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"Stop. Talking."

Y/n climbed on top of Bucky, looking him straight in the eyes as she sunk the knife deeper into his stomach. She didn't even seem to react to the fear in his eyes. A sick smile appeared on her face as she twisted the knife. Warm, thick blood pooled over her cold and calloused fingers, staining her skin. Y/n lifted the knife and sunk it straight into Bucky's chest, watching as he begun to gasp and wheeze out for air. Her hands stayed secured on the handle as the blade sunk deeper. Crimson blood spattered and spilled from his mouth with every breath, yet he still continued to talk and try to reason with her. She could see the pure terror in his eyes, the desperation, the struggle. Yet she continued to punch him in the face. One hand pressed down on the knife, once hand hitting her lover over and over again, watching as Bucky's life begun to slip away from him.

"I love you..."

Y/n suddenly jolted awake, gasping in breath as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of her room. She slowly sat up, her cheeks wet from the tears streaming down her cheeks. Her heart was beating fast, her chest tight from the adrenaline as she tried to calm herself down. It was just a nightmare. A sick and twisted nightmare that her mind decided to replay over and over again. She took in deep, shaky breaths, reaching over to turn on the lamp beside her bed. Her body seemed to relax slightly as the whole room filled with light, almost immediately turning to double check that Bucky was still beside her. And he was. Bucky was right there, fast asleep and outstretched across the bed. His chest slowly rose and fell with every breath, a complete contrast to the worry-filled state that y/n was in. He was fine. He was perfectly fine. Y/n couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight of him, allowing tears to continue to fall. 

It was bittersweet. She still felt so guilty. So, so guilty. Her nightmares seemed to have gotten worse, and that specific nightmare seemed to be the only one that her mind opted for at the moment. It almost felt like torture. Usually they'd comfort one another if they had nightmares, but y/n didn't want to wake Bucky up this time. He looked so peaceful, and it was rare for either of them to get a good night's sleep. She couldn't ruin it with another one of her nightmares. Y/n rubbed her face with her hands as she shuffled to the edge of the bed, her feet hitting the cold ground below. She had to get some air, maybe walk around a little and just clear her head. She didn't even know how it felt to have a full night's sleep, so it wasn't like she was missing anything. 

It had been around a month since it had all happened, and it had been a long one. It took a while, but things slowly begun to go back to some form of normal. Some people adjusted back to normal pretty easily, like Sam, Natasha, and Peter. But some didn't at all. To put it lightly, Steve had been given a slight bloody nose by a certain redhead. A certain redhead with a name starting with 'N' and ending in 'atasha'. However, the most surprising person to not adjust back to normal was Wanda. Yes, she talked to y/n, but there was an obvious distance between them now. It hurt. Especially after everything she'd helped y/n through.

"You okay, y/n?" A groggy voice murmured from behind her, causing y/n to stand up as she glanced back at Bucky. He was half asleep, rubbing his eyes in attempt to wake himself up a little more. She quickly wiped away her tears as Bucky rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, I just need a breather." She hummed quietly, giving him a reassuring smile. But, Bucky could see right through it. He raised his eyebrows at y/n, propping himself up on his elbows. "Nightmare?" He asked, earning a sad smile of approval from y/n. "Same one." She admitted with a sigh, rubbing the back of her neck. 

Bucky frowned, sitting up properly as he lifted up the covers as if to gesture for y/n to get back in bed. Now that his tired eyes were adjusting, he could see the redness and puffiness in her eyes. God, he hated seeing her like this. His frown only seemed to deepen when y/n refused to get back into bed, tilting his head to the side out of curiosity. "What were you planning on doing then?" He asked, debating on whether or not he should get out of bed. 

Y/n just seemed to shrug, reaching out to grab her phone from the bedside table. "I was thinking of messaging Peter to see if he was awake. If he was then I was planning on heading out to the city with him for a while." She admitted, glancing down at her phone. Her eyes squinted at the bright light of the screen, just seeming to blur her vision even more than it already was with the tears in her eyes. Y/n needed an escape. She needed some fresh air and some time away from the compound, and usually Peter was down for things like that. But, her attention was quickly diverted as a metal hand grabbed her phone.

Bucky slowly pulled the phone out of her hands, setting it face-down on the bed. "How about I go with you?" He suggested with hopeful eyes. Bucky wanted to go out and do the things that y/n did with Peter. He wanted to be more than just a lover, he wanted to be a best friend too. "Come on, it'll be fun! You can show me all your favourite places." He grinned, beginning to move off of the bed. He still had bandages around his torso, but his wounds weren't as bad at all. They were actually almost healed. That was one of the perks of being a super soldier. 

Y/n smiled slightly at the hope in Bucky's eyes. "Are you sure? It's like, two in the morning." She hummed, making her way toward her dresser so she could pick some clothes out, currently in pyjamas. As soon as she saw Bucky nod, y/n just seemed to light up even more, tossing him some clothes to put on. 

This was going to be fun.

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