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Around a week or so had passed, and Bucky and y/n falling asleep side by side had become a common thing. It was more out of comfort than anything else, someone to help them through nightmares and stop them from getting stuck in their heads. It had been a pretty eventful night, with Bucky waking y/n up due to a nightmare, so they decided to watch the same terrible movie that they'd watched so many nights ago. The movie was as terrible as it had been the first time. A classic, low budget, sappy movie. But it had almost become tradition at this point - a little joke that only y/n and Bucky understood. 

Tony was up early - well, the whole team was - and he didn't seem impressed about it. He strolled in to the lounge area, bowl of cereal in hand, when he noticed the pair. Y/n and Bucky were fast asleep on the couch. Y/n was laying on top of Bucky, head on his chest with her hand hanging off of the couch. Tony sighed a little, shaking his head fondly as he strolled toward the pair. "I give them both bedrooms, and this is how they sleep." He murmured to himself. Tony turned off the terrible movie that seemed to be playing on loop before carefully nudging the pair with his foot. "Wake up. We're going to Wakanda." He announced bluntly once they begun to stir. Y/n lifted her head up drearily, looking up at Tony with a confused look in her eyes. "Where?" She asked curiously, pushing herself up and off of Bucky. Tony smiled a little with a shrug, eating another spoonful of his cereal. "Wakanda." He repeated. "Look, just get ready and Bruce can explain more on the way there." Y/n nodded, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she sauntered out of the lounge area. She guessed she had to put her mission suit on, so that was where she was headed. Once y/n had left, Bucky sat up from the couch, and Tony sat down beside him. "So, when are you two kissing?" Tony teased with a grin, his smile only getting wider as he was met with a frown from Bucky. "Hey. It's not like that. She's a friend. That's all." Bucky said defensively, causing Tony to roll his eyes. "Of course! Friends definitely sleep cuddled up to one another." He teased. Bucky pushed himself up from the couch with an annoyed sigh, beginning to make his way out of the room so he could escape the conversation. "It's not like that, Stark!" He called out as he wandered off down the halls. Bucky honestly didn't know where he stood with y/n, they never talked about it, but at the moment it all seemed innocent. 

Soon enough, they were all on the quinjet, on the way to Wakanda. Peter was buzzing with excitement, rambling on and on to Bucky about how he'd seen Black Panther on a mission before, but couldn't wait to actually introduce himself this time. Bucky sat beside Peter as he talked his ear off, nodding and humming every now and again as if to seem interested. "That's great, kid." He murmured, leaning slightly in Sam's direction as Peter continued to talk. "How much sugar has this kid had?" Bucky mumbled under his breath to Sam. Sam chuckled a little with a shrug. "Too much." He replied, with a sigh. God, he didn't think a kid could get on his nerves as much as Peter did. He did feel sort of bad, but the kid never shut up.

Y/n was sat further back in the quinjet, sitting with Wanda on one side, and Natasha on the other. She still had no clue why they were going to Wakanda, more starstruck by the quinjet than anything else. It was amazing. Bruce turned his seat around so he was sat opposite y/n, smiling happily at her. "Since we don't know the extent of your powers, I called on some old friends from Wakanda. They have technology far more developed than us, so we can hopefully get a deeper understanding. Plus, you'll be able to demonstrate your powers in action." Bruce explained with a grin. One big reason why y/n hadn't been on any missions yet was because nobody knew the extent of her powers. They didn't know how quickly she could mimic in the heat of battle. Plus, they didn't want to overwhelm her. So hopefully training with the team would help that. Y/n nodded slowly, but her face seemed to fall a little in concern. Wanda reached over and squeezed y/n's hand to get her attention. "What's wrong?" She asked quietly. Y/n sighed a little as she looked at Wanda. "I don't want to hurt anyone." Y/n murmured quietly. She hadn't properly used her powers since the Avengers saved her - what if it triggered her brainwashing again? Wanda shook her head with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "You won't. It's just going to be the team, y/n. You won't hurt us. It's just training." She cooed in a reassuring voice.

Before y/n could respond, shouting was heard from the front of the quinjet. "Y/n, Bucky, Peter- oh, and probably Scott. You're gonna wanna see this!" Clint called out loudly. Y/n raised her eyebrows in curiosity, glancing over at Wanda who just gave a simple shrug. Y/n stood up from her seat, laughing a little at Peter and Scott who seemed to race to the front of the quinjet. However, Bucky hadn't stood up. His arm had gotten attached to the magnet on his seatbelt, and he couldn't get up. Sam was just sat there laughing and teasing the poor guy, and y/n couldn't help but giggle a little too. "Here..." Y/n grinned, reaching out and carefully detaching the magnet from Bucky's metal arm. Bucky was slightly red in embarrassment, rushing a quick 'thank you' to y/n before he focused on Sam. Hitting his arm in a playful way. "Don't get any ideas! This arm alone is probably stronger than ten of you!" He teased, causing Sam to just keep laughing. "Yeah, yeah. You keep believing that, cyborg man!" 

Eventually y/n was able to drag Bucky away from his and Sam's bickering contest. Making their way toward the front of the ship where Peter and Scott were stood. Bucky stared out of the window with a confused frown, glancing over to Clint. "What's so special? I just see fields." He asked. Clint chuckled a little, knowing exactly what was coming. "Just you wait." He hummed, steering the quinjet right into a grouping of trees. But, as Clint steered in to the group of trees, the forcefield opened up and they flew straight in to Wakanda. It was completely different to the fields they'd seen just moments ago. Y/n's face lit up at the sight, stood in shock at it all. Oh wow, maybe she was going to like Wakanda. Bucky's eyes widened, glancing around at the view with a smile. "Okay, I get it now." He grinned, causing Clint to nod with a laugh. Peter and Scott seemed to gasp at the same time. "Oh my God! Mr Stark! Are you seeing this?!" Peter exclaimed excitedly, pointing out the window. Tony stayed sat in his seat, just happy to see the kid so excited. "I sure do, kid." 

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