Chapter 32

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I weaved through the trees, using the powers over the shadows that I seemed to possess to make sure that I was not able to be caught by him but be seen.

My heart pounded hard in my chest, the thrill of the chase filling my blood and making me super aware of my surroundings.

The Alpha Male cursed me every step of the way, tripping over roots that appeared in his path every so often. "Stop running!" he exclaimed. "Alexandra, this is not funny anymore."

I didn't respond and continued to run because this was fun for me, especially since I hadn't been able to use my powers like this in a long while.

"Please, Lexi," he said, and it took all of my self-control not to turn around and scold him for calling me my nickname.

Instead, I ran faster than I had and moved further into the shadows to appear even further ahead than I was to my prior position. I followed this bond that I had, not knowing where it went nor who it belonged to.

All I knew was that I needed to follow this bond and hope that whoever it was connected to would help me convince Levi that I was not Alexandra.

I burst out onto an open road just as a truck stopped suddenly in front of me, not even laying on their horn. My eyes were with shock that instantly turned to relief when I caught the sight of the brown eyes of Filip past the blinding headlights.

Filip quickly rolled down his window, and the scent of peppermint and cream filled my nose, indicating that he wasn't alone but was with his "secret lover." "Get in," he said, and I did not need to be told twice and hopped into his truck.

"Thank Goddess that you're here," I said and reached into the back only to have my hand smacked away. "H-"

Filip sent me a look and reached in the back to pull my bag up front. "I have my ways," he replied. He kept looking backward and started to drive in reverse up the road he was on. "Explain."

"Levi," I replied and started to get ready to look more like Alexandra and not the Viper. I took my leather jacket and gloves off and slipped the gloves into my pockets. "He was at the bar."

"Seriously?" Filip asked, and I nodded. "Was he controlled?"

"Yes," I replied. "I'll explain everything later. When I have the time, and we're not pressed for it. Levi should be coming out of the forest soon." I pulled off my knee-high boots before opening my bag to pull out a pair of blue jeans.

"What's the story that we are going with tonight?" Filip asked.

"Same old story?" I asked, putting them on. "We went on a "date" and went to see a movie. I have no idea what movie we saw because I fell asleep since I was tired."

"And then burgers and pizza?" Filip asked, and I nodded. He nodded in agreement. "I can do that. This is why we make a great team, prekrasnyy (beautiful)," he said, and I rolled my eyes. He flashed me a smirk and kept driving backward, wanting to give me as much time to get finished in changing my look as possible.

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Do you have makeup stuff th-"

"Da, (yes)," he replied, interrupting me. "I have makeup stuff that you can use to make yourself look like the Viper again. I also have the potion that will make it so that your scent will disappear again."

I nodded relieved. "Good," I replied and buttoned my jeans. "I'm going to need it." I reached into the bag again and pulled out a button down shirt as well a black string that I could clip onto my dress and make it look like a halter top.

"Well, you could always call it a night," Filip said and flashed me a smirk. "I could always take you out on a proper date." He stopped the truck and watched me get the button down shirt on before he started to drive forward.

"No, thanks," I replied. I clipped the black string onto my dress with a gold piece and tied it around my neck. "Not when you have eyes for someone else." I gave him a pointed look, and he shrugged.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I have been traveling by myself."

"You do realize that I don't believe you, right?" I asked. "I do have a nose." I heard slight cursing from the back in which Filip tried to cover up with a cough.

"Sorry," he said and cleared his throat, and I rolled my eyes. "I had something lodged in my throat."

"Bull shit," I retorted and pulled some tennis shoes and socks out of the bag. I pulled them on before I reached into the bag again and pulled out some makeup wipes that would wipe away my makeup quickly.

"It's the truth," Filip defended himself.

"So, if I call Nike, he can confirm that all his pack members are on pack land?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "He would say that his Beta is there?"

Again, there was cursing from the back, but there was no other noise.

Filip didn't try to cover up that curse but set his jaw instead. He kept his eyes on the road while he grasped the steering wheel tight.

"You know that he is fine with it, right?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

Filip didn't respond and set his jaw further. Pain filled his eyes, and I knew that he wanted to be with her but knew that he couldn't.

She was mated to another, even though she was rejected, and he, well, he told me that he was in the life of service, and that meant he couldn't be with her.

"I don't understand you sometimes," I said and wiped the makeup off my face and nails. "I-"

"We'll talk about this later," Filip said, interrupting me. He scowled and looked at me, his eyes a darker brown, which told me that he was very annoyed with me.

I shrugged and didn't respond. Quickly, I grabbed a spray that helped me hide my scent and turned the nozzle before I sprayed that on me.

"Can y-"

"I was going to do it anyway," I said, interrupting him. "Can you smell me?"

"Yes," Filip said. "It has worked."

"Good," I muttered and turned the nozzle back to where I was able to hide scents. "We're coming close to Leviathan. I can feel him." I sprayed the back with it, making sure that Bea's scent was covered.

Filip hummed and nodded. He didn't say a word while I finished getting ready. His whole body was tense, and I could tell that he didn't like the idea of him seeing us together.

I finished putting everything that made me look like the Viper away and stuffed the bag into the back.

After that, I sat back down and clipped on my seatbelt before pulling a bow off the joystick and putting my hair into a braid. "Well?" I asked after I was done and grabbed the jean jacket to cover myself with.

Filip looked at me from the corner of his eye and nodded. "You don't look like the Viper," he said. "Though you are still beautiful, prekrasnyy (beautiful.)"

I rolled my eyes and scowled. "I hate you. You know that, right?"

"I know," he replied and looked at the road. He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Levi jumped out of the woods, and he had to slam on the brakes to make sure that we didn't hit him.

Levi placed his hands on the hood of the truck and stared at me with eyes filled with confusion and pain. He was breathing heavily, and so was I while we stared at each other through the window.

Finally, he stirred and blinked, breaking the spell that had come around us, and mouthed, "Lex?"

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