68th Madness

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My every day with Tay was a combination of random banters and endless cuddles.

At times we would argue about the most nonsensical things such as Tay randomly leaving his used boxers on random parts of the unit or him accidentally leaving the faucet running just because he was listening to some songs on his phone.

I even had to completely control myself when he broke the television when he accidentally knocked it down while reaching for the USB port on the back of the TV.

But no matter how big or small our arguments were, he was always the first one to apologize, well he was at fault most of the times anyway, but he sort of implemented this rule of not sleeping unless the issues were resolved.

We should never end the day with you screaming my name because of anger. We should end it with you screaming my name because of another reason, as he would always say. Tch.

Ours was definitely not the perfect setup, considering our differences, but nonetheless, it was fulfilling. It was more than I could ask for.

"Love, what should I wear?" Tay asked as he held two shirts in front of him. His brows were furrowed as he compared the two as if there was so much difference.

Geez, they only differed in color.

"The blue one," I curtly replied before placing the rest of my things inside my bag. He happily went with my choice and even let me style his hair.

We were preparing to fetch his parents from the airport and I couldn't be more nervous as the thought of seeing them again continuously played in my mind.

"Hey, are you okay? You're shaking."

I swallowed hard and thickly as Tay held my hands and held them tightly. The nagging feeling inside my chest didn't cease despite the warmth of his hands against mine.

"Y-yeah. Just a little bit nervous, I guess?" I chuckled.

"Come here."

Tay made me sit on the bed before kneeling in front of me. His hands never left mine and the more he tightened his grip on me, the more nervous I became.

"Hey, love. Look at me. They love you, okay? You don't have to be nervous."

"But still, it's been years, love. And after everything that happened, I don't know if, if everything would still be the same once I face them again."

"Love, everything's gonna be fine. Trust me on this, okay?"

I let out a smile and slowly nodded my head.

"Come on. We don't wanna be stuck in traffic," he said as he placed a quick kiss on top of my head.


"Mom! Dad! I miss you," Tay exclaimed as he rushed over to his parents who were apparently waiting for us as we got stuck in traffic.

His parents still looked as fine as ever but I noticed how they lost some weight, especially his father. Probably because of what happened.

I maintained my distance from them, fearing that Tay's parents might react differently than we first met. It was Nannon who approached me first.

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