the captors, stood proudly on the staircase in the middle of the hall. "Group A are almost back from their bathroom break, my loves! Line up against the wall, you're next." The man exclaimed, swinging his gun around as he talked. "Then we can finally get to work! Aren't you excited?" He smiled, clasping his hands together in satisfaction. The group of hostages slowly got up, almost clinging to one another as they made their way toward the wall. Wanda blended in with the group, taking a shaky breath as she lined up against the wall. There were young girls there - probably still in high school - and these captors were getting joy out of their fear. 

Y/n's group soon found their way into the main hall, lining up at the wall opposite the other group. She let out a slight breath of relief at the sight of Wanda, locking eyes with her as they stood opposite one another. Neither could say a word to one another, but they both knew exactly what one another were thinking. This was a death wish. Things already weren't going to plan. Being surrounded by other hostages meant that they couldn't do anything without risking an injury. They were screwed.

"I said move! Are you deaf or something?" One of the captors suddenly yelled, causing y/n's attention to quickly come back to the situation and not just keep eye contact with Wanda as a desperate attempt of communication. Y/n quickly put on a fake façade of fear, her eyes wide as she quickly shook her head. "No, no. Sorry." She rushed out in a shaky tone. Y/n took a quick step to sit down with the rest of the group, put was suddenly stopped by a hand grabbing her arm. "Y'know what? I'd like to talk to this one. Alone." Another one of the captors announced, a tight grip on y/n's arm. The man from before shrugged with a slight chuckle. "Go ahead." He smiled, waving goodbye to y/n as if she was a child. "Have fun, my love! Everyone, wave goodbye!" The man cooed, waving goodbye to y/n with a sick smile on his face. None of the hostages waved at first, some almost beginning to cry as they watched y/n. They were already assuming they were going to kill or hurt her. You see, there may not be any visible injuries, but many of the hostages had deep bruising and cuts hidden under their jumpsuits. When nobody waved, the man's smile seemed to fall. Shooting up at the ceiling with his pistol. "I said wave!" He yelled in a gruffer tone, glaring at the hostages. They all jumped at the noise, the sound of crying and sniffling becoming a little louder as they all waved goodbye to y/n. "Bye..." They all said in unison. Fear filled y/n as she watched everyone wave goodbye to her, she didn't really need to put on a terrified façade anymore, it was all real. These people were sick in the head, and she was being taken somewhere alone with one of them. "Come on then, sweetie." The woman spat, a tight grip on y/n's arm as she pulled her out of the main hall.

Wanda watched the whole scene in horror. Watching as her teammate was dragged away, alone. If the captors got angry at people not saying goodbye, there was no way she could stand up and follow y/n. Wanda took in a shaky breath, quickly turning to one of the hostages sat beside her. "What's going to happen to her?" She asked quietly, checking where the captors where before she spoke. The hostage shrugged, taking in a deep breath as he scanned around the room. "I have no clue. But the last girl didn't come back." He murmured with a slight sigh. Wanda's eyes widened, sitting up a little straighter. Shit. This really was a death wish. Even with their powers y/n and Wanda couldn't handle the captors alone, it was too dangerous.

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