7th Madness

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"Are you trying to set a Guinness record for the widest smile ever?" I quipped at Tay who was smiling widely ever since he came knocking on my door this morning.

It seemed that he was gonna rip his mouth off with the way he was smiling.

"Why? Don't you think I look more handsome with this smile?" he quipped as he reached out to the backseat of the car and placed the camera bag. 

"You look like an idiot with the way you are smiling. Are you that excited for today?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be when you're with me?

"Tss. Come on. Fasten your seatbelt. We're gonna be late."

"Aye! Aye! Captain! Anyway, I really should drive."

"It's fine. And besides I'll be doing nothing there anyway so it's the least I could do."

"Oooohhh. Thank you, babe."

I didn't say anything and just let him use his endearment for me because I was sure there was no way I'd be able to convince him to stop doing it.

During the time that we've spent together,  I discovered that he's quite hard headed. 

"Do you want to eat something, babe? I've got snacks here."

"No, thanks. I'm still full."

"Can I put on some music?"


I just let him do whatever he wanted and concentrated on driving.

The resort where the photoshoot would take place was an-hour drive away but given the light traffic, we would probably arrive in an hour and a half.

"You can sleep if you like," I suggested since I figured he would need all the energy he could save for the shoot.

"No. I just can't sleep and let you drive."

"Tss. Whatever suits you."

Running late on a Wednesday
Shortcut by the freeway
Locked eyes as you passed me
Two hearts on a cold street
Looking back at the same time
I feel your warmth, did you feel mine?
I get the urge, but I can't speak
Two hearts on a cold street

I shot him a glance as he started singing along to the song.

And to be honest, he sounded good.

"Are you in love with me now?" he glanced at me with a smirk.

I let out a belching sound, earning a laugh from him.

"Too confident, aren't we?" I scoffed as I made a turn.

I know this sounds crazy
But this could be fate
And I'm thinking maybe
That you feel it too
Tell me are you busy?
And tell me you can stay
'Cause I'm thinking maybe

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