Chapter 24

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Arguing in the kitchen met my ears when we made it there, and I raised an eyebrow when I heard two men arguing in Spanish over pineapples.

Miguel and Aaron were in the kitchen arguing with Mindy sitting at the table, watching them with eyes wide because it seemed very heated about something, and I was impressed that Aaron was able to keep up with Miguel's Spanish. Miguel was cutting something up while he yelled at Aaron, and I felt a little annoyed because I knew he could hurt himself.

"Ok!" I barked, silencing the two men, and the three people flinched and looked at me with wide eyes. I raised an eyebrow and scowled. "Why are you two arguing about a pineapple so loudly?"

"Because that asshole says that pineapples eat you while you eat it," Aaron said, pointing to Miguel. "I don't believe in these lies."

"Well, what he is saying is true," I replied. "Pineapples do eat you while you eat it. It explains the tingly sensation in your tongue."

Aaron shook his head. "I don't believe it," he said. He stuck his fingers in his ears. "I am not going to hear any more about it. Lalalalalalalala."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and shook my head. "Idiots. I am surrounded by idiots," I said.

"The only idiot I see is him," Miguel said, nodding to Aaron, who still had his fingers in his ears. "Everyone else is just sane." He finished making whatever he was making and started to put away his supplies. "I made you a sandwich. I didn't know when you would be done. You took the whole time again."

I shrugged, grateful for the stand-in Beta. "How did this argument start, or do I even want to know?" I asked. I started to make my way to get my sandwich when Aaron gestured for me to sit down, and he went to get it. I rolled my eyes but obliged and sat down after I took my bag off of my back and set it beside me.

Miguel and Aaron looked at each other before they looked at me. "I don't think you want to know," Miguel said. He grabbed his plate and sat down beside me with Aaron at my other side.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Why do I put up with you two?" I asked, and they shrugged their shoulders.

Levi went and sat next to Mindy, and Mindy sat on top of him and started to make out in front of us. Levi placed his arms around her and didn't try to move her, and a twinge of jealousy settled in the pit of my stomach, but I didn't do anything.

Miguel glanced at them and pursed his lips in disgust before he turned his attention to me. "So, how do you like your hair? Do you feel lighter?"

"Like I can float," I replied, earning a snicker from the two men. I took a bite from my sandwich, not wanting the food to go to waste, even though they were still snogging in front of us.

"Hey, don't forget to do the thing," Miguel said, and I turned my head to look at him.

"What thing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes when Miguel scratched his ear, and I sighed before I reached into my pocket for the case that held the earpiece.

Miguel shifted until he covered me from the snogging couple's view and stared into my eyes, making sure to "submit" so that he wouldn't make me feel as if he was challenging me. "You have nice eyes," he said. "Did you know that?"

I raised an eyebrow and stuffed the earpiece into my ear. "Thanks..?"

"Hello, my Love, are you done? I wanna get the ring. Have you heard from Filip? He should have drunk the blood from him, or did y-"

"Hello, Corey. How much sugar did you have today?" I asked, hiding back and eye roll. "Would you move your face so that I can enjoy my food?"

"I don't know how you can enjoy it with that going on," Aaron said, gesturing to the still snogging couple while Miguel moved out of my way.

"A lot."

"Like this," I replied. I grabbed my sandwich and took a big bite from it. "Why?"

"Because we raided a candy shop before we came to the pack..."

I rolled my eyes but didn't reply.

"You are so disgusting," Aaron said, giving me a disgusted look. "I don't understand you sometimes."

"I don't understand why you can't eat in front of that," Miguel said. He took a big bite from his food, and Aaron stared at him with wide eyes and an opened mouth.

"You two are so disgusting."

"When are you free to give her the ring?" Anthony asked. He sounded annoyed, and I had a feeling that he was the one that was with her.

"After I finish my food," I replied. I took another bite of my food, and Aaron finally muttered something under his breath and left.

Miguel snorted. "So, what is the plan for the rest of the day?" he asked, and she finally pulled away from Levi to listen in to what I was going to do.

"Probably start studying for my finals," I replied. I took another bite of my food. "But go into town first before I do that."

"Then leave your bag here," Mindy said. "Where it is safe."

I forced a grin on my face, even though all I wanted to do was scowl. "No."

Mindy scowled. "I am y-"

"You are not my Luna," I said, interrupting her. "The only way you can be my Luna is if he marks and mates with you. Do not think that voodoo shit will fool me. It takes a lot to fool me."

She folded her arms across her chest. "Well, then he can order you to leave your bag. He is your Alpha, and he can use an Alpha command on you."

I shook my head. "It doesn't work on me." I nodded to Levi. "He knows that it won't either."

Mindy turned her gaze to him, and Levi nodded in agreement. She scowled and turned to me. "Then we will order your pre-"

"Do you want to know what will happen if either of you orders these pack members?" I asked, interrupting him. "Alpha or not. The care of the pack rests on my shoulders, and I will not let them fall."

Mindy gulped and shifted in her seat. Hesitation filled her eyes, and I could smell the fear coming off of her. "Wh-"

I pulled my butterfly knife out of my pocket and flicked it open before I slammed the knife into the sandwich with a loud bang.

All three of them flinched away from me. They all stared at me with wide eyes, and I didn't care while I kept my eyes trained on them.

"Oh, ya, the Viper is back, baby, and she is ready to play," Corey said. "Woot. Woot."

I took the knife from the sandwich and licked the pure silver blade, cutting my tongue in the process while I licked it. I made sure to keep my gaze on them at all times and watched the pure look of horror on both of their faces because they knew that the blade was pure silver.

My tongue stung after I finished licking it, but I knew that it wouldn't hurt for long because this was not the first time that I had licked this knife. And I knew that it wouldn't be the last while I placed the knife in my pocket.

In stunned silence, I stood and grabbed my bag before I slung it over my shoulder. "That is what will happen if you order these pack members, and it will not just be a sliced tongue."

I got away from the table and pushed the chair in before I started to make my way to the door with no one saying a word from either end.

'What do you want me to do with the sandwich?' Miguel asked when I stepped out of the house.

'Toss it. Sorry about not finishing the sandwich.'

'It's ok. I didn't finish mine either. Be careful.'

I didn't reply while I started to make my way to my grandmother's house while my tongue started to heal.

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant