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"Can someone please tell me where the hell I am?!"

It had been a few days since the 'Lagos Massacre' - which every news outlet seemed to be naming it - and things hadn't been going well. World leaders were in the midst of creating the 'Sokovia Accords' in reaction to what had just happened, and it seemed to be creating an even greater rift between the team.

Y/n had been heavily sedated for every single one of those days. This had been the first time that Bruce had finally decided that she was stable enough not to give another dose. Plus, she had to know what was going on at some point.  

Bucky had decided to leave the compound. He couldn't handle being there anymore, not with y/n's empty bed and Tony's smug face. He hadn't told anyone where he was going, but he knew. He was going to Romania. It was one of the highlighted places on y/n's map. So he wanted to try his hardest to see the world from y/n's point of view, and maybe take some photos to somehow send to her. 

Y/n had been yelling for what felt like hours. She had stood up from her bed, using the orb of fire in her palm to navigate the empty room. Her eyes were still watery from her nightmare, and they didn't seem to be clearing up anytime soon. She'd just had a nightmare about being trapped in a dark room, and now she was back in that exact scenario. The only difference was the fact that she wasn't a child anymore. The dark wasn't the scary to her anymore, it was the fact that she was alone. 

Alone and pacing around an empty room.

But, y/n did know one thing. Losing control of her powers hadn't been a nightmare. That horrible mess of a mission hadn't been a nightmare. It was all real, which was made obvious by the fact that everything hurt. Her head was still pounding, her ribs still hurt with every breath, and her hands were bandaged up pretty neatly. That was all she knew. Her memory had blanked out after her body stopped losing control, almost as if someone had gone in and wiped her mind - just like Hydra used to do.

That was why y/n was so vocal. If she'd been kidnapped by a random criminal group, she would've stayed in the bed and waited to find out who it was keeping her hostage. But this felt far too much like Hydra. Empty rooms, complete darkness, and no memory. She was terrified. Completely and utterly terrified. But y/n refused to let Hydra take control of her again. They'd stolen her whole childhood, she wasn't going to allow them to steal the rest of her life too.  "Hello?!" Y/n yelled, her throat sore from all of the yelling, but she didn't plan on stopping anytime soon. She had to escape from Hydra and get back to Bucky.

Oh god. Bucky.

All she wanted was to be in his arms. She'd had such a horrible time during that mission, but seeing that corny smile would make everything feel better. Yes, they'd only just spent two days together, but y/n didn't care. If she could, she'd spend every hour of the day with Bucky. She could listen to him talk for hours on end, no matter the topic. He was the one that truly knew her, that truly understood her, and truly loved her. 

Y/n's frustrated attitude seemed to drop slightly at the thought of Bucky, her hand subconsciously reaching up to her neck to touch her necklace. But it wasn't there, her hand was just met with empty skin. Her necklace wasn't there. The necklace that matched with Bucky's. The one that she never took off. Her breath hitched slightly as a few tears rolled down her cheeks, but she quickly wiped them away. Taking her necklace away was too far. Way too far. 

Y/n took a shaky breath, her sad face shifting into one of anger. They could lock her in a cell, they could beat her up, but they weren't allowed to take something as important as that necklace. She stopped pacing, leaving herself to glare into the darkness. "Tell me what's going on!" She screamed, her fists clenched tightly in anger. Of course, there didn't seem to be a response. Her voice simply echoed around the room. Yet that just seemed to fuel y/n even more. She wasn't going to lay down and give up.

But, before she could yell again, y/n got her answer.

The lights to the room suddenly turned on, filling the room with a harsh, blinding light that any normal person wouldn't be able to handle. Y/n almost jumped out of her skin as the room was suddenly flooded with light. She blinked hard in attempt to let her eyes adjust, but it was harder than it seemed. She'd been staring into the dark for hours. Y/n slowly scanned around the room, her heart seeming to drop at the fact that the room was scarier than she'd thought. Everything was white, seeming to worsen the already horribly bright lights. It all seemed clean, far too clean - like a nightmare inside a hospital. But there was one thing that stuck out the most, and that was the giant mirror across the wall.

Her feet stayed rooted to the spot despite the curiosity to approach the mirror and get a better look at herself. Y/n wasn't stupid. She knew that it was probably a two-way mirror. There were no other cameras in the cell. It had to be. So, y/n resorted to staring at herself from a distance. God, she looked rough. Heavy bruising all across her body, bandaging, stitches, everything. It wasn't a pretty sight. She'd been roughed up from missions before, but nothing this bad. Her eyes were a slight shade of red from the tears, but the fact that everything else in the room was white just seemed to amplify the redness. It almost looked like someone had poured some sort of chemical into her eyes.

"Hello, y/n." Bruce's voice suddenly chimed in over the speakers, causing y/n's eyes to widen in utter shock.


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