36th Madness

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I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air as I felt the sand under my feet. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore soothed my mind after a long tiring day at work. It was such a hectic day for the team for we just finished organizing one of the biggest wedding we'd ever done so far. And as a way to thank us, the couple let us stay for the weekend at the beach resort where their wedding was held.

I looked down and started digging my toes in the sand. The beach was void of people but for some reason, the silence of the night was comforting. 

"Hey, aren't you joining the guys?" 

I looked at the newcomer with lazy eyes and grimaced at him. It was Kayavine or Kav as I call him, the team's photographer. The rest of the team calls him Kay but it sounded so much like Tay, so I opted for another one instead.

"Nah, I'm too tired and I don't wanna wake up with a headache tomorrow."

"Tss. You've always avoided after parties. I've never seen you gotten drunk in one ever since you joined the company two years ago."

I remained silent and sat on the sand instead.

Two years. For two years, he didn't come back. I didn't even hear anything from him. All he ever left was that voicemail and nothing else. I even went as far as going to his parents to ask about him but it was their helper who told me that their entire family went to the States. 

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask you this. Why did you transfer to our company by the way? I mean, the company's not doing that great but you still applied considering how well-known your company was before."

Silence ensued as I still didn't give an answer to Kav's question. 

When I didn't hear anything from Tay for several months, I decided to quit my work at the company and applied somewhere else as I couldn't even work properly without being reminded of him. I could still see him sitting in the cubicle beside me or drinking coffee in the pantry. And when I go home, I could still hear his voice resounding in my unit. I was even reported to the police one time for trying to break in his previous unit, which was occupied by someone else already.

But what devastated me the most was the news of him being engaged to Namtan. It was Off who broke the news to me and Gun even had to stay with me for a week as he was afraid that I might hurt myself. 

"You don't have to answer me. I respect your privacy. But if you want someone to talk to, I'm just here to listen to your heartaches."

"Tss. It has nothing to do with heartaches. I just wanted a change of environment."

"Okay, if you say so. By the way, are you free this Monday?"

"Yeah, it's a holiday, right?"

"Yeah, and it also happens to be my birthday. So I was thinking if...if you could go somewhere with me."

I raised a brow at him as he was being rather suspicious with the way his voice was wavering and how he was scratching the back of his head.

"And if I say no?"

"It's just fine. I just have to buy something and I sort of n--"

"Kidding! I'll be there okay! Just message me the location. Come on. Let's head back. I'm already sleepy," I tapped his shoulder as I got up and started heading back to our rooms.

"R-really?! Are you sure?"

"Tss. Stop asking me or I'd definitely change my mind."

"Okay, that's a promise. Don't you ever ditch on me!"

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