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"Do I have to go up there and give a speech? I don't even know what to say!"

Y/n was terrified, she'd been dreading giving a speech the whole night. She knew she'd be fine, she'd definitely done things much scarier than public speaking, but this was different. On a mission, she could just focus on the problem at hand - nobody really cared about leaving a good impression when fighting bad guys. But this speech was her first official statement to the public, the first time they were going to hear her speak, the first time they were going to know her name. It was terrifying. 

But, she couldn't get out of it now. Tony had already jumped up onto the small stage, happily talking away on the microphone. His speech was a bit slurred, but he wasn't stupidly drunk. Pepper wouldn't allow it. So he was just a little tipsy, swaying back an forth slightly as he talked to the rest of the guests with the microphone. Y/n had tried her hardest to avoid Tony's gaze, even slumping down in her chair in attempt to hide, but she was still spotted. "And here is the person you've all been waiting for, our newest Avenger!" Tony called out proudly, gesturing toward y/n. 

Y/n quickly sat up straight when the whole party looked toward her, all clapping and waiting for her to join Tony on the stage. "You'll be fine! Go on, new Avenger." Steve grinned, setting a hand on y/n's shoulder to reassure her. Y/n sighed, standing up and handing her drink to Bucky for him to hold. "Says the guy that does speeches like it's nothing. You're like an inspirational quote machine." She said sarcastically, causing the rest of the team to laugh. Steve rolled his eyes, gasping dramatically as the rest of the team agreed with her. "Just go." He chuckled, shaking his head fondly as Sam begun to mock his 'speech voice'. 

As y/n stepped up onto the small stage, she plastered on a warm smile. Almost immediately putting on a façade to hide her fear. She shouldn't be scared, she was an Avenger, she was badass, she could control all of the guests in a millisecond. Yeah, that was the mindset she had to put herself in. Y/n gracefully took the microphone from Tony, quietly thanking him before she turned to face the sea of guests. Oh wow, there were a lot of people. "Well, hi! My name is y/n y/l/n, and I'm the newest addition to the Avengers." She announced with a grin, glancing around at the crowd as she spoke. "I'm a mimic, so which basically means that I'm the physical embodiment of monkey see, monkey do." Y/n said with a slight laugh, only seeming to smile even more as the rest of the guests laughed along with her. She wasn't going to give them a full explanation of her powers, still wanting a hint of mystery in there - plus it was probably safer that way. "I'm sort of new to this whole 'superhero' thing, so apologies if I'm not as much of a role model as Captain America over there. But I'll try my best and have fun doing it! Which some of you already know because of that video last week." She admitted with an embarrassed laugh, earning more laughs from the crowd.

A video circulated last week of y/n playing around on a mission. It was nothing bad, quite the opposite actually. You see, Peter had given y/n one of his wireless earphones, so the pair were listening to music during the mission. Peter had playlists for everything. Usually everyone else refused to even try out his playlists, but y/n was curious about them, and god, his music taste was good. So the pair were listening to Peter's mission playlist together, not really paying attention to what was actually going on. A member of the public managed to take a video of y/n and Spiderman dancing around on one of the rooftops, not even noticing when the bad guy ran straight past them. Of course y/n noticed after a while, her eyes wide as the pair suddenly begun to sprint after him. The video went viral with a pretty positive reaction. They liked seeing the Avenger be themselves more than anything else.

Bucky watched as y/n continued to talk, a proud smile on his face. As much as y/n was so nervous over the speech, she was a natural at it. "Look at you, grinning at her like that. I think someone's in love." Natasha chimed, nudging Bucky's foot to get his attention. Bucky's eyes widened as he glanced back at the team, he didn't think he was being that obvious, he was just watching y/n. "Huh?" He asked, his cheeks starting to heat up. He knew exactly what Natasha said, but he was trying to avoid what she said. He didn't want to deny it, but he was too scared to admit it. "You heard me! You look at her like she's the best thing you've ever seen, it's sweet." Nat grinned, taking a sip of her drink. Bucky sighed, opening his mouth to argue, but nothing came out. He couldn't really deny it, Nat was right. "Aw, my best friend is in love!" Steve teased, poking Bucky's side to annoy him. Bucky laughed, quickly slapping Steve's hands away. "Why are you guys so interested in what's going on with y/n and I? There must be better things you can do." He complained, a warm smile still on his face. "Wanda and Vision are together, why don't you tease them?" He asked, gesturing toward the couple. Vision shrugged, wrapping an arm around Wanda with a slight smile. "They did, I promise you they did. But you're their new victims." Vision hummed, causing Wanda to laugh slightly at the way he worded it. Vision frowned in confusion at Wanda's laugh, glancing down at her for an explanation. "You worded it like the team's going to kill them!" She laughed, glancing back over at Bucky. "They'll get bored soon, don't worry."

Peter had been having an amazing night. Everything was going well with MJ. Of course he'd embarrassed himself several times, but he just laughed it off. MJ seemed to find it entertaining anyway. The pair were listening to y/n talk, smiling when she referenced the viral video. "Hey, where is Spiderman anyway? I swear he's part of the Avengers too." MJ asked curiously, glancing around to see if she could spot him anywhere. Peter's eyes widened as he stood beside MJ. Spiderman was right next to her, but she didn't know that. "I'm not sure! I think I overheard Mr Stark say something about him being too busy." He rushed out, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness. MJ hummed with a slight frown. "That sucks, I think he's pretty cool." She said casually, turning back to focus on what y/n was saying. Peter had to use all of his power not to freak out. MJ thought he was cool. Well, MJ thought Spiderman was cool. But he was Spiderman. So technically she just complimented him. A small smile appeared on Peter's face, shuffling from foot to foot out of happiness. He was cool.

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