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The team got to work, checking anything and everything for signs of y/n. Wanda and Vision were tasked in checking the roof, Sam and Natasha checked the outside of the compound, Steve and Bucky checked online for any sightings of y/n, and Bruce and Tony focused on the cameras.

"There's no cameras on the roof, and the cameras on the outside only span a few miles - our guy probably knew that. But we do have cameras opposite the door that leads to the roof, so we need to check there first." Bruce instructed, pulling up the footage from the night before. Tony nodded, also pulling up a guest list to see if they could identify the guy. Watching the cameras was tedious, but it was their only possible lead. Bruce kept his eyes fixed on the screen as he sped through the footage, tapping his foot slightly out of impatience. "Come on..." Tony murmured, also watching the screen with furrowed brows. He didn't realise how protective he was of y/n until now. He didn't like the idea of her being in danger. "There's y/n, so the other person must be close by." Bruce said, pointing at the screen when y/n popped up. He slowed down the footage to normal speed, taking a shaky breath. They were close, they had to be. "There!" Tony exclaimed, pointing at the screen at the sight of a man following just a few minutes after y/n. Tony was right, that was the man. But, neither y/n or the man left the roof, or appeared on any other cameras, so how did they disappear? Bruce frowned in confusion as he scrolled between other cameras, trying to find the best angle to identify the man. "Something happened on that roof. Y/n can teleport, but she wouldn't have let someone that she barely knew do that. So... What'd he do? No gunshots were heard, and y/n could've easily overpowered him." Bruce murmured, zooming in on the man's face once he found the clearest image. He asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to identify the man, waiting for the results to pop up. "So this wasn't an off-the-cuff kidnapping, then. He planned it, all of it." Tony sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

Wanda and Vision appeared back in the missions room first, completely empty-handed. "There was nothing up there." Wanda frowned, leaning slightly into Vision for comfort. Vision wrapped an arm around Wanda, humming in agreement at what she said. "There was nothing, no debris or sign of struggle. It almost seemed as if y/n willingly went with the captor." Vision said with an exasperated sigh, guiding Wanda into the room so they didn't block the doorway. 

Steve and Bucky were already in the missions room. There was nothing online about sightings of y/n. Most people were still raving on about the viral video from last week. It was bittersweet, watching y/n dance around with Peter like she had no cares in the world. Bucky just wanted to see her again, hold her in his arms. He sighed at the mention of there being no struggle on the roof, he leant against the desk, staring at the ground in thought. Y/n would've never willingly gone somewhere with a stranger, so what was going on?

Natasha and Sam appeared a few moments after, deep frowns on their faces. "We uh, we found some things a few miles out from the compound." Sam murmured, his hands staying in his pockets as they strolled into the room. Natasha nodded, holding an old doll in her hands. "This was on the roadside. I'm not sure if it's of any importance or if it's just something that fell out of someone's car, but we grabbed it anyway." Natasha explained, holding out the doll with a confused frown. It was y/n's doll. But nobody knew that. Y/n hadn't told anyone about her doll, she didn't think it was an important detail - so to the team this was just a random doll. Nat handed it over to Bruce so he could check it over just in case, glancing back at Sam with sad eyes. There was something else that they found. Sam took a deep breath, stepping forward slightly. He gave Bucky a sympathetic look before he pulled something out of his pocket. "We also found this."

Bucky's breath hitched at the sight of what Sam pulled out of his pocket. He shrugged Steve's hand off of his shoulder with an angry laugh, knowing that if he didn't laugh he'd cry. It was y/n's necklace. The one that matched with his. The one that they'd bought to commemorate their first time in Wakanda. Y/n never took that off, and there it was, broken. Whoever took y/n was sick in the head. Bucky snatched the broken necklace from Sam, holding it up with an angry look in his eyes. He wanted y/n back even more now. "He's teasing us! How can he leave no sign of struggle anywhere else, but then leave this on the roadside?" He huffed, keeping the necklace held in his hands. "As soon as we find this guy I'm going to-"

"Baron Helmut Zemo. A former Sokovian citizen born in 1978. Has had prior training in the Sokovian Armed Forces. Upon further research, his family has been obsessed with Hydra for decades. They were never afraid to use illegal means to gather information. He was released from the Sokovian Armed Forces after serving for a considerable amount of time, his higher-up described him as 'a man with questionable values. Every day he would tell the other soldiers about his dislike for the Avengers and people deemed as idols.'" F.R.I.D.A.Y suddenly announced, uploading as many photos of Zemo onto the computer screens as possible.


Peter couldn't focus at all. All he could think about was the possibility that y/n was missing. He checked his phone every few minutes for a message or call from Tony, but there was nothing. It was driving him crazy. Peter had finished his test early, just sat at his desk, nervously tapping his pen. He had to do something. He couldn't just sit there whilst his best friend was in trouble. He had to. Peter took in a shaky breath, psyching himself up to escape the classroom. He'd already finished his test, it wasn't like he was going to miss anything, right? Right. Peter quickly out his hand up, waiting for the teacher to look at him. "Can I go to the bathroom?" He asked with wide eyes. The teacher raised her eyebrows slightly, but nodded. Peter was a good kid, he wasn't going to lie about that. Peter let out a slight breath of relief, picking up his bag as he rushed out of the classroom. He casually walked down the empty halls, avoiding any classrooms that a teacher could possibly catch him.

As soon as Peter got out of the school, he started to run at full speed toward the alleyway where he hid his suit. He changed into his suit in a matter of seconds, yanking his mask on with a nervous breath. Peter made sure to stay up high on the rooftops, scanning the streets for any possible sighting of y/n. He knew Tony hadn't told him to get involved, but he couldn't help it. He was an Avenger too, he was just helping out another member of his team. 

After almost an hour of searching, Peter was beginning to give up. He was running out of city to search, and the rooftops weren't as forgiving. He sighed quietly to himself as he sat down on one of the fire escapes, letting his legs dangle over the edge. Peter pulled his phone out, ready to call Tony to let him know that he couldn't find y/n in the city. But, that was when something caught his eye. He looked up from his phone with a frown, watching as y/n and a stranger walked into an abandoned warehouse. Y/n was still in her outfit from last night. She was definitely in danger. Peter glanced back at his phone, debating on whether to call Tony, but he decided against it. He had to move now, before y/n could disappear again. 

Peter climbed down from the fire escape, slowly creeping toward the entrance to the abandoned warehouse. "Come on Spiderman, you can do this." He murmured to himself. He was full of nerves and adrenaline. He knew he had to save y/n, but he had no clue who the other guy was. He had no idea if he was dangerous, and now he had to enter the warehouse with no backup. It was scary. "Come on Spiderman..." He repeated, pushing the door open to the abandoned warehouse.

The warehouse was dark, with the sun illuminating small areas. A dripping noise echoed throughout the whole area, the ground littered with puddles of... Well, Peter didn't want to know. He just hoped it was water. Concrete pillars stood tall throughout the whole building, yet, there was nothing else there. Peter walked slowly, trying to calm his nervous breathing. He could do this, he was Spiderman. He'd been through enough haunted houses with Ned to not be scared of the dark - but the dark in the warehouse still sent chills down his spine. He was completely alone. No backup. Just walking further and further into the dark hallway.

The loud crash of the warehouse door slamming shut caused Peter to jump out of his skin, quickly turning around to face the noise. But, there was nobody there. Peter's breath picked up as he quickly glanced around. "Who's there?!" He yelled, listening to his voice echo through the abandoned building. But, there was no response. He tried his hardest to stay looking strong as he turned back around to continue walking through the warehouse, his heart practically beating out of his chest. However, what he saw when he turned around caused him to freeze.

There was an identical version of him, stood just a few feet away.  

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