44th Madness

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It took some time for me to process what Tay just said. I was astounded to say the least. The pounding of my heart against my chest didn't cease as we both stared eye to eye with Tay still pinning me against the wall. We were both breathing heavily and if we stay any longer in that position, I might definitely lose my mind.

"L-let me go," my voice was so low it resembled a whisper as I tried to free myself from his grip but he just tightened his hands on my shoulders.

"No. I'm not letting you go again."

"I-I want to pee."


"I want to pee," I repeated, my voice clearer this time. Well, it was the truth and at the same time, the only reason I could think of.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

He immediately released my shoulders. I was holding my breath the whole time I was doing my business as I could feel his stares on my back.

Does he really have to follow me all to the way to the urinal??

I quickly finished my business with the plan of leaving him behind but he just have to follow me!

"New, can we talk properly? I really h—"

"Holy shit!" we both exclaimed in unison as he slipped on his way grabbing the nearest thing he could grab.

"What the fuck, Tay Tawan!!"

We stared wide-eyed at each other with me annoyed as hell and with him still grasping my length.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to!"

"It fucking hurts you moron!"

Annoyed with what he just did, I immediately grabbed his face, squishing it carelessly as I vented out my frustration and annoyance.

"Wait, New, wait, ahhhmmmmmpppp!"

"You don't just go around grabbing other people's d*ck you, psycho!" I grunted even more as I struggled to squish his face.

But given his strength compared to mine, he then successfully removed my hands from his face and carefully pushed me slightly away.

"Yaaaaaah. I didn't mean to, okay. It was the closest thing to grab. And besides, it's not like I haven't seen it before! I even had it in my mouth onc—"

"Youuu!!! Shut up! Ugh! Geez! You! You! You're so gross!" I pointed an accusing finger at him as I struggled to find the words to say. I was too flustered with what he just said!

"I'm just saying the truth!"

"Oh, just shut up! I'm going out of here!"

I hastily grabbed the nearby towel and covered myself before heading towards the door.

"Hey, your hands kinda taste odd."

I stilled and looked at Tay who was furrowing his brows at me. Then it dawned on me.

"Oh. How does it feel to taste piss, huh?" I smirked before completely leaving the bathroom.


"Harlot! Slut! Wanton! Indecorous! Lascivious!"

I grimaced as Gun shouted over the phone after I told him everything that just happened. And when I say everything, I mean down to the last detail.

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