53rd Madness

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I woke up to someone softly tapping my cheeks. My initial reaction was to check who it was that was trying to start a beef with me but eventually grinned at the sight of Tay checking if I was fine.

I flung my arms around his neck. The remnants of the alcohol were still making my mind hazy as I pulled him closer to me and scanned his face intently.

"Oh, this was not here before?" I frowned.

Though my sight was not that clear, I could certainly see a scar on the side of his forehead, specifically on the right side. It was hidden by his hair so that was probably why I didn't notice it before.

"Hey, you need to get inside the room. Gun's given us their complimentary room so let's get inside, okay?" he tenderly said as he supported my weight.

"Wait, how did you get it first?" I asked again but he just held me tighter and headed towards the room.

He struggled in dragging me inside as I could no longer bring myself to walk on my own. I was practically putting all of my weight on him. Tss. I didn't even drink that much but why do my knees feel weak?

Tay carefully laid me on the bed and attempted to leave but I gradually grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Where are you going? Are you gonna leave me again?"

I didn't even know what I was thinking when I cupped his face and ran my thumb on his scar. "Where did you get this?" I asked weakly.

"New, I have to get you some water to drink first, okay? Just stay still. I'll be back."

"I don't want to drink water. I don't need water."

"But you have to, okay. This won't take long. I'll be back, I promise."

I weakly let go of his hand and curled into fetal position. I wanted to sleep so I slowly let my sleepiness win over me.


My head felt heavy when I woke up. It felt as if somebody decided to dump a bag of stones on my head.

I tried to get off the bed to check the time but failed to do so as something was running over my waist down.

"Holy shit," I exclaimed lowly as I saw a half naked Tay sleeping peacefully beside me. I immediately checked myself and heaved a sigh of relief upon realizing that I was fully clothed. Not that I was expecting something to happen between us but the idea of going through the same thing that happened before would be ridiculous.

I swallowed nervously upon seeing half of his body on top of mine, thus preventing me from moving. His arm was even tightly wrapped around my waist and his face was pressed against my shoulder.

I scanned the room and eventually knew that I wasn't in my unit. I slightly nudged my feet, trying to see if I could get away from him but stilled when Tay shifted on his position and rolled over the bed.

I leaned closer and looked at his scar again, the one on his forehead. It was perfectly hidden by his hair that if you wouldn't look closely, you wouldn't even notice it.

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