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Y/n only had one thing on her mind, and that was to kill. 

As the fire raged on, so did the fighting. She took the setting sun and the flames to her advantage, controlling the fire to surround and isolate specific members of the team. Everyone was constantly on high alert, struggling to tell between an illusion of y/n and the real one. Y/n was basically running rings around them, smiling as they fell into every single one of her tricks. It wasn't looking good for the team.

The first person to go down was Vision.

Y/n teleported behind him, setting hands on the sides of his head in attempt to take control of him. But, of course, he wasn't human. Vision whipped around to strike y/n, throwing a punch in her direction. But, instead of dodging, y/n caught the punch. An almost robotic look on her face as she looked Vision in the eyes, mimicking super soldier strength as she begun to crush his fist in her hand. Vision's eyes widened, trying to yank his hand away, but y/n just continued to crush it. "I'm sorry about this, Miss y/n." He apologised, still reluctant to hurt her despite her trying to rip his hand off. Vision suddenly begun to form a solar beam from the mind stone on the centre of his head, frowning slightly as he fired it at y/n. "That's not my name." She snapped, not seeming to react as the solar beam begun to form. However, just as Vision fired it toward her, y/n raised his arm, putting it straight in the firing line. Vision's eyes widened as he sliced his own arm off with the solar beam, almost speechless as he watched his arm fall to the ground, sparking with live wires. 

"Vis!" Wanda yelled, eyes wide in shock after watching the whole thing happen. She blasted the fire out of her path when Vision begun to lose balance, almost running toward him to catch him. However, she froze at the sight of y/n. Y/n kicked at Vision's legs so he fell to his knees, her hand sinking into his forehead in attempt to yank the mind stone out. Her mission was to kill, and she was going to do that. "Stop!" Wanda shouted, tears in her eyes as y/n's fingers sunk into his forehead. She ran as fast as she could, anger and terror fuelling her as she suddenly blasted y/n with an energy wave, launching her far away from Vision. She raced toward Vision with wide eyes, sitting on the ground with him. Wanda knew that y/n was going to try and kill them, but actually seeing it was terrifying. Y/n didn't even have any emotion in her eyes.

Y/n was blasted straight into Sam and Steve, who had just taken out a mind-controlled Natasha. They begun to fight almost immediately, with y/n trying her hardest to take control of one of their minds - but it was too hard to get her hands on the sides of their heads for long enough. "Y/n! You need to stop this!" Steve called out, ducking as y/n tried to swing a punch. Y/n didn't have any time to respond before Sam suddenly flew at her, trying to take her out. But, y/n stepped out of the way just in time, mimicking super soldier strength to catch one of Sam's wings. Sam yelled in surprise as y/n swung him around, dragging him through the fire and swinging him at Steve. "Steve! Any help over here?" Sam yelled, hissing in pain as he was slammed into the fire, immediately trying to put himself out. "Got it!" Steve yelled, throwing his shield at y/n in attempt to stop her. The shield hit y/n in the hands, causing her to hiss and let go of one of Sam's wings. She glanced down at her hands to look at the damage caused, shaking them out slightly in attempt to ignore the pain. However, before Steve could run over, she picked up the shield. Y/n held the shield tightly, blocking Steve's attacks as she blasted small fireballs at him, slowing him down. She was gaining control over the fight. Again.

"That's enough, y/n." Tony commanded, holding a hand out as he prepared to blast her. Of course she didn't listen, continuing to beat Steve up. Tony sighed, hesitating slightly. He didn't want to hurt y/n. It felt wrong, so wrong. But, she didn't seem to be stopping. He blasted a beam at y/n from the blaster on his hand, grimacing slightly as he prepared for it to hit her. But, y/n still had the shield. She hid behind the shield, causing Tony's eyes to widen at the aftermath. The beam hit the shield and bounced off of it, striking Steve and sending him to the ground in pain. Y/n didn't even seem to react, simply tossing the shield down beside a barely conscious Steve. There was someone else to focus on now. She could come back and finish him off later.

Tony tapped the side of his suit so his face was revealed, backing up slightly as y/n walked toward him.  "Y/n. You've got to stop this. Come on, I can't fight you." He said with wide eyes, continuing to back up. Y/n just kept walking toward Tony, orbs of energy forming in her palms. "This'll be an easy fight, then." Y/n hummed calmly, blasting Tony with the orbs of energy. Tony flew back, hitting the ground hard. He grunted in pain as he pushed himself back up onto his feet. "Come on, kid. I don't want to hurt you." He sighed, holding his hands up in surrender. Y/n just smirked, kicking Tony hard in the stomach, launching him into the fire. She blasted the fire away, now standing over Tony with an empty look in her eyes. "I want to hurt you." She said seriously, stamping on Tony's head hard. It wasn't a good idea for him to keep his face exposed. Y/n stamped over and over and over again, watching as the blood covered her shoe. Y/n stopped when Tony was barely conscious, just wanting to see the look in his eyes before she eliminated him. However, the sound of a loud whistle caught her attention. 

It was a whistle that dog owners would use to get their dog's attention or get them to come back. But, it was commonly used in Hydra. Trained in their brains to pay attention if someone whistled. Y/n looked up to find the source of the noise. Everyone else was on the ground, except for one person. Stood in the distance, surrounded by fire.

There was one more person to fight. Bucky.

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