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Peter was in trouble. He was in so much trouble.

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, Mr Barnes! I'm sorry!" He cried out. Peter and y/n were sprinting down the hallways of the compound, and Bucky wasn't far behind. Bucky was running as fast as he could in attempt to chase them down, but a mimic and a kid with spider-like reflexes were pretty hard to catch. "I'm going to kill you, Parker!" He yelled, the magnets still stuck to his arm. His only rule was that there were no magnets allowed on his arm. That was his only rule, and Peter had broken it. Of course, y/n had too, but he couldn't be mad at her. He had an excuse to be mad at Peter, though. He and Sam always bullied the poor kid. 

Peter had never been more scared in his life. "Please! I'm so sorry!" He shouted, continuing to sprint and make sharp turns in attempt to lose Bucky, but he was hot on his heels. "Why aren't you taking this seriously?! Come on, we can't slow down!" He asked with a frown, turning to look at y/n for a split second as they ran. He reached out for her arm, taking a tight hold as he pulled y/n around a corner. To Peter, this was life or death, and he was terrified. 

Y/n was laughing. She was laughing to the point where her cheeks were beginning to hurt. She couldn't take this seriously, not one bit. They were being chased by her boyfriend, of course she wasn't going to be scared. Bucky would never hurt her, never in a million years. Her eyes widened slightly at the urgency, allowing Peter to drag her around the corner. "Okay, okay! You don't need to yank me." She huffed, slapping Peter's hand off of her arm. She knew the kid didn't mean it, but the grip he had on her arm was painful. God, he was just adding to the list of things that Bucky was going to be angry at him for. However, y/n's smile quickly came back as she turned around to see the angry look on Bucky's face. She laughed slightly, blowing a kiss just to tease him as she continued to sprint with Peter.

Bucky continued to chase the pair, his angry look seeming to falter when y/n blew a kiss at him. He shook his head fondly as a small smile begun to appear on his face. God, she knew what buttons to push to annoy him. "I'm gonna kill you!" He exclaimed, but it was in more of a jokey tone than his angry one. He could never be mad at y/n, it just felt impossible. And she knew that. She knew that and was using it to tease him, and it was working perfectly. 

It didn't take long for y/n and Peter to split off into different directions, both believing it was the best way to lose Bucky. Y/n managed to slip into the first open room that she saw, laughing as gasping for air. God, she hadn't had to run that fast for a long time. She pushed the door shut, a smile still plastered across her face as she listened to Peter continue to shout apologies. Y/n wiped the sweat off of her forehead with the back of her hand, finally turning around to figure out what room she'd run into. The sight of what she'd just walked in on caused her eyes to widen in shock, frozen in place. "I-" She paused, trying to process the whole situation. "Should I just leave?"

There were so many rooms that y/n could've hidden in, and she managed to pick the room that Cassie had chosen for her tea party. Sam's bedroom. The whole bedroom was covered in little party decorations and toys, but the main attraction was the centre of the room. Sam, Steve, Thor, and Vision were all sat on tiny plastic chairs around a tiny table. They all had little tiaras on their heads, and feather boas in different colours. Vision was holding out a tiny teacup, his pinky sticking out to make sure he was showing correct tea party etiquette. Sam was holding onto the teapot, pretending to pour more tea into everyone's cups. Steve looked the most uncomfortable, and rightly so. He could barely fit on the plastic chair anyway, and now he had to deal with keeping balance with the cast on his leg. Thor seemed to be the most trained when it came to tea parties, happily helping Cassie hand out slices of cake to the toys at the table. He adored time with Cassie, he probably liked it more than Scott did. Which sounded odd, but it was true. He had travelled down from Asgard just for the tea party.

Cassie was the most unimpressed of them all when y/n burst into the room. She stood at the head of the table, her arms crossed over her chest in a bossy manner. She had the shiniest tiara on, of course, and she even had a little princess dress on. This was her tea party, and someone was intruding. "Yes please." She said with a fake smile, pointing toward the door. God, Cassie had some attitude when it came to the things she wanted to do. The guys seemed more like hostages than party guests. But, y/n knew better than to interfere with one of Cassie's games. 

Y/n quickly nodded, pressing her lips together so she didn't laugh at the sight before her. "Okay, okay. I'm going." She hummed, slowly making her way back toward the door. But, before she left, y/n quickly snapped a picture of them all. She laughed at the sound of their gasps and complaints, quickly rushing out of the room and clicking the door shut. A mischievous smile appeared on her face as she stared down at the photo on her phone, that was one for the scrapbook. She took a few steps backward, her eyes still glued to her phone as she sent the photo over to Natasha. But, as she took her final step back, she backed straight into someone. Her eyes widened in surprise, slowly slipping her phone back into her pocket as she stood up a little straighter. She knew exactly who it was, and not just because of the colourful blur of a metal arm at the side of her eye.

"I've caught you, Doll." Bucky chimed with a smirk.

A/N: How would you all feel if, once this book is over, I rewrote 'Home'? I feel like my writing has developed a lot more, and so have all the characters, so I'd love to take it in a different direction! Don't worry, there won't be many big changes! I just feel like I could make the book so much better. What do you guys think? (Of course, if you haven't read 'Home', don't worry about this! And if you have, don't spoil it for everyone else!) Love you all <3

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