64th Madness

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Nirin and New both let out a giggle as the former released a sound indicating that she had too much food. They were both seated across me. New was wiping the smudges of spaghetti sauce on Nirin's face.

"Are you sure you're not eating?" New asked but I shook my head as I didn't feel like eating at such late hour.

"I want to go to the amusement park tomorrow," Nirin announced as she placed her hands on both sides of her hips.

"Okay, P'New and I will bring you there tomorrow only if you behave," I pointed a finger at her.

She just pouted and looked at New as if she was looking for someone to defend her.

"Aren't we supposed to go back to the office tomorrow, Tay?"

"Who's your boyfriend again?"

"Tay, I'm being serious here. We've been gone for days already. I also have to work on the plans for our client's wedding. I don't think I'll be able to join you tomorrow though," New said as he cast an apologetic glance at Nirin who was just casually sitting on the chair listening to us.

I immediately grabbed him by the waist and gave him a hug.

"Love, don't worry about that one too much, okay? I already instructed the team to go over the plans."

"But I don't want others to think that I'm neglecting my job just because you are my boyfriend."

"Psh. I even plan on firing you so you do not have to work anymore."


"I'm just kidding, love. Come on. Stop stressing about it already. Give me a kiss."

I puffed my cheek, asking a kiss from him but all I ever got was a grimace.

"Geez. Haven't you had enough kisses from me earlier?"

"I will never get enough of you. I can even kiss you all day long."

"Tss. You're all talk," he chuckled as he cupped my face and pressed my cheeks together.

"Come on. Just one kiss," I puckered my lips.

New grinned before leaning closer to give me a kiss on the cheek but I knew better so his lips landed on mine, earning a chuckle from him.

But even before I could deepen our kiss and sweep him off his feet, a shrill cry loud enough to wake up the whole neighborhood interrupted us.

"Wha-what's wrong, Nirin?" New asked in sheer panic as Nirin started crying out of nowhere.

"Why is P'Tay eating your face, P'New? I don't want him to eat you!"

And all I could do was plant a palm on my face as New tried to explain things to Nirin who cried even more.


I love kids and having one with New has always been one of my ultimate goals.

But as I stared at the two figures hugging each other in my bed, I started to doubt if I still want to have one.

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