41st Madness

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Tay's conversation with Namtan on the phone never left my mind and the fact that he even used me to accompany him in searching for her gown infuriated me.

Wasn't leaving me already enough for him?

Does he really have to go the extra mile just to rub it on my face that he is now happy with someone else??

I glanced at my phone and saw the number of calls coming from him.


But I did not answer any of them.

"Uh, Sir. Where are you exactly headed to?"

I glanced at the driver through the rearview mirror and frowned.

I didn't wanna go home and I didn't wanna impose on Kay.

Calling Gun might have been an option but I was sure he was cuddling with Off so I just dismissed the idea.

"Just drive around. I'll tell you when to stop," I replied before glancing at the meter and checked my wallet.

And paused.

And froze.


I gulped nervously as I realized that my wallet was not in any of my pockets.

Where the hell did it go?

"Uh, Sir, can, can you go, can you go back to the hotel for a while? I, uh, I forgot my wallet," I told the driver with my fingers crossed hoping that he'd do just what I asked.

But instead of making a U-turn, he immediately made a stop on the side of the road.

"Sir, I'm working a decent job here. So please step out if you just want to deceive me."

I gulped nervously as I noted the seriousness in his voice. He was eyeing me through the rearview mirror and with the way he was looking at me, I was sure I was doomed.

"Wait, I really have my wallet. I just left it at the hotel."

"I've just encountered a passenger like you, Sir and ended up being scammed. So please, if you don't want me to drive you to the nearest police stati—"

"Fine! I'm going out. Tss!"

I fought the urge to kick the cab as I got out into the busy streets. I was literally left in the middle of combined smoke, dust and heat. The only thing I had with me were my phone and the small notebook that I used to take notes earlier. The fact that I was too preoccupied with assisting Tay that I ended up leaving the small bag where I keep my things in his car irritated the shit out of me.

I contemplated on calling Kav but immediately dismissed the idea as I did not want to cause him any trouble so I ended up dialling Gun's number.

"What the hell are you doing in the middle of the streets??"

"I was kicked out of the cab, okay. I, I left my wallet in Tay's car so I don't have money with me."

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