48th Madness

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"What the hell was that for, Tay??" I balled my hands into fists and punched his table, shaking the cup of coffee that was peacefully resting on top of it.

The moment I found out that Tay apparently suspended Kav for a week, I immediately invaded his office but found out that he was at his father's company.

"I guess this matter is so important that you even followed me here on working hours."

I bit my lips as I watched him calmly lean on his table with his hands under his chin.

"You just can't suspend Kav like that! He didn't do anything wrong!" I raged at him, shaking the table even more as I slammed my fists on it again.

"Didn't do anything wrong? He left work without notifying his boss."

"He went out because he was, he was worried about me! It's not like he left work because he was neglecting his duty!"

"Still, that's a ground for suspension."

"Then, suspend me as well!" I challenged him. My glares were getting stronger by the second.

"You know I won't do that."

"Ugh! Why the hell are you doing this to me?? See? I'm cursing you right in your face. Come on. Suspend me now."

"Why don't you calm down and take a seat, New."

"No! I won't until you take back Kav's suspension!"

"No. Final answer."

"Why the hell are you doing this to me?? Do you hate me that much??"

Or do you just not need me now because Namtan is back??

I flinched when he got up all of a sudden and slammed a hand on the table.

"Okay, fine! I'm jealous. I'm jealous as hell, New! The idea of him laying a finger on you is driving me insane! And do you even know how much I wanted to punch him on the face when I saw you undressing him yesterday?!"

"Why would you punch him? I was the one who undressed him in my own will! And besides I already told you what really happened! Stop being so unreasonable, Tawan!"

"Still, your skin touched his. You touched him with your bare hands, New, and I don't like it, okay? So even if I have to fire him just so he'd stay away from you, I'll do it!"

"Yah! Don't act as if you own me! I'm not your boyfriend anymore. You can't just leave and come back like nothing happened!"

"Yes! I own you, New. You're still my boyfriend because I didn't fucking break up with you. And see, this necklace hanging around my neck. This bears your name which means that you are mine."

I frustratingly ran my hands through my hair as he grabbed the necklace that was safely tucked inside his suit and showed it to me.

"Ugh! I hate you, Tawan!"

"That's better than indifference."

One Night MadnessOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara