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"Hey, where's y/n?"

The team were almost finished cleaning the party room when they heard Bucky's voice from the doorway. They all looked up, seeming just as confused as he was. "She told me she wanted to get some air... Is she not on the roof?" Wanda asked with a frown. She could've sworn she'd just seen y/n, she couldn't have gone far. Wanda had been planning on meeting y/n on the roof once she was finished helping out, wanting to just check in and make sure that she was doing okay. So to hear that Bucky couldn't find her really put her on edge.

Bucky shook his head as he took a few more steps into the room. "No, I checked. I've checked the whole compound." He rushed out worriedly. It was obvious Bucky had already jumped to conclusions. That was one of the reasons he came back to the room, he didn't want to be alone. The paranoia was beginning to get the better of him and he just needed some reassurance. Bucky could feel his chest getting tighter, taking a shaky breath as he shook his head in denial. "Steve, what if she-"

"No. No. We're not thinking like that. Stop it." Steve quickly interrupted, helping his best friend sit down on one of the armchairs. The rest of the team moved to sit near or beside Bucky, they'd all had that feeling of paranoia in one sense or another, it was horrible. Natasha sat beside Bucky, setting a hand on his knee to make sure he looked at her. "Hey, do you remember last time? We all freaked out, and it turned out that she'd just been hanging out with Peter. That's probably what she's doing right now, alright?" She said in a reassuring tone. Bucky nodded slowly, Natasha was making sense. "She promised she'd tell me next time that happened, though." He frowned, almost feeling slightly betrayed by y/n. Promises meant a lot to him, so for y/n to deliberately break one, it hurt. "Well, we've all had a long night. Especially y/n and Peter, right?" Natasha hummed, looking up at the rest of the team for a bit more back up. Steve nodded, setting a reassuring hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Right. Y/n had to give a speech, something that she'd been stressing over. Plus it was probably her first party in a long time. And Peter probably spent the whole night worrying of he'd made a good impression or not for that girl." Steve explained, squeezing Bucky's shoulder slightly in attempt to comfort him. He hated seeing his best friend so stressed. "Exactly. It makes sense for y/n and Peter to swing around the city for a while. She's fine, Bucky. It sucks that she didn't say anything, but you can talk to her about that when she gets back, hm?" Tony hummed, sitting opposite Bucky. Bucky sighed as he continued to nod. The team was right. Y/n was probably fine. She was probably swinging around the city having the time of her life. "Isn't she still in the outfit she wore for the party?" Wanda suddenly asked, a suspicious look on her face. Something felt off. "Wanda, the last time she did this she played in the rain. I don't think she cares about what she's wearing." Tony hummed, quickly shooting down any idea that could make anyone worry.

"Look, I'm loving this little mothers meeting we're having here, but can we go to bed? I'm exhausted." Sam's voice suddenly interrupted from the doorway, causing the rest of the team of to laugh. Sam was right, they'd all had a long day. It was probably best for everyone to get some rest.


Y/n almost felt as if she wasn't in her own body. She didn't know what that gas was, but god, she was higher than a kite. Everything felt numb, she couldn't control any movement - almost as if she was running on autopilot. She couldn't even control her eyelids, only able to see glimpses of her surroundings when her body decided. But, even then she couldn't do anything. Her mind felt as if it was clouded over, no cohesive thought could run through. It was almost as if her mind was just pure TV static, empty and void of any function. All she knew was that she felt like shit. Any time that her eyes decided to open, her vision was spinning, seeing double of everything. It was almost as if she was in slow motion.

Y/n was still in the back of the van. Her body lay limp against the cold flooring, the only sound in her ears was the sound of her laboured breathing. With every bump in the road, y/n's head smacked the bottom of the van, but she didn't feel anything, too high on whatever was in that gas. She was coated in sweat, her body obviously understood that something was wrong, but couldn't figure out what. 

The stranger hummed along to the songs on the radio as he drove. He wasn't the typical guy someone would expect to attack you, and that was why it worked so well. He was smart. He had charisma and wit. That was why he was able to get y/n to teleport him without using brute force. He didn't have a gun on him. The doll was his weapon, and god, it worked a treat.

Y/n soon heard the van doors open, but she couldn't even move her head to take a look. She stared up at the ceiling, trying her hardest to push through whatever she'd been drugged with. The stranger's face soon appeared in her line of vision, his face was blurry, but she knew it was the same guy from earlier. "Oh dear, are you awake? Here, let me fix that for you." The stranger smiled, not an ounce of sympathy on his face as he noticed the tears in y/n's eyes. He lifted up her head, forcing the mask back on and activating the gas. Y/n couldn't do anything but breathe in more and more of the gas, tears falling freely as she slipped back under. Any sense of knowing where she was had disappeared as the darkness took over her once again.

The stranger dragged y/n out of the van once he was sure she was unconscious. They were in an abandoned warehouse. Dark, dirty, and in the middle of god-knows-where. He whistled a jolly tune as he strapped y/n to a metal chair, his whistling echoing around the deserted place. Once y/n was secured to the chair, he pulled out another thing from his coat pocket. A tattered journal. But it wasn't just any journal. It was a journal y/n knew far too well. A journal she thought she'd never see again. A journal that had all of the details of her time in Hydra.

A journal with her code words.   

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