Chapter 42

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I looked around the room before I walked towards the floor to ceiling bookshelves that covered the whole back wall, silently wondering if any one of these books would hold the answers that I needed. I kept myself on guard for any possible movement or whatever, not liking the silence that seeped throughout the room. It was quiet, too quiet, the whole world waiting for something to happen, good or bad, I didn't know which.

I stopped in front of the bookshelves and looked at them before I took a deep breath. The woodsy and book smell made my heart ache, for my father would normally smell like this if he had been in his office for a long time.

The floor to ceiling bookshelves did not tower over me as they had in the past, but they were just as dark as I remembered them, sometimes growing bigger with each passing second or growing smaller.

I took a deep breath and let it out, trying to relax but to no avail. I scanned the book cases to see which book would have the information that I needed.

One book with no words on the spine caught my attention, and no matter how many times I looked away from it, my gaze ended up on it again.

Could this be the book that holds the answers that I need?

I took another deep breath and reached out to touch it when the door to the office was slammed open with such force that I was surprised that it didn't break. I twisted around and opened my mouth to either attack or say something to the intruder but was interrupted by this blinding white light that came from their hands, and it stole my voice away and had me frozen in place.

The person was muttering something under their breath that I couldn't make out, their voice firm and cold. They didn't say a word to me, only kept muttering their spell that had me at a standstill.

Finally, the whole world seemed to start spinning as their magic took hold of me, and I could feel my memories being changed, and I had no way of stopping it.

Was this the death that Salem had warned me about? a stray thought entered my brain. Or was this something else?

However, like the rest of the stuff that I "found out," that thought didn't last long and was changed before everything went black, and I passed out into a dreamless sleep with the person standing over me and a few feet away from getting some answers.

Goddess, please let me find another way to remember and find information to help my mate...


I sat up somewhere, taking a deep breath of air, and blearily looked around, wondering where I was at because my vision was blurry, and I couldn't see. My whole body was tense, and it felt as if someone had taken something and smashed my head until it pounded with a steady thump, thump, thump.

What the fuck happened last night? I asked and groaned while I closed my eyes and laid back down on whatever surface I had woken up on while I rubbed my eyes. I could feel a pillow underneath my head and blankets over my body, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was in some sort of bed placed somewhere other than where I had been, which was... someplace else that I couldn't remember.

My headache pounded harder, if that was even possible, and I groaned and moved my hand from my eyes and moved across my forehead, trying to relieve some of the pressure that I felt to no avail.

I tried to remember what had happened last night that had me feeling like this, but I couldn't; I couldn't remember what had happened. I knew that I didn't drink anything at the bar when I went scouting, and then I knew I didn't drink anything at home even after my wolf tried to take control of me.

So why did I feel like this?

I took a deep breath and let it out with a soft whoosh while I tried to replay last night to see if I couldn't find out where or what made me feel like this.

Could Salem have done this to me? I bit back a snort and a shake of my head, too in pain to do it, but as soon as that thought entered, I had to cancel it out because I scared them too much for them to do something to me.

So, then what?

I grabbed and shoved the blankets off of me before I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in my room. When did I get in here? I could have sworn that I was going to do something and not be inside my room all night.

I sat up and looked around my room some more with furrowed brows. My whole body was tense, and I could feel this little piece of something stirring inside of me as if it was an answer to my questions about last night.

However, even with all of my might, I could not get to it and focus my attention on what I hoped was the answer. It drifted further and further away from my reach while I tried to focus on it, and it stayed away as if the person who had done this to me was far stronger than me and more powerful.

But they weren't as stubborn as me. I will find out what they don't want me to see.

I huffed and shook my head before I hopped out of bed, catching myself before I fell to the ground. "Mother fucker," I all but hissed and shook my head again to clear the spiderwebs that covered my brain. "Whoever did this better has a good reason for it."

I stumbled to the bathroom, feeling as if I had woken up with a hangover, even though I knew it wasn't true. I didn't turn on the lights in the bathroom because I knew that they would blind me and make me madder than I was already, so I just took off my clothes instead.

"They are going straight to hell," I grumbled and turned on the faucet, watching the water pour out of the spicket. "They better know about my past and know that I stopped because I did not want to feel this way ever again."

I pulled on the little tab thing on the spicket and watched as the water moved to the shower head instead of the faucet. I sighed and shook my head before I hopped into the shower, deciding to worry about it later.

Right now, I knew that I needed to get cleaned up and then go see what the pack has been doing before I find a way to get Levi to follow me to Horus.

Please let that be easy, I prayed silently while I took my shower. I need to know what answers Horus has and if there is a way that I can get my mate free from those that have bound him in their power.

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