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A/N: Guess who's baaaaack! 

Y/n just seemed to smirk at the sound of another voice. She could fight two people. Easy. Plus, she'd just found out Starlord's name. Quill. Maybe she understood why he used a fake name. Y/n removed her glare from Starlord so she could find the source of the noise, ready to blast them at any moment. However, her face seemed to fall at the sight of the person behind Quill. "What the...?" She murmured in surprise, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. 

It was a green woman. An alien. An alien that was talking to this man as if it was nothing. An alien that was on his side. What the hell was going on?

"Well, it's a funny story. I stumbled into this 'Mimic' girl, and she thinks she can beat me up! Embarrassing, right?" Quill exclaimed with a nervous laugh as he turned to face Gamora. He knew that y/n could easily beat him, especially after seeing those orbs in her palms, but his ego wasn't going to let him admit that. Of course, Gamora was having none of it. She raised her eyebrows as she strolled toward him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Did you stumble, or were you just not paying attention?" She hummed in a disappointed tone, prodding at the headphones resting around Starlord's neck. "You're supposed to be our lookout! This place is dangerous! You're the only person out of our group of idiots that actually listens to me. Well, I thought you did." Gamora scolded with a huff, running a hand through her hair out of annoyance. Quill's eyes widened as he was scolded, quickly shaking his head as he set his hands on Gamora's shoulders. "Hey, I do listen to you! I do! I was just doing a scout of the area!" He exclaimed, lying through his teeth. But, Starlord's face fell at the look in Gamora's eyes. Oh god, he'd messed up. He'd forgotten how much she hated liars.

Y/n blinked hard, trying to convince herself that she was just seeing things, but she wasn't. She let out an exasperated breath, the orbs of energy in her palms just seeming to strengthen. Bruce did say this wasn't like their normal missions, but she was too tired to deal with all of this. It was too much. Y/n watched as the green woman and Starlord begun to bicker. God, this was just like movie night with the team. She cursed under her breath, the orbs in her palms disappearing as she reached up to rest a hand on her forehead. It was almost as if they'd forgotten that she was just standing there. Y/n debated on turning her music back on as the pair begun to raise their voices, but, she didn't. Instead, she reached a hand up and set it on her earpiece, preparing on alerting the team. These people were trespassing, they had to leave. "Hey-"

But, before y/n could alert the team, a loud screech was heard. Followed by another screech, and another screech, and another screech. It was the aliens. The aliens that supposedly weren't hostile.

"Quill! Shit! We have a problem!"  

"I am Groot!"

"Yeah, I know Groot. Hold on tight for me, okay?"

"I am Groot."

That was when two... things came running out of a plastic tunnel. A talking raccoon, and a sentient bundle of sticks.

Y/n's utter shock and confusion just seemed to grow at the sight of them, forgetting for a moment that those screeches probably weren't a good thing. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the two new 'people', glancing over at Gamora and Peter as if to check that they were seeing it too. And they were, but they didn't seem bothered at all. "I haven't slept enough for this..." She murmured to herself, rubbing her eyes with her hands. Y/n couldn't even think of a logical way to process everything that was going on. 

Peter's eyes widened as Rocket and Groot came running toward them, both covered in the same blue goop that the aliens secreted. "What? What the hell did you do?!" He asked in a rushed tone, listening to the screeches that just seemed to be getting closer and closer. Gamora quickly scooped Groot up, setting him inside her backpack for protection. "I am Groot!" He complained, but Gamora continued to zip the bag up. "There's a juice box in there for you, Groot. But if you spill it I swear to-"

"Well... It's not really my fault. It's Groot's." Rocket tried to reason, a guilty look on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You see, Groot wanted to try out one of the slides. But what I didn't know was that the slide he chose was the one that led riiight into the heart of the nest. Y'know, the place were all the babies are, and the place where-"

"Where the really big and scary aliens are. Great. And I'm guessing you woke them up?" Quill asked, resting a hand on his forehead with a disappointed sigh. The screeches just seemed to be getting louder and louder. 

"Well, yeah. Groot tried to bite one of the babies, and then the baby bit back. So I shot it." Rocket admitted, gesturing toward the blue goop that he was covered in. He wasn't going to let Groot get hurt, especially by some dumb aliens. He just wished he thought his actions through a bit more before doing it. 

"Rocket! For God's sake! You knew that these aliens are hostile! What's wrong with you? The only thing we had to do was get Groot's teddy bear back, but no, you decide to cause chaos. Did you even get the bear?" Peter sighed in annoyance, pulling out what looked like a futuristic iPad from his backpack, pressing a few buttons.

"Of course I did! Do you think I'm stupid?" Rocket huffed, pointing up at Gamora when she raised her eyebrows. "Don't answer that." He snapped, turning around to check the tunnel as the screeches begun to get louder and louder. "Ready to go yet, Quill?" He asked nervously, preparing his gun as scratches were heard down the tunnel. 

Peter nodded with a smile as he pressed a few more buttons on the futuristic iPad. He looked up and over at y/n with a smug smirk. "Have fun with what's coming, kid. I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not." Starlord grinned, waving goodbye to y/n. And, just like that, he pressed a button, causing Rocket, Gamora, Groot, and Quill, to be beamed up into nothingness.

Y/n stood there for a few moments in disbelief, still trying to process it all. Nothing made sense. Nothing at all. But, she didn't have much time to hang around. She had to get out before the aliens killed her. Usually she wouldn't mind standing around and fighting, but not with aliens that she had no clue about. 

"So... We should start running, right?" Y/n asked through the earpiece, glancing around for a place to run.

"You're not already running?!" Scott called out over the earpiece, the screeching loud on his end.

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