Chapter 27

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"The Viper is in the house," the bartender called when I walked through the doors of his bar. He grinned and bowed his head, and I rolled my eyes at his crazy antics. "Where have you been?" he asked, raising an eyebrow while I waltzed to him. "It's been a while since I had seen you."

"Around," I all but purred and took my normal seat before him. I smiled and cocked my head. "So, I see that you did miss me, Chase." I raised an eyebrow when the male rolled his eyes. "I thought you said you wouldn't."

"Now, I never said that. I can't because I would miss your lovely face. Usual?" He set a glass in front of me but stopped when I shook my head. "What?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "You don't want it?"

"It's an alcoholic drink, Chase," I replied. "I'm under strict orders not to drink anything with alcohol unless I want something done that I have no control over. It's not something that I want to deal with." I nodded my head to a corner where a couple of the King's Guard watched the interaction between Chase and me.

Chase knew that I was part of the King's Guard and knew that I had orders from the king. He knew that there was a "secret" part to me, but he didn't know what, and I had no idea if he would serve me if he did.

Unlike me, Chase wasn't part of a pack. He was a Rogue through and through, but he did work for the king if the king needed help with anything. His bar was a hangout for both Rogues and pack members alike, but there were some pack members that he was not comfortable with, and Alphas or Betas were the ones that had the shorter end of the stick.

His place was an information hub, and anyone or anything could get any information if they knew which cards to pull and who to talk to. Even he could get information out of anyone, except for me, because I was his "hardest" nut to crack, as he once told me before I "retired" from this position.

The male looked that way before he looked at me and nodded his head while he hummed in agreement. "What about some water instead?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Would they allow you to drink that?" A sly smirk appeared on his face while he leaned forward, and I smiled and leaned forward until we were barely an inch apart.

"I think that you should be asking me that, Chase," I replied. "But yes, that will work." I cleared my throat and leaned back, moving a hand through my black hair. "Don't you have other species coming here besides Werewolves?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and getting down to business. "I am looking for someone."

"You should know that other species hang out here as well, Vipe," Chase said, calling me by the nickname he had given me so many years ago. He went to get my water, using the glass that he had gotten for me and did not let me say another word.

I rolled my eyes and turned away from the counter, glad that this chair was still able to swivel like I had asked him to get me so long ago. Scanning the musky room, I picked up on a couple of interesting people, one of which stared at me with this sly smirk on his face.

He raised his glass in greeting, and all I did was roll my eyes and turn away from him before I turned on the listening device in my ear. His gaze was still on my back, and I had a feeling that he was studying me, trying to figure out, and if what was said about me was true.

"Who is that guy in the back corner?" I asked those that were watching over me. "Do we know?" I watched Chase talk to someone before starting to walk back to me with water and a bowl of cherries.

"No, but he does look sketchy," Corey said. "Oh, since I am here, can I get the blood from you?"

I held back an eye and scoffed mentally. "When I am not working," I replied. "Not that many people know that you are part of the King's Guard because you aren't dressed like it, and I don't want to be associated with you two."

"Awww, that hurts, Lex. After all, we had been through." Corey faked sniffled, and I couldn't help but mentally roll my eyes. "I thought we were friends."

"We are friends, Core," I replied. "However, it is your fault because you had decided to eat a lot of sugar and pass out. You'll get it later. I have it with me."

"Well, at least you brought it with you," Corey grumbled. "Wanna slip it to me on the dance floor?"

"Can't. I am here on other business. Check to see who that person is. I'm probably going to have to talk to him." I raised an eyebrow at Chase when he reached me and set down the water and cherries. "Why the cherries, Chase? I just wanted water."

"So you can do your sexual thing with them," Chase replied, and I rolled my eyes. "Come on; it is kind of sexy." He pouted and cocked his head. "Please?"

I took one of the cherries from the container and wiggled it in front of him. "Answer my question first, and I will do it."

Chase raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. "And what do you want me to answer?" he asked.

"I am searching for someone," I said. "I do not know if it is either a witch or warlock, but I know that it is one of them."

Chase raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. "Who are you searching for?"

"Someone that knows a symbol or you if you know it." I leaned forward and raised an eyebrow. "You are good at symbols. Aren't you?" I cocked my head, studying him.

"It depends," Chase said. He leaned back, pulled a pen and paper from underneath the counter, and placed it in front of me. "Draw it out for me. I am sure you remember what it looks like."

I stuffed the cherry and its stem in my mouth and worked my "magic" while I drew the symbol for him on the piece of paper. The symbol, 𓂀, stood on the sheet of paper when I was finished with it, and I turned it to him. "That."

Chase looked at the symbol, and his face grew pale. "You don't know what that is?" he asked, looking at me. "Seriously?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's the Eye of Horus. I know that," I replied. "I wanted to see if you knew that because that is the basic part of what the design is."

Chase's Adam's Apple bobbed up and down, and he didn't meet my gaze. Finally, he cleared his throat and shifted in front of me. "Well?" he asked, catching my gaze before he looked away. "Show me the rest of it."

I grunted out a response and turned the paper towards me before adding the lines where they needed to go. "That," I said, turning the paper towards him. "That is what I need you to tell me. Do you know it?"

Chase leaned back and cleared his throat. His face grew paler and paler, and he looked as if he didn't want to tell me who it belonged to.

"Come now, Chase," I purred. I moved the piece of paper in front of him, and his eyes followed it. "I know you know who it is. Don't you?" I paused and stopped moving the paper. "You know better than to lie to me. Do you know who it belongs to?"

Chase cleared his throat and looked away before he looked at me. Finally, he sighed and nodded. "Yes," he said.

I leaned back in my seat and smirked, making sure to keep my balance. I cocked my head and studied him. "Good," I purred and leaned forward, raising an eyebrow. "Now, who is it?"

The Rejected Alpha (Book 1 of the Rejected Series)Where stories live. Discover now