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"Run, Cassie! Run!" Y/n's voice rung out from the hallway, soon followed by excited giggles from the little girl.

It had been a few weeks since the alien mission, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Well, as smooth as it could go for the team. There were a few missions here and there, but nothing major enough for the whole team to go. It was rare to go such a long time without needing to do anything Avenger-like, so everyone made the most of it. There were day trips in the city, movie nights, laser tag competitions, and even a few little date nights between y/n and Bucky. It was great. Sometimes a sense of normality was all that they needed to unwind and escape from their crazy lives. Life was never going to be normal for any of them, but they made the most of what they had.

Currently, y/n and Peter were on babysitting duty. Cassie's mom had let Scott take care of her for the day, and of course he was never going to say no to that. But, he obviously wasn't going to tell her that Cassie was surrounded by possibly dangerous people with superpowers. Maggie would never let Cassie see him again if she knew that. So that was why Cassie was told to 'tell mommy that we went to the zoo' instead of what they actually did. Scott had complete trust in the whole team. None of them would hurt Cassie, and he knew that. Plus, it gave him a lot of 'cool dad' credit because he knew Captain America. 

Speaking of Captain America, Cassie had just stolen his shield. The little girl's giggle was infectious as she raced down the hallways with y/n and Peter. "Quick! Hide in here!" Y/n exclaimed, opening the door to her and Bucky's bedroom. "Go, go, go! Down here!" Peter whispered, pointing over to the bed. Cassie quickly hurried over, wriggling her way under the bed with the shield. "You're coming down too!" She exclaimed, reaching out for Peter so he could hide under the bed too. Peter raised his eyebrows, sharing a hesitant look with y/n. But, y/n just seemed to shrug with a laugh. "I'm not sure if I can fit down there, Cass." Peter frowned, trying to find an excuse so he didn't have to squeeze under the bed. There were so many other hiding spots, but Cassie was having none of it. "Of course you can, silly!" She exclaimed with a giggle, laying on top of the shield as if to hide it as she lay under the bed. "Yeah, silly! Of course you can fit under there!" Y/n teased, just glad that Cassie wasn't making her hide under the bed too. She'd found a pretty good hiding spot behind the door, and that was where she was going to stay. Peter almost stuck his middle finger up at y/n, but then remembered that there was a kid in the room, so he opted for sicking his tongue out instead. "Hurry up!" Cassie suddenly exclaimed, beginning to get impatient. Steve was coming to find them, and Peter was going to get them all caught. "I'm going, I'm going!" Peter sighed, finally wriggling under the bed. He grunted slightly at the lack of space, his feet were definitely poking out, but he didn't care. There was no way he could go further under the bed without his head poking out the other side. 

It didn't take long for Steve to make his way into the room, a frown on his face as he leant on his crutches. He still had a cast on his leg, but it was due to come off soon. The cast was covered in signatures and little drawings from the team, which, whilst he would never admit it, Steve found pretty sweet. His frown wasn't really real, he was just pretending to be the bad guy for Cassie. Her little giggle was the best thing to hear, and if he had to pretend to be grumpy for it, he'd do it. "Hmm, maybe they're in here..." He said loudly as he begun to look around the room. "I wonder who the shield stealer is! It couldn't be Cassie, we have a tea party later!" He exclaimed, smiling as he heard a little giggle come from somewhere in the room. Steve slowly made his way to the other side of the bed, his smile just widening at the sight of Peter's shoes sticking out. But, he didn't mention them, simply looking up as he made eye contact with y/n, who was hiding behind the door. Y/n smiled at Steve, happy to see that he was playing along. She mouthed a silent 'sorry' to him from across the room, but Steve just seemed to shrug. Yes, he had been resting his leg on the couch, but he didn't mind playing along for a while. "Well, I can't find them in here... I guess I'll go and drink one of Cassie's juice boxes." Steve hummed as he made his way out of the bedroom, just seeming to smile wider at the loud gasp that was heard from under the bed. 

The rest of the day consisted of silly games until it was time for Cassie's tea party. It was a very exclusive event, actually. Y/n wasn't invited, and neither was Peter or Bucky. Sam was invited, though. So was Steve, Thor, and Vision. It was quite a sweet little thing to watch, seeing a bunch of grown men forced to sit on tiny seats and stick their pinkies out if they wanted a drink. But everyone was taking it very seriously. They had to. This was a very important tea party. If they didn't take it seriously, Cassie wouldn't invite them back. That was why y/n wasn't invited anymore. Apparently using her powers to make her teacup levitate wasn't allowed, according to Cassie. 

So, Peter and y/n had some free time before they were back on babysitting duty. Usually this would be the time to relax before Cassie dragged them around the compound again, but not for y/n and Peter. They were full of energy, and y/n had a plan. She'd somehow managed to convince Peter to stick magnets onto Bucky's arm with her, and they finally had the time to do it. 

"Are you sure about this?" Peter asked nervously as he begun to take the magnets off of the refrigerator, tucking them into his pockets. "Of course I am! I've always wanted to do this." Y/n smiled, leaning against the doorway. She knew exactly what was going to happen, and if anyone else was in the kitchen they'd know too. But Peter was oblivious to how angry Bucky was going to get. There was a reason why y/n didn't have any magnets in her pockets. "Okay, I'm ready." Peter announced, forcing a smile as he begun to make his way toward y/n. She guided Peter over to the living room, a mischievous smile on her face as she leant against the doorway. "Go." She whispered to Peter, smiling as Peter begun to creep toward Bucky. She almost felt bad. Almost. But she was desperate to see Bucky's reaction.

Bucky was sat on the couch, quite happily watching a TV show with Natasha. His metal arm rested on the back of the couch, his legs outstretched and resting on the coffee table. He had no idea was was going on in the show, but Natasha wanted to watch it, and it wasn't like he had anything else to do. He should've been invited to the tea party, but Cassie never came to collect him. Not that he minded, though. The plastic tiaras were so uncomfortable. Bucky seemed to be in his own little world, debating on whether he should use the free time he had to doze off. But, before he could even close his eyes, he heard a small 'click' on his metal arm. He frowned, glancing over to investigate the noise. His eyes widened at the sight before him. His arm was covered in magnets, and Peter was sat there, preparing to stick another one on. Anger begun to bubble up as he yanked his arm away, watching as Peter begun to bolt out of the room. 

"PARKER!" Bucky's voice boomed, sending an echo throughout the whole compound. Uh oh. 

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