15th Madness

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"What's this all about?"

I eyed him as he took the seat across me.


"Of course, I know what it is. Do you think I'm blind?!" I snapped at him, my eyes rolling to make sure he'd realize how frustrating his answer was.

"Yah, I never thought you'd be so frustrated over a couple set that's why I reserved this entire restaurant for you."

"Wow, so should I be thankful to you then?" I sarcastically replied as I crossed my arms and leaned back on my seat. "And correction, I was never frustrated over your couple set for all I care."

He didn't answer and just grinned at me, making me even more irritated.

How can he be so passive about this whole thing?

I mean, okay, I admit. I lashed out at him over a couple set but that doesn't mean I'm jealous! Hell not!

I scoffed as I noticed him staring at me.


"Nothing. You just look so cute whenever you're irritated. Should I irritate you every day then?"

I grabbed the tissue holder from the table and attempted to throw it at him, but he just grinned even more before motioning the staff to come over.

"Please, serve the food now."

I just watched as the staff started placing food on our table.

I couldn't even keep up with everything they were placing and there were even some dishes that I couldn't recognize.

But what made me cock an eyebrow was that very familiar couple set.

"I am not eating that," I immediately announced before the staff could even place the entire dish on the table.

"Why? I thought you've been wanting to eat that set?"

"Oh, come on, Tay. That's a couple set. Do you think I'd eat something intended for couples? You're not even my boyfriend," I raised a brow at him.

Okay, fine. I was being a bit bitchy.

But can you blame me?

I can't even look at that set without remembering the fact that he and Aniston ordered the same thing!

Oh, great.

Why do I sound like a jealous boyfriend?

I don't.

I am not jealous.

"Can you take this out for me? These are enough," Tay politely dismissed the staff.

I just totally ignored him and started eating as I was starving.

And of course, I had to take advantage of the whole situation.

It's not like he was gonna make me pay for his reservation.

"Do you like the food?" Tay asked in the middle of our meal.

"Well, it would have been better if you're not sitting in front of me. You make me lose my appetite," I grimaced before digging into my food again, but I was sure I saw pain crossed his face for a split second.

He remained silent for a moment.

And for once, I felt guilty. Tay had always been the talkative type and him being silent was something that I was not used to.

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