38th Madness

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I went to work the next morning with the fear of encountering him, but it may have seemed that he was busy as he didn't come out of his office the whole day and neither did he call my attention.

I'd been living one peaceful day without having to deal with him, but not until our team leader informed us of the company dinner that we had to attend as a way to welcome the new boss.

"Can I just not go? I-I have a very important errand to attend to," I tried to reason out when they were all calling us after clocking off work.

"Are you being serious, New? What can be more important than welcoming the new boss? And besides he was the one who planned this dinner. Don't you think he would not be offended if you don't go?"

I tried so hard not to roll my eyes as I lazily grabbed my things and think of another way to get out of this ordeal.

"Hey, are you okay? We can just tell them you're not feeling fine. I'll send you home," Kav offered as he tried to pat my back.

I was about to decline his offer but Tay's voice echoed in the room.

"Everyone, I'm sorry if this took long as I was busy so to make it up to you, you can decided where you want to eat."

I rolled my eyes as my colleagues all rejoiced and started discussing the restaurants in the area.

I just remained silent despite Kav's intense stares at me. He looked worried but I just gave him a reassuring smile.

"You can all go ahead to where you want to have dinner just send me the location. And Mr Thitipoom."

All eyes fell on me as Tay mentioned my name.

"Ye-yes, Sir."

I mentally slapped myself for stuttering and I was sure as hell I saw a slight smile creeping through his face.

"I don't have my driver with me today so drive for me," he announced as he handed the car key to me but it was Kav who swiftly caught it.

"I'm sorry, Sir but New is not feeling well today, so let me drive instead."

Tay raised a brow at Kav before looking at me. I didn't want to have false hopes but I was sure I saw worry in his eyes.

"Okay. But New is still coming with me."



It was awkward.

And why wouldn't it be when I was sitting at the back with Tay while Kav was behind the wheel. Tay just made Kav look like a total driver as he insisted that I sit beside him.

Okay, don't get me wrong.

I refused. But then he went on hinting on insubordination and that sort of alarmed Kav.

I glanced at Kav through the rearview mirror and saw him looking at me as well but Tay eventually caught my attention.

"By the way, New, the wedding expo will be held for two days. You can just pack enough clothes for that. I'll take care of the rest."

I glanced back at Kav who already had his brows furrowed.

"Do you need an extra hand by then, Mr Vihokratana? I'm free this weekend," Kav offered and it was my turn to furrow my brows.

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